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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I'm going to wait a little bit and see if Phil is able to recover them. I can reload them if need be.
  2. See, it's a Good Thing Phil doesn't allow cursing.
  3. Sorry Bro. My first weekend off with my wife in a Month. We could try to promote it a month out next time in get a Crew there
  4. I need a little more information. Are you putting the compressed air tube into the indicator outflow and blowing debris "backwards"? I want to see that flow too, but I did think it was an indicator and not the majority of you cooling water.
  5. I thought the noise the Battenkill makes is one of the selling points?
  6. Fenwick had a spinning rod series for river fishing smallmouth. I had one I loved and it broke while a kid I took fishing was using it. Fenwick no longer made it and sent me what they said was close. It was without value.
  7. It's frustrating that they make a Great rod or reel, but they can't leave it alone. If you like it, you'd better figure that out and buy spares because they'll phase it out unannounced in a season or two for "new and better" which is more just new and not better.
  8. I had a dream that I caught a baby Sperm Whale. It was wild that I caught a whale, but I figured I'd be in Trouble for it AND it wasn't going to go on my life list.
  9. You could meet me at Duck Creek in April. Waldo will choke on the grass some, but we'll manage. You get a Chain Pickerel. No promises on Warmouth.
  10. I think I'm down to only needing a Warmouth to complete the normally available brim" family. I'll get Yellow Perch, Black Crappie, and White Crappie somewhere along the way.
  11. Those are some really nice bass
  12. PetSmart doesn't stock those
  13. 37) Western Mosquitofish
  14. I have a friend that owns one. He loves it. He had run Supremes in the past, but I think he's sold on XX now
  15. I'm most mad about the Quillback
  16. A different angle
  17. 36) Banded Sculpin
  18. 35) Creek Chub
  19. The only thing that aggravates me is all the lost opportunities of my past. It is to me, shameful that I have not caught (knowingly) caught Orange Spotted Sunfish and Dollar Sunfish.
  20. If it is a competition, it is a very friendly one. I want you do catch a ton of species. The ocean is full of variety. I'm obsessed with getting to a 100 species. My real opponent is time/opportunity. If I put the effort in and make trips in different watersheds, I can make it happen. This is the last year I will set 100 Species as a Goal.
  21. I figured out how to manipulate them into biting and had to do it a second time to prove I was right
  22. 34) Plains Stoneroller very satisfying to catch these
  23. I saw the pics last night and I felt like a scrub. Those fish had so much color. I did have a Nice Red though
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