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Everything posted by Ham

  1. None. Little Brown Balls of Hate.
  2. I'm the only guy in the world that can't buy a fish with a RC STX.
  3. What about on jigging spoon?
  4. only 16?
  5. Let me know if you would like to swap some Megabass for some of the other baits. I'll try trade you 2 to one McSticks and 3 to 1 STX.
  6. The MC Stik is a better Megabass knockoff for just a little more money. Just saying.
  7. I made a trip to Virginia to fish smallies with a buddy on the New River. We stayed in a cabin right on the river. the road to the cabin ran alongside a railroad track which was very active. There was lots of repair debris along the sides of the track. So I'm easing down the road to the cabin and a 5 plus foot piece of track had been thrown down and ended up stretched across the road. I saw it and decided I would get it out of the road. I bent down and went to snatch it up and basically nothing happened. I was able to get it where I wanted it, but my idea that this was gonna be easy was in error.
  8. From personal experience, The pieces of rail weigh a LOT more than they look like they weigh.
  9. Good deal on the fish. I caught 20 fish on my last 4 hour trip, but I'mstill pretty angry about my 1 fish trip. I must drive my Bass Cat harder than I realize. A while back I pulled some air into the line when the Oil Tank still had 1 and 1/2 gallons in it. I had to play the bleed the side tank game multiple times. It's a long story, but It was a learning experience for me. I now have marked a line on the exterior of my 3 gallon oil tank that indicates when it will hold a full gallon. I add another gallon as soon as it gets below that line. I hope never to have to bleed the air out so that the side tank "knows" it has oil.
  10. em = electric moon?
  11. I think kids haven't fully developed their nervous system or something. My skinny as a rail daughter would swim in stuff that I struggles to wet wade in. Her lips would be blue, but she would keep right on doing it.
  12. Funny how your memory works. There is a theory that nothing is forgotten we just cant access the information. Bill's story took me back to being an 8 year old and "tying on" a brand new Beetle Spin 1/8 oz White with a Red Blood Spot. I tossed it over the side and watched it sink out of sight. I didn't lie about it, but I didn't being my Dad's attention to what just happened either. Bummer. Kinda surprised to hear you went McStik over the 110 in the first place, but both are good baits. I've had much better results with the McStik than the RC STX. BTW Bill, I'm loving the Jerk Bait Special.
  13. I agree. Keep only what you are going to use. They stay fresh in the water a lot better than in a freezer.
  14. Ham

    What's Cooking?

    A lot of us get sinus headaches or sinus pressure, but an honest to goodness sinus infection is awful. I guess I had never really had one until last May. Mine hurt right behind right eye. Hurt enough that I thought it was an eye infection or an eye problem. I suffered through it for a few days and went to an eye doc. Spent $50 to be told my eye was perfectly fine. I was taking ibuprofen and pseudophed every 4 hours. I could tell when it kicked in and I could tell when it was wearing off. It really, really took most of the fun out of life. A few days later I got into the MD office and got antibiotics. I know medications, but I DO NOT self diagnosis / prescribe. 24 hours after I started the ABX, I was getting relief. I'll know what's going on a lot sooner next time.
  15. The good news is that trout are regularly stocked. The fishing will slow down as more and more and more are kept, but they will be restocked and hopefully some of them will stay in restricted zone and can get bigger. The Silver Bullet Trout are as popular with most as the Silver Bullet Beer. Takes all kinds. I hope they're having fun.
  16. That would be awful. I had a really good trip late last fall and was hoping to repeat it one of these days. They will bounce back though.
  17. Well heck yeah ! You darn well ought to be. That looks fantastic!
  18. Man, I'd be all about it. As long as I was off.
  19. Cajunangler is my friend. If I didn't already have too many ML spinning rods, I would have bought two of these rods before he ever listed them. We both have the 6'10" L version of this rod. It is one of my go to Ned rod. I have not used the ML version, but I am told it is just a touch heavier action. It would fish Ned rigs, tubes, finesse jigs, Shakey heads, and Slider rigs really well. these rods are light, pretty, comfortable, and very sensitive. I've caught literally 100's of fish on my Okuma without any issue. I expect to catch 100's more this year. This is a heck of a deal on a really good rod.
  20. I wish I could.
  21. I've got two I would be glad to sell for $4.00 each. I swear we need to have an OA lure swap / Meet and Greet at Lilly's Landing one weekend in Late Jan / early Feb.
  22. I had a most generous teacher and a desire to catch every fish in the lake.
  23. I've had great luck sometimes and zero success at others. It seems random, but maybe I just forget my meds some days.
  24. Why not? Yep, I figure Fish 24/7 would be pretty dialed in on them.
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