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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Tolerant does not mean that you are ok with having stuff the way things are going. As someone whos job is youth and adult sports i can tell you now that even in my rec stuff its the parents who are the problem, not the kids. Parents try to live through their children, or are completely apathetic to them. Thats the problem, most people dont have that middle level.. oh your parents were hard on you? Turns out you are even harder on that kid and what do you know, you get a kid with an oppositional defiance disorder. Hey you had free reign when you were young, so your kid should to... looky there its a child who has no concept of a proper support structure. Society has failed the children of today by not knowing how to raise them. Back to sports. Up to a certain point its ok to not keep score... let the kids learn to play the fundamentals of the game before you work winning and losing into their life. We keep score for all of my games. Your right, they know who won and who lost but i dont keep standings until they get to 3rd grade or so. Why? Because at that point they are emotionally mature enough to understand the concept of learning to win and learning to lose and the ramifications of that if they are taught properly. When i was in high school all of my teachers told us that you basically would never have a good job unless you went to college. Well thats not true all that has been left to us is an economy in shambles with not enough jobs and too many over qualified and not properly trained applicants. There is a reason there are so many college graduates who come out of school with 50k in student loans yet are unable to find a job whose salary is even half of that in a year. I got lucky, my parents worked their butts off and instilled that ethic into my brother and I. I worked 3 jobs in college, got in good and was able to get my masters degree right away, and found a job within 2 months of graduating. Im the exception and not the norm. Even with being as fortunate as i have my yearly raise wasnt even enough to cover the rising cost of my rent to stay in the same apartment for another year. Its a perpetual cycle that young adults have been thrown into, and can you blame a lot of them for being frustrated with how things were run in the past? There is a reason . Look at the very drama that has happened in this table rock forum about keeping bass recently.. are there some younger guys in those convos? Yes. Is it primarily people of the demographic that are now complaining about the youth of the world.. yes it is. Everyone is in the same boat here. Just two different sides of the coin.
  2. We saw a few down at Beaver last year, I've seen quite a few on the lower end of the Current down below Vanburen.
  3. Agreed. Especially when a replica mount looks as good or better than a skin mount anyway. I don't mind people keeping stocker trout, 15 inch bass or any other "keepers" really, but I hate seeing a true Trophy taken out of a fishery.
  4. Forgive my ignorance. I don't know a ton about the Salmon deal up there in AK, but I guess I don't see the point in keeping the kings? I know that their runs have been suffering more than really any other salmon species that comes into the rivers. Or does the NakNek get a better run than some of the other rivers? It just seems like if they ARE lacking in numbers, why keep them when you can have a limit of Sockeye in a half hour when they are really going?
  5. Fly Tiers and Liars, it's time for the 4th installment of the Summer Streamer swap. Got a good brown trout streamer? Sign up! Got a good Small mouth Streamer? Sign up! Got something that you killed some Blue Marlin with? Hell Yeah I want a piece of that! Lets see what you guys have got! Basics: Tie one fly for every member in the swap and have them mailed to me by the decided upon date. please include a self addressed, self stamped envelope with your package, it just makes returning everything easier. A lot of guys, myself included put a lot of thought and effort into these flies, I hope everyone does the same! I've caught a lot of fish on a lot of the flies, from Dylan's a few years back, DaddyO's last year, MikeH's, and The Troutdoorsman have all put fish in my hand. I know others have caught flies, I just can't think of who tied them. Date to have everything to me: 8/28/15. That's like 2 months guys. Serial. Sign up and get some pretty rockin flies back. Links to the past years!
  6. Might be able to find some stuff in the backs of coves of Table Rock in the dam area. I spent some time doing that this weekend. Other than that you could trek over to Roaring or something as I don't think it'll be as blown as Taney. If Swan or or beaver have come down enough You might be able to find some nice backwater fishing along those creeks as well.
  7. I could see it. We aren't really given much info to his parents other than he grew up poor in the fingers.
  8. One of the first things I tie on is a 10inch purple worm for tablerock. Usually I end up not changing away from that.
  9. Can we just get a NED part of the board. Those are great bass... but not in Tablerock. And i know the oklahoma section wont get the same number of views.. All things NED go in the NED subforum so people who go there know that it will be all about the NED.
  10. Lancer09

    What's Brewing?

    Do you bottle all five gallons when it's mixed, or pour straight from the jug? I'd be interested in giving this a try? What is your time frame like?
  11. Lancer09

    What's Brewing?

    This is so awesome. I love Ciders.
  12. As long as the ball is out of your hand by the time you come down, there is no violation. A missed shot does not have to hit rim/backboard or anything else. It is up to the officials discretion, if the shooter then comes back down with that shot. As long as they feel that it was a legitimate shot attempt. Al is right about the jump stop as well.The problem with basketball anymore is that there IS such a lax attitude about traveling. So many coaches do not teach the proper rules in basketball, especially AAU ball any more, and because of it the college game is suffering. This has also led to decreased talent in the NBA and we get a few incredible players and some decent surrounding cast players. Men's league is a whole different beast. I had a couple of my officials were both Div. II college officials. The players claimed that they were the WORST refs that they had ever had, where do I find these guys, etc. They aren't asking for even college level officials, they just want someone competent... They weren't so happy when I told them that both of those guys did college ball, and were there officiating to just get some practice in before the NCAA season started. If you think men's league as bad, try stepping into collegiate Intramural sports, I had a few officials who had to be escorted to their cars at the end of the night by campus security because they didn't feel safe walking alone. Bad stuff.
  13. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    What Kind of fish did you use for that Ceviche. I do love me some Ceviche.
  14. Corporate (industrial) espionage: 1. (Commerce) attempting to obtain trade secrets by dishonest means, as by telephone- or computer-tapping, infiltration of a competitor's workforce, etc This is literally exactly what they did. They hacked the computer program for the Astros that literally has all of their scouting info, injury reports, and probably anything else the team was using. Of course there is going to be a low level employee who takes the fall, and they will say it didn't reach the top but how much of what they did for their job was possibly predicated by what they were obtaining from the data they were viewing. There was a document posted last June, so they have obviously been doing this for a while. IMO spy gate, or deflating footballs isn't even in the same realm as this. This is worse for the integrity of baseball than ANYTHING that has happened in recent memory.
  15. Yes lets just say corporate espionage is just a pissing match.. seriously?
  16. Yep. They are great.
  17. I don't love that the show is going to over take the books. I just think it's going to have to be very different. I don't think that GRRM will really let the shows completely ruin what is going to be in the books. For the most part this was my favorite episode of the season. yes it was predictable for for those who had read the books. I don't like the exclusion of the pink letter, or the siege of meereen but that's neither here nor their. I don't think they link Daario to the ironborn so I wonder how they will come back next season with that. The only the that I really didn't like is that Jon's last word was "ollly" not "Ghost" seems such a simple thing, and no reason to change it, but whatever. I saw somewhere that we should be getting Winds of Winter next summer or so? Anyone heard anything different? Who knows about A Dream of Spring. all of this just really makes me think we are now looking at completely different stories with the same result from the show and the books like I have brought up before. Back to Jon Snow. He is dead. Done Cakes and Gone. Jon Targaryen is going to be reborn. That's it. Kit Harrington has already had his contract renewed for season six and seven.
  18. A reel is a reel get one you like.
  19. Just like any time you hear "over the back" OTB is not a foul, nor is it located anywhere in the rulebook. I can legally go over the back of some short guy and not touch him at all. Basketball can be, and is a weird sport rule wise.
  20. When going for a shot you get 1.5 steps. I.e. Layup. After you have picked up your dribble you get that first foot down, and the ball has had to have left your hand before the second foot comes down. Explained better: Your first foot that comes down when you've picked up your dribble is your right foot. You have to have shot the ball before your right foot comes back down again, which would have completed 2 full steps. When coming down with a pass you get 2 steps. Basically each foot can come down after you've caught a pass in stride. The ball must either leave your hand, or commit to dribbling before the first foot that landed after possession of the ball comes down a second time. When you have decided to go for a layup, or catch a pass that first foot that comes down legally becomes your established pivot foot. Therefore you have to do something with the ball before it comes down again. It can be confusing for sure. Say you're dribbling, and pick it up and begin to pivot on your right foot. You can actually then lift your pivot foot and stand on your left leg. there is no traveling violation until you've either moved put your right foot back on the ground, or moved your left foot on the ground. While stationary and still this is essentially the same thing that you are doing on a layup. Another example are some post moves you see. Guy pivots, and steps around his defender, he has to shoot that ball before what was his pivot foot comes down. That's not to say that your officials are going to properly call it. Kind of the same concept of players who will take a proper Eurostep, it looks goofy, but they are just using their steps and taking bigger strides to change direction. Disclaimer: I am a basketball official
  21. I've always thought that it was Mance (abel) there in Winterfell.
  22. Olive and Gray have been my best. I've caught a few on small black ones as well. If fish slow down on the gray scuds I switch to olive, then back to gray when they have slowed down hitting that one.
  23. Man I hope that it is the Pink letter. I just think they have already screwed stuff up so much they should try and keep it along the same lines.
  24. Wrong place. This is a part of a conservation area in kc
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