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Pie, Pie and more pie. We have been throwing a Pie Party since 1984. Have had to skip twice during that time. Once for a bad ice storm that knocked out power for 5 days and in 2020 because of Covid. Usually make 10-12 pies and have friends over to enjoy time together. We have some we make almost every year and throw in a couple new ones each year. I used to make several but now I just swamp for the wife and clean up the mess. The most popular this year was a new one, a New York style cheese cake covered in carmel and toasted cashews, and Apple pecan with a White chocolate bourbon sauce to drizzle on top.
Several years ago I bought a CVA Accura v2 with a black soft touch stock. After several years I noticed that the butt stock was becoming sticky. I would clean it with soap and water and always store it in the safe in a controlled environment. But each year when I took it out to take a few practice shots, I would notice that the butt shock was becoming more sticky. This year I noticed that the fore end was also becoming sticky around the area that touches the barrel. This has never affected the accuracy because I have killed a deer with it every year. So I wrote to CVA to find out what I could do about this and how to keep it from getting worse. A couple days latter I go a shipping notice from contact@bpiguns.com that I was being sent a new stock. I called them and said I hadn't ordered anything and was told the stock was being replace under warranty. So if any of you are having the same problem either contact them by email or phone(770-449-4687).
Sorry to hear this. Enjoyed reading a couple of his books. Met him in Tulsa about 15 years ago when he was giving a talk and book signing at a store called Backwoods. Bought a couple books that he autographed and he drew a smallmouth on a book mark for me. he shared lots of great fishing wisdom.
We sure saw a lots of feral hogs and sign along the river. We saw maybe 50 total, a group of at least 15 came out of the trees while we were eating lunch the first day and hung out along the waters edge for 10-15 minutes. Saw several smaller groups and a couple sows with piglets. We could also hear them each night around our camps. Are people not allowed to hunt them along the river because they didn't seem to care much when they saw us. They would run back into the woods for a couple minutes and then return after a short while.
We had a great trip on the Eleven Point and will be making another trip in the future. Took us about 4.5 hours to get there from Tulsa. Nice drive until we turned on Hwy 19 and then we were on a roller coaster, glad it was day light and there was no traffic. We got to Greer about 10:45 and unloaded and drove the truck to Hufstedler's. We got on the water by noon. We camped the first night just down stream and across from Stinking Pond on a really nice gravel bar. So maybe 6 miles. It got down to the mid 50's at night so it was really nice sleeping. Between Greer and there we all caught several nice rainbows, 14-16 inch range and several smaller ones. I caught two Pickrel, one being a little over 20 inches. No fish on the fly rod, all on the spinning rods using smaller spinners and crank baits. The Pickrel were something new for me. Day two we floated from there to just past Greenbriar Float Camp and found a nice elevated gravel bar. Fishing in this section was a little slower and the trout were smaller. We caught a few smallmouth and goggle eye and I caught one more Pickrel. Day three we floated down to Riverton. No trout or pickrel but lots of smallmouth and goggle eye. Most were in the 10-12 range but all three of us caught at least one 16 incher. Water level at Bradley was about 540 CFS, which made for easy floating and never had to get out and drag through any shoals. The only spot that was a little tricky was the Halls Bay Shoals, it made and nice drop off and there were lots of rocks to dodge and bounce off of, but we all made it safely thru there. We didn't go up to Greer Springs, we wanted to get on the water, but we did hike up to Boze. I would like to know how deep it is. It sure has cold clear water. We only saw two other people in the three days and I don't think they had ever floated before. One was putting his brand new Walmart camping gear in trash bags to try and keep it dry. They only floated about three miles the first day and we saw them again about 1 the second day and they wanted to know if we knew how much farther. When we told them about 12 more miles to Riverton they didn't believe us. They were tired and looking to cell service and wanted help. Said they were go to paddle to Whitten Access and see if a Ranger could help them. We just told them Good Luck with that. It will be a trip we do again. Thanks for all the information and guidance you guys gave me.
We will be floating in kayaks and may end up camping on gravel bars and not float camps. It will depend on what we find. We all have either paddled a canoe or kayak for 15-18 year or more. We don't take any river for granted and stop and look at any spot that looks tricky. We learner several years ago while floating on Crooked Creek and had a couple guys turn over in a large log jam and almost roll under it while not wearing a life jacket. Most of us are old retired Firefighters and take safety seriously. Looking forward to floating a new river. Good idea about checking on burn ban, because we like a night time fire while camping. Didn't think of that even though a lot of Oklahoma is under on now. Going to use Hufstedler's to shuttle our truck and get a little advice from them.
We are going to make another attempt to float on Oct 5-7, Greer to Riverton. Looks like the water will be a lot lower. 562 CFS compare to 9600 CFS back in May. What are the floating/fishing conditions at this water level and is there any different flies or lures we should use. We will either gravel bar camp or stay at one of the float camps.
Going to be taking a fall float/camp trip on the Buffalo River in a few weeks and was looking for something different to throw. I usually take a fly rod and a spinning rod. On the spinning rod I usually throw ned rigs, different craws, some tube jigs and an occasional crank bait. I have been watching some youtube videos on the river and have seen several people throwing a whopper plopper and also the rage swimmer. Has anyone used them and if so what color and size?
Johnsfolly this really happen to me. Several years back I had gone out dove hunting but got rained out and came home early. When I walked into my house I notice all the kitchen cabinet doors and drawers open and thought this is strange, what was the wife doing before she went to work. When I walked around the corner I notice a lot of my belongings in a pile in the living room and a pillow case next to the pile. Then I realized I was being robbed. I backed out of the house and called the sheriff and told them what was happening and was ask if I would be home later in the afternoon. I told the dispatcher I had just come back from hunting and loaded my shotgun and was going back into my house to check it out. She advised me not to do that and I said I could not wait until the afternoon to get back in my house and I hung up and walked in. Found the back door was open and no one was inside. I must have scared them off when I opened the garage door. Within 10 a sheriff showed up with his gun drawn and started questioning me, like I was the one who broke in. Took several minutes to convince his I was the home owner. Cops don't trust anybody, even another cop.
We had five of them along our driveway when I was a kid. Ate thousands of them every year. My fingers and the bottom of my feet would be purple. We also would pick up hand fulls that fell to the ground and throw them at each other. I know we ruined lots of clothes during mulberry wars. The joys of being a kid.
Mark thanks for the advice you have given and when we go we will be watching for you and will stop and say hello as long as we don't hear any banjos playing.
We decided against floating at this time because of the river level and the amount of rain predicted. I see it was a good choice because the rains the area got raised the CFS to 9600. Don't think it would have been a good trip. We are going to look at later in June.
Looks like there has been steady rains in the area. We have about 11 day before our planned trip and the water has been steady over 2000 CFS, or more. What level is too high to float and camp. We are trying to come up with a plan B. Buffalo River is high to. May have to pick a later date.
Ok I just cooked that Quiche, Egg Pie if you don't like the word. I added about a 1/2 cup of cooked bacon bites, 1 cup diced ham and about 1/3 cup pepper jack cheese. Added some Ring of Fire hot sauce to top it off. I ate two slices and wish I could have eaten more. But it will make a good breakfast in the morning. Wife made a fruit salad and a broccoli/bacon salad to go with it. We are keeping this recipe and will eat again.
BilletHead I saw you Quiche and I think I am going to give it a try but will either add some bacon or ham in it. Usually just batter morels up and fry them in some butter and oil and eat them with ranch or some hot sauce. Made some mushroom soup the other day and really liked it so want to try some new ways to use these wonderful finds. Took a 6 year old grandson out the other day and after showing him what to look for he found several by himself. He is a picky eater and watched me fry a bunch up and said he did not want any. I finally talked him into trying one, he took the smallest bite possible and started to put it down and about 1/2 back to the plate he stopped and put the whole thing in his mouth and then ate the last five on the plate. Today we were going to grill some burgers and cook fries and he told me he didn't want the burger he only want some fries and some more mushrooms. I guess he is hooked. He is going to be really disappointed in a few week when they quit growing. Saying that I will be disappointed myself. Keep put up good dishes we can all try.
Time to get out and start looking a bit harder.
budman replied to BilletHead's topic in Mushrooms and other wild edibles
Looks like you had a good day. Fried up a batch the other afternoon and the wife and I sat on the back porch and enjoyed them with a Bourbon Barrel Quad. Went out for an hour this afternoon and found 23. Only found 5 together in one spot and all the rest were singles. I think they are finally start to pop here. -
My name is Bud and I am a man, so Budman, and I don't drink Bud because I like something darker or a good abbey style ale.
Thanks for the help. I plan on taking two fly rods, 5 & 6 and have trout flies on the 5 and will bring the 6 sit up for the Pickerel with bigger leader and larger bright colored streamer and clousers. We have floated and camped on the Buffalo for years and will keep and eye on the water levels. We have made the mistake of thinking there would be a better camping spot just around the bend and then had to paddle a couple more mile to find an open or good spot. Would prefer a nice gravel bar over a campground, so will start looking early. Hope since we are floating mid week and before school is out we can avoid a lot of other boaters. Going to use Hufstedler's to portage our trucks and get some more advice from them. Will give a report when we get back.
If we are going to try an target some pickerel with a flyrod what should we use. Areas, flies and leaders? I have never fished for them. I am guessing heavy leader since they are toothy.
I live in NE Oklahoma and just now finding some. 2 on Tuesday, 17 Yesterday and 6 today. Most were singles so hope they start to pop in groups soon.
Thanks for the information. I read about the lack of gravel bars along the river and wondered about the float camps. Are there more than one camp site at each and are they on the river, marked, or do you have to hike into them. Also we plan on getting out of our kayaks a lot to fish, so do we need to pack wader for the section below Greer or can we wet wade?
For the last 18 years we have made a spring time camp/float trip on the Buffalo. We have floated every section several times. The only thing we haven't done is a thru float, but will one day. This year we have decide to try something different so we will be checking out the 11 Point. We will leave May 2 and camp at Greer Crossing. We plan on camping on the river two nights and taking out at Riverton. I know this is only about 20 miles but we hope to be able to do lots of fishing. We will be in kayaks and will have both fly rods and spinning rods. Any advice on the river and fishing would be great since we have no ideas. Is it only trout fishing in this upper section and smallmouth the closer we get to Riverton? Also are there sites we should make sure we stop and see along the float.
The production of oil/gasoline was reduced in 2020 because of the lack of travel due to covid restrictions and people trying to stay safe and protect themselves and their families. Now that almost everyone is back driving and traveling as much as before covid, prices have to go up with the higher demand and lower production. There are plenty of articles out there giving us the reason Oil companies don't want to increase production and lower the price. That would mean they would pay less dividends to their investors and higher dividends is what the big investors want. They can afford the little more they have to spend on gas. Even the countries in the middle east said they won't increase production because they like the higher prices they are getting. It is GREED that is keeping the price up. People don't want to work together because they don't want to compromise and if an idea doesn't work out for the best they can always blame the other side, also they don't want to admit that someone else might be right. By the way my wife is a registered republican and I am democrat, have been since before we were married, and we will be celebrating 43 years together this year. Don't always agree on everything but have always worked out the differences.
A guy goes to the Dentist and was told he need a root canal. The Dentist takes out a syringe of novocaine and the guy says I don't do needles. So the Dentist takes out the gas mask and the guy says he won't do the gas because he has to keep his mind straight. So the Dentist hand the guy a little blue pill and the guy ask what is this. The Dentist says its Viagra, this is going to be really painful and you are going to need something to hold on to.
Never mind because I found them. I had looked all over the Top Home bar and had never seen them. Just found them in the Thread for Messages for and from the AdMin. Had never opened up that topic. Looks like most of those get broken every day. I will watch what I respond to.