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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Missouri. Not too far from you Justin.
  2. I find it all but impossible to use 7x. I break off always every hookset. My bad i know, but I can hardly imagine trying to use 8X.
  3. That's a very impressive fish.
  4. Ohhhh crap. I've got a pretty decent pictogram for sucker ID, but you need to have a couple of photos of the mouth the make the best guess. He was pretty wiggley and although he is small, he was the biggest of the bunch. I was guessing chub, but sucker huh?
  5. I'm a big fan of using my paddle to see how deep it is.
  6. Caught several of these last Wednesday. I'm guessing sone kind of chub, but would like to KNOW what it is. Anybody know what it is?
  7. I was thinking the first lure might be the Rebel Quaterback. I loved those little baits. Remeber back in the day when Norman lures and Rebel lures where almost like different product lines at GM?
  8. Hooks have gotten so much better than back Ihen.
  9. Attaboy ! I want a ride in that new Blazer!
  10. It always throws like a knuckleball and it can as difficult to control on the retrieve as a drunk, angry girlfriend.
  11. I'm just having fun rps. I have my crazy preferences too. The bait you love works no doubt. I own a couple, but I see no need to repaint or swap out hooks or feathers.
  12. How much per lure were your slight modifications ? Lol.
  13. War Eagle makes some really good boats. I love that galvanized trailer. Growing up in Baton Rouge, I didn't know there was any other kind of trailer.
  14. Can we stock a crap Tom of Red Ear Sunfish then? I miss catching them.
  15. I've never been in one, but IF I lived close enough to fish the Current more I would absolutely have a Blazer set up with a 40 hp jet. They seemed to be very efficient for that situation. I have no idea about the varibles and options, but I bet you can work all that out.
  16. I loved my G3. I had the HP180. I loved the Yammy 130 HP motor I had. I hated the Bear trailer. Frame cracked on me and then rusted so badly that I had to have sections rewelded. IF they still use Bear trailers, I would not consider buying another G3.
  17. Do the Drum and Red Ear Sunfish eat them?
  18. Took the boat out Saturday as planned. Shakedown cruise for the trailer. So far so good on the trailer. I have one bolt that I need a back up on to fully tighten. I put another 1/4 tire on a couple of lugs. Everything else looks good. I did Wildcat Shoals first. I had about 2000 CFS. It was slower than I like and more bait fishermen than I like. Relocated to Rim Shoals. Stayed in the C&R all day. Pretty sure I saw multiple groups of guys using bait. Rim was slow until I figure out a pattern and then I beat on them pretty good. It was like feeding a fat kid doughnuts. A strike everycast for a long time but not a fish every cast. I left them biting. It was pretty hot and I had a couple of other things to do. I finished with 64. I wanted 100, but I didn't stay long enought to get there. I fished about 5 hours.
  19. I got the axle swapped out. I had a really crappy day today and look to have a better day tomorrow. I hope to hang triple digits on them, but I getting a 50 burger NO DOUBT.
  20. Wasn't planning on a wood stove, but I will have a small gas fireplace insert so we will have heat with or without power.
  21. That seems like a fair price Clay. What GL2 rod are you looking for? I have a SR720 I'd love to part ways with. JD has dibs. We might swap rods IF I ever manage to bump into him.
  22. Anyone want to join me this fall scrambling up and down the bluff removing trees and undergrowth. ****** insert sounds of crickets ******
  23. Thanks man. I hope I still love the idea after I stress out a thousand times during the building process.
  24. Hey Jeff, We've bought a bluff lot in Marion County that looks across at Cotter. We can see the Rainbow Bridge to the left and Roundhouse shoals down to the right. Finishing out an existing structure for now, building more and better later. We'll need to sell our current home eventually. We'll officially put it on the market in March.
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