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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Ham


    Great Job Andy! I wouldn't have confidence in that dingy water, but you know your water. Ever tried a Chatterbait in that?
  2. I've got a couple of volunteer plants that I thought might be onions, but nah.
  3. Could you post a picture of them in the ground?
  4. 6 lb Nano is the bomb diggity for trout or panfish. I'd use P Line CX Premium for a leader. Awesome set up. I have used 6 lb Nano for bass as well, but I'll probably stick to 10 lb in the future on reels that I intend to primarily bass fish with.
  5. Phil is as good a jig fisherman as can be found on Taney. Go by his place and buy what he uses. Excellent point about considering the reel as well. Don't get a good rod and put a crap reel on it.
  6. Are the Bluegill you're finding in 18-35 related to any particular type of structure? I'm trying a new technique for deep water Bluegills, but they aren't were I was finding them last year.
  7. Yes. All the usual suspects for Norfork. You might also throw a few hoppers along the banks.
  8. The only thing I heard weas that it did not fish as well when they had a gate cracked a bit to replace the flow while the siphon was being repaired. I don't know if the siphon repair has been completed or not. Norfork can get dingy after big rains from hillside runoff, but it will clear with a little generation. They ran water last night so I would think it's good to go. I'd feel good about fishing it.
  9. I only catch a few accidental ones a year, but I appreciate them all.
  10. Yep. Lots of plastics and JIgheads will work, but the elaztech and little mushroom heads are such a good combo. He who shall not be named and his cohorts sweated out the details for everyone else. I geared up as suggested and fish with out worrying if I could be doing better if I had a better combo of plastic and lead.
  11. It is not want you want. Played that game yesterday. Gaige's didn't move much and we thought we were olden. Wrong. Tough day. I fell your pain.
  12. Well, yeah.
  13. They'll eat jigs on 6 lb for me or I won't catch them. Full Disclosure: I have not banged my head against the no generation wall at Taney very often, but I caught them when I did. I sight fished individual fish along a bluff. I threw the jig ahead of them and would pop it up off bottom in fron tof them when they got close. I only got a few before generation started, but they were all nice. Taney and the White River below BSL are two very different animals.
  14. Three of the four powered boats I've bought we're purchased used. The boat I bought new I ran for > 10 years and used it hard By all means, buy what you can afford and be happy in that.
  15. I've gonna guess 5bites hasn't had a 26 inch walleye grab an alabama rig being tossed on braid yet. Dead guys would feel that bite.
  16. I always insist on tying my boat so that it can not float away AND my buddy always insists that I'm an idiot to do so.
  17. It's good that a potentially bad experience got turned into a good experience for both of you. Glad things worked out so well.
  18. Ham

    Swing Jig

    I could use a good lesson in how to fish it. I've thrown it off and one and to this point have caught one (1) fish on it. It was small and the bite was almost indiscernable. I've tried beavers and brush hogz. I know it must be productive. I need to figure it out.
  19. I have not used it myself, but I am interested in getting a kit from Pro-Tec. One of their products is a gel coat restoring product. You might give that a go.
  20. so many fish, so little time.
  21. It's almost always a grounding issue, but Istruggle with it more than I should too. I went LED's on the trout boat and will go LEDS when the Bass Cat next gives me issues.
  22. I've literally caught 100's of bass on the stupid little rig, I have seen 13 different species of fish caught on it, it's been my most productive presentation on almost every bass trip I've made since the beginning of April, and I've been able to show it to some young men with minimal experience and been able to have them catch a bunch of fish their first time trying it BUT Old Plug knows better than us. He's been catching fish longer than we've been alive and he has no reason to change what he's doing. OK?
  23. I had my first jig hook failure after it was pre-rigged for a few weeks. The salt inside the elaztech is something else. I don't tear my plastic off the jighead after a trip, but I likely should. I'm pretty set of jigheads and I'm set on soft plastics. SO far, the expensive part seems to be the Loc Tite Gel glue. It's the cat's PJ's but I've had a couple of tubes go bad before their time. I'm trying to be careful witht hem, but it is what it is.
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