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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham

    Nancy Newton

    That starts in Jr High. Cover up transgressions. Allow bad behaviors. He's not all that well grounded apparently.
  2. See, it is possible to joke around without being a troll.
  3. Yeah, that's a sad deal. I couldn't remember his name when I posted earlier.
  4. well crap. Call Customer Service and ask if there is a replacement item.
  5. The simple formula I remember reading was that if the air temp and the water temp added together are < 100 that hypothermia is a significant issue. The lower the number the less time you have. I've wet waded in the Spring River when the air temp was hovering around sixty and it was raining. Soaked to the skin, but I was having fun and feeling good. I was cold, but felt like I could have stayed in that water for an extended amount of time (well, actually I did).
  6. Still happy with these boots.
  7. Please be careful. Think hard about water temp and air temp. There have been multiple people get hypothermic and drown trying that deal. Including a young man on Bull Shoals recently (last few years) and one of the Float N Fly innovators. You always have options. It would be better to lose the boat than to lose you life.
  8. Ham

    February trip

    well, that sucks.
  9. Ham

    February trip

    I really do not know the upper river all that well. I have fished from the dam all the way down to just above Calico Rock, but I don't "know" the upper river the way I do the mid to lower river AND super high water moves stuff around. I run a jet and I can often go really skinny and so my experience at times doesn't help me know where props can go. I've seen Terrierman go places with ease that I thought were gonna be tough and I've had ppl follow me with a prop that soon ate rock and decided No Mas.
  10. Ham

    February trip

    FB, I guess the full answer is it depends on where you are planning on fishing AND how much water they are running. You could safely use it in the long pool at Buffalo City, the confluence of the two rivers, and Rim Shoals regardless of water level. There is a LOT of fishing to be had in those areas. IF they continue to run water you could carefully pick your way around in other sections of the river. The 16 foot metal boat with a 25 HP doesn't entail the inherent risk of a glass boat with a big motor. ie they move slower and draft less water. I would hate to scratch my aluminum boat up, but glass fractures are much worse. I guess a lot of people have a higher risk tolerance than I do. I would not be comfortable and would not enjoy my fishing in a glass bass boat on the White.
  11. Ham

    February trip

    I hope that they will close the floodgates soon. I really think they will on the Norfork and I hope they will on The White River too. I don't like the river at >20,000 CFS, but I like it better than >30,000 CFS. Y'all do what y'all want. I see guys running Bass boats on the White and upper Taneycomo. I think the risk is too great.
  12. Ham

    February trip

    I hope you know the river really well. I'd never risk my BassCat on the White River.
  13. Ham

    February trip

    Yes, crazy people.
  14. That's what makes it so tough to put the turd down. I know if I drag it in the right places, it is going to get bit. I enjoy fishing a lot of different ways, but I really enjoy catching fish. A lot of times I feel like I am costing myself fish trying other lures. I have found anything else that catches fish as well as the Midwest Turd Rig.
  15. I have some interest in a Power Poke Micro for use with my Trout boat. Not for sticking in a high current spot. I am thinking about a variety of fishing spots not just the White River. Has anyone used one?
  16. Those things are too pretty to fish with. I'll just keep slinging half a Zinker.
  17. That's crazy Mitch. Crawfish replicants.
  18. Ham

    I feel the Bern!

    Ok then. I'm not sure what you're seeing in the guy, but have at it. it would be a fascinating election between Sanders and Trump. I'm not at all sure I would like the outcome and I know neither the DNC nor the RNC wants it to happen.
  19. Ham

    I feel the Bern!

    I watched the Dem debate. Really not impressed with either one of them.
  20. No doubt
  21. So many paintings get ruined by a pair of big hands.
  22. We're getting closer to Spring one day at a time. http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/usa/little-rock Looks like our days are getting almost 2 minutes more sunlight per day. I can hardly wait.
  23. Yep, Water coming thru the dam is pretty stained. It is a similar situation at TR; water coming thru the TR dam is off colored. The heavy rain actually colored up the entire lake. It seems counter intuitive, but the clearest water may be way up the creeks where the water ran in clear after the initial muddy runoff. I'd try way back up Bennett's or way back of Float. The water doesn't have to be as clear as normal, but I don't like to fish in cold, muddy water if I can help it.
  24. well, I fish for a little bit of everything. So, I have panfish setups. I have catfishing setups. I have flyrods. I have crappie jigging poles. I have trout spinning gear. I think I even have a few bass fishing combos. I have rods that I value to much to take on creek trips. I have rods that I really like, but if they are lost at sea on a float trip I will survive. They add up over time. I need to thin the herd myself, but I am thinking about adding a couple of dock shooting combos so.....
  25. Ham

    February trip

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