Made it back from my trip to the Sierras. 3 weeks passed way to quickly. With all we had to see and do, I did not get to fish as much as I'd liked, but did manage a little time on most days to fish at least an hour or so. Started in Bishop, CA on Rock Creek and caught my first fish on second cast, a small beautiful rainbow. Headed back to town for the night and had a few minutes and fished the Owens River. Using my spinning rod, I caught a few small Browns and one a little over 12" and VERY fat. Next day we headed back up Rock Creek Canyon, and hiked the Little Lakes trail, up to 11,000 feet and played in the snow. Brookies were very willing to bite on any fly offered. No size but as many 6-8"ers as you had time for. Beautiful fish and a blast to catch. Headed over the mountains and fished the Merced, South Yuba, Kings, East fork of the Carson, where the Lahontan Cutthroats were awsome. Those native Rainbows are like torpedos when hooked. Shake a few times then take off at light speed and jump. Had a great time, catching 6 kinds of trout, Stocked Rainbow, Native Rainbow, Brook, Brown, Cutthroat, and Golden. Excellent trip with wonderful weather, lows every night in the 50's. No good pics as I took them myself while holding fish and camera.