I had planned to try to get to 4000 fish this year, but life said NOPE. Not enough opportunities and my timing was just off on some of my trips. There was real life terrible sad drama and mundane road blocks too.
I'll likely get to 2500 fish, but 3000 is a real reach.
Sooo, when you realize that you chosen a unattainable target, switch targets. I decided to go for my 52 species in a calander year goal again.
I was blessed with a chance to go fish in British Columbia. I added 9 new fish to the life list and put myself back on track to get to 52.
I got another shot in the arm when John came for a micro trip. So, I'm up over 40 species which was my old high water mark for species.
I hope to head south in October and take Dear Old Dad out and catch some La/Tx fish.
but I flat need help figuring out suckers on a hook and line. I know some guys manage to catch a few. Please help a brother out. It will be C&R only. If I can get a couple or three species of suckers to hand, that may be enough to put me over the top.