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dennis boatman

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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. ...already miss them in the Big 12...
  2. My first, was about 45 years ago, Bishop Creek in California, and a Royal Coachman...small rainbow...actually fished the same hole a few weeks ago and caught a small rainbow and a few nice Browns...
  3. ...Perfect Yaknar..I can visualize it now...what a sight...
  4. ...check out the underwater footage of the womens water polo...it put the XXX in olympics...AND when will fishing be an event?
  5. ...or he did not follow the rules to the T...
  6. ...seemed to us about half of the Yosemite visitors were from out of the country...and yes, very few if any fishing...Anywhere on the eastern slope has some great fishing, especially the Owens River...the hike in lakes are great too. Love those Goldens...Headed back out in October of 2014...
  7. ...I own a roll of autograped duct tape signed by Red Green...it's a treasure...
  8. ...it's August...
  9. Nice fish...Could be 18"er...
  10. YURT...Yearround Universal Recreational Tent...Originally Mongolian. We've Amercanized them just a little...
  11. Just got back from a three week trip the the Sierras in California. We flew to Vegas rented a car from there and proceded north to our first destination, Bishop, CA. I lived there when I was a kid in the late 60's, and honestly it hasn't changed that much in all these years. I caught fish in the same places I caught them then. Fished the Owens River near town and caught many Browns between 8 and 12 inches. Went north some and went to Rock Creek and caught native Rainbows and some Brookies. Hiked up to 11,000' and played in the snow, that was the highlight of the trip. Passed through Yosemite and stayed in Sonora, CA for a few days fishing the Merced, Touloumne, and some smaller streams and lakes in the area. Moved north to Nevada City and fished the South Yuba River and Stanislaus a little. Caught fish every we fished, even though we only fished a few minutes on some of the waters. Over to San Francisco for a few days, and no fishing there. Back accross the valley to Coulterville, CA and stayed in a Yurt for a few nights. Went to Kings Canyon and fished the Kings river. Amazing water but VERY tough to fish with a fly rod. Hiked into what we believe was Stoney Creek, not sure, and had a great day catching those amazing native Rainbows. They are like torpedoes! A few shakes of the head and ZOOM off and running. A great trip, catching 5 kinds of trout, Stocked Rainbow, Native Rainbow, Brook, Brown, and Lahontan Cutthroat. Here' a few pics I took. The last two pictures are of our yurt...we really roughed it...
  12. It's been an adjustment coming back to this heat. Already planning our next trip in 2014. May retire out there in a few years.
  13. Made it back from my trip to the Sierras. 3 weeks passed way to quickly. With all we had to see and do, I did not get to fish as much as I'd liked, but did manage a little time on most days to fish at least an hour or so. Started in Bishop, CA on Rock Creek and caught my first fish on second cast, a small beautiful rainbow. Headed back to town for the night and had a few minutes and fished the Owens River. Using my spinning rod, I caught a few small Browns and one a little over 12" and VERY fat. Next day we headed back up Rock Creek Canyon, and hiked the Little Lakes trail, up to 11,000 feet and played in the snow. Brookies were very willing to bite on any fly offered. No size but as many 6-8"ers as you had time for. Beautiful fish and a blast to catch. Headed over the mountains and fished the Merced, South Yuba, Kings, East fork of the Carson, where the Lahontan Cutthroats were awsome. Those native Rainbows are like torpedos when hooked. Shake a few times then take off at light speed and jump. Had a great time, catching 6 kinds of trout, Stocked Rainbow, Native Rainbow, Brook, Brown, Cutthroat, and Golden. Excellent trip with wonderful weather, lows every night in the 50's. No good pics as I took them myself while holding fish and camera.
  14. ...I'd take my chances...
  15. ...in my mind I go about every 10 minutes or so...in reality about 50 times per year...
  16. ...here in Morrisville area, I'd guess we too have had less than an inch since mid April. When we were at the Arkansas Derby it rained all that weekend here...we missed it. I have quit watering, since we are headed out west to do some fishing in the Sierras and I figured watering was a waste...we had good asparagus early and our broccoli was ok and potatoes fair...my sweet potatoes are looking ok so far...
  17. Personally a 100 fish day would be tougher...but that's me...and how many mulligans do i get?
  18. I bet she would make one GREAT gigger!!!!
  19. First let me say that I am not calling any one person out, or implying that some aren't always correct in there reports. With that said, i have read many many reports of the total number of fish caught on a specific fishing trip. Reports of 40, 50, 60, or even up to 100 fish per day are sometimes reported. So, let's say you fish for 10 hours, that could be up to 10 fish per hour equalling 100 fish for that day. Absolutely an obtainable amount of fish to catch, but even at that rate that's a fish every 6 minutes without ever taking a break for a snack or moving a boat, or tying on a new fly, ( which I can never catch more than 4 or 5 on without having to retie). I have fished for nearly 50 years, with many other fisherman also, and I honestly cannot ever think of a day where I/we caught 100 fish in a day. And it's not just this forum, but on others I am on accross the country. Now granted, I usually only fish for 5 or 6 hours but a 10 or 15 fish day is one great day on the water, be it wading in a river or on the lake. Keep fishing, keep catching, and keep reporting.
  20. ...headed up to a Cardinal game on Sunday...may be a bit steamy...
  21. ...it's hot...
  22. ...access is fair...as far as trout, it's not the best...If you can, go to the Bennett access. Great access and trout are plentiful...I have never fished the Current or Eleven Point, so I can't compare...good luck
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