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About inshore

  • Birthday 06/12/1941

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Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish (14/89)



  1. guys hate to pour cold water on all your ideas but what you see now is about as good as it will get in the foreseeable future. think about it will the number of people fishing go up or down? will the lake clean itself or will it get worse. think of all the stuff now being dumped in TR (septic tanks,fertilizer, industrial waste, and from april to October 5 to 6,000 boats a day wearing out the shoreline. this is not the glory days of the 70's and the 80's. why before the virus did it seem the # of big largemouth was much greater? will stocking bring it back to those days I don't think so. the lake has changed greatly in the past years much of the shallow cover is gone replaced by boat houses. I would suggest learn how to work them. learn your electronics. read everything bill and other good fishermen say. there will always be good and great days and also the bad days. hang in there you can't catch a hundred every trip. p.s.i'm not against stocking it could help at least it would give the bigger fish more to eat and make plugs that imitate baby bass worth a lot of money.
  2. a back doctor?
  3. dan that's a tough call. normally the return is the air sac. bigger sac bigger return. anything a foot off bottom should show. right on bottom lying in mud tough call but might just look fishy. I have caught fish off bottom but very seldom sure but area just looked right. if they are right on bottom and you hook up keep watching more may come up with hooked fish and you may catch several more.
  4. inshore


    hey dan the only difference than july is you must dig a hole.
  5. u know maybe we should look at the lake and the anglers who fish tr. with all the tournaments big and small how many are mishandled at the boat at the weigh in in the tank at the point of release at the boat and at the dock. somewhere in all this handling fish are dying big % little % it's still a dead fish many sink to the bottom and are out of sight. add this to the people who actually like a fish dinner every now and then. probably more than we catch & release people think. also the lake is changing it's becoming a spot & smallmouth lake because of the topography of the lake itself. the pressure on tr is unbeileivble with everyone wanting their piece. the pollution is terrible when I moved here in 85 I never saw an algae bloom. we never had 100 or 1000 yr floods u could see fish on beds at 20ft. . with all this being said it's still a great lake and on the right day can be the best. the problem as I see it we have just loved this lake to death.
  6. do not go to Stockton it will end up like table rock. leave it alone for the smaller tinboat and sailboat people. If you start going to Stockton it will end up like table rock. I repeat do not go to Stockton go to bull shoals.
  7. inshore


    thanks for water temps.
  8. inshore


    trying to find out water temp from state park to dam. it's strange all the info but no water temp. would someone please advise of water temp. thanks a bunch.
  9. I use 10# braid 7 foot med carbonlite rod and just hit them as hard as possible. only lose 1 or 2 a day also use short fluro leader. don't like the weedless heads since I very rarely get hung. caught about 50 Wednesday including 3 channel cats and 3 whites think I had maybe 2 off the hook. I usually just pitch 15 or 20 feet couple of bounces no fish reel in and repeat.
  10. outstanding day. went last week got caught in pouring rain,hail thunder lightning. put in at state park. had a good day biggest 4 lbs lots of 1 1/2 to 2 1/2. ned and grubs. got to ask did you go towards dam or Aldrich? thanks
  11. go across bridge at cc to the east. after you pass bridge look for road (dirt) will take you to lake. nice flat bank with gravel. good for whites,walleye and cats.
  12. inshore


    I believe walleye do spawn in Stockton but the success rate of the fry making it to maturity is probably less than 2%. the amount of prime spawning grounds are very limited in Stockton lake. I personally think this is due to silt on the bottom and the lake clarity. Even in perfect conditions a 10% survival rate is great for most fish species. without the stocking walleye would be pretty spotty in the lake. again this is only my opinion.
  13. worn one for the past 15 yrs with floppy brim hat. still were sunscreen on the face and legs. only drawback is they do get a little warm but beats skin cancer.
  14. had the same problem at TR week ago. water temp was 54 then dropped to 49 just shut them down. cked water temp at state park wt was 46 today was 49 yesterday. think I will wait till next week should go back to 52 or better. keep hammering them.
  15. Quill why in the heck do you want a boat. Believe you could have won the bassmasters from the bank. Lot cheaper and more safe. You could start a guiding service. Bet you beat Babler and Beck.
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