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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by tho1mas

  1. Still no birds at my feeders in Nixa. May have to change the food before they arrive.
  2. Just add a pig to the box & you can have a B.L.T.
  3. Anyone have any yet? I have had the feeders out for three days but no activity yet. Love the little guys.
  4. You guys are saving a ton of $ by starting your plants. Looked at some today - pretty pricey this year. Five to ten dollars for one tomato plant & five dollars for peppers & that was at Wal-Mart. Smart move by you all.
  5. Smalls21 -PM sent.
  6. Pflueger President - check on E-Bay for a better price. I used Mitchel 308's for 30+ years but I think Pfluegers are better. Anyone want to buy 2 or 3 308's?
  7. Who said White Bass are not good. People that do not really like to eat fresh fried fish.
  8. tho1mas

    What's Cooking?

    You fellers and your big words are making me feel insecure. Me too.
  9. Good luck also - C.U. would rather no one used their WATER.
  10. That is not a 308 - more like a 300 reel.
  11. tho1mas


    Only me and the older than me workers.
  12. Fix Or Repair Daily. Why do Fords have heated tailgates? To warm your hands while pushing them.
  13. It would take someone like John Morris to get all the permits to pull that trick off. Government hoops to jump through.
  14. Change your desired fishing location to about 80 miles north. Then you will get some help from these good guys. Have fun on your trip.
  15. Did you & D.D. find any lost tackle?
  16. Looking good - my lettuce popped up after last nights rain ( planted it in Dec. ). Onions & spinach are in the ground. Wilted lettuce by Tax Day? A bit optimistic I think.
  17. MSUFisherBear - the island is where the creek makes a sharp right turn. The next 1/4 mile is rock and gravel bottom (pretty small water after that). Look at Phil's Taney maps on here or Google Earth for Rockaway Beach. Good luck & let me know if you find any whites up there.
  18. I have always thought the whites should be above Bull Island in March & early April. Must not be the case or it is a well kept secret. They love current & the warmer water plus the gravel bottom. Perhaps Ducky or others will come clean on this matter.
  19. I for 25+ years rented a stall at Beaver Creek Dock on Feb 15th to start fishing for the whites. They stage down at Snap Holler, 39mm & Cedar Creek. Depending on the water temp & rains they slowly move up the lake into Beaver Creek, Swan & on up to the dam. Usually by the end of April it was over. Towards the late 80's each year we caught fewer & fewer. I have heard they have made a come back but am almost too old to try again. Fun times - 1/8 oz chartruse Bass Napper jigs. Good luck.
  20. I have caught limits of hybrids below Truman Dam on live crawdads the first week of May. Other people fishing nearby wanted to buy a crawdad (could have made a small fortune). Most others were catching a few whites & crappie but no hybrids. The problem is I can not do that other time of the year.
  21. Could not hunt or fish unless you had connections. All state or private land.
  22. Perhaps we should all move to one of these wonderful socialized countries. I had to for 18 months & did not like it at all.
  23. Check the line on the top side with a small wire for dirt dauber nest or spider web. That was my problem. Wrench will know. Good luck.
  24. I think they would learn to fan the bottom with their tail to flush them out like quail. Good post Phil.
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