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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. At the start of 2020 I decided it was time to pursue a new career path and some changes. My wife and I sold our house in South KC and bought an RV to live in full time. Let's just say the new career path didn't work out and we started traveling and working seasonal jobs that somehow paid us more than we had been making previously. We have now lived and worked in areas such as Missouri, Idaho, around Corpus Cristi, and have spent the bulk of our time, and settled near the entrance to grand teton /yellowstone outside of Moran WY. It has been a neat ride working various jobs but settling with guiding for almost a year now. We are taking full time work in Jackson starting this fall and putting some roots back down. We wake up every day with a phenomenal view of the tetons and have done so many things I could never even have imagined. Guiding people to monster cutties,, and putting people on bags of sheepshead in texas. We have done some insanely cool things the last couple years and getting to do it before having kids in our early 30s is amazing. But baby number one is on the way and I can't think of a better place to bring up a child. Just adding a little photo documentary. I'd insert more way cool photos but I don't know how this stuff works any more after not logging on for almost two years.
  2. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    11 pm and i just finished a duck and goose liver pate for a new years eve charcuterie plate i am putting together tomorrow. Going to wait until it chills to really give it a taste as thats how it will be eaten. Had a friend over last thursday who is a big deer hunter and getting into waterfowl. Claims he doesnt like deer really other than jerky or summer sausage. MAYBE a smoked backstrap. Did herb coated loin in the cast iron and finished in the oven and topped with a red wine reduction, seared duck breast shot that day with a smear of rough blackberry jam, miso chili brussels sprouts and a nice cauliflower puree. Made pho from scratch last weekend for the wife and her coworkers who said thats what they wanted for their kindergarten team christmas party / game night. A nice 2 day affair but holy crap was it good. Lastly a picture of a fire steak done with sous vide. 2 hours at 122 then finished and basted in a cast iron skillet.
  3. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    Been using my sous vide a ton lately, last endeavor was confit'd duck thighs. Absolutely worth the day long cure, and 12 hour cook at 165 or so. Made GREAT tacos with some cilantro, shredded greens, hoisin, and sriracha. Couple days ago I wrapped up 4 gooses breasts worth of pastrami. Cured for 3.5 days then smoked. Was having trouble keeping the temp up so after an hour I finished in the oven. Unfortunately I didn't hear my thermometer beep and they got about 20 degrees too hot. Next time I think I am going to cure them, then cook in the sousvide for 8 hours or so, chill then smoke to get that on there and not over do the temp. Should make the stuff even better.
  4. Anyone have any idea what this feller is?
  5. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    We had our annual friends Christmas/Thanksgiving party this weekend. I was put in charge of appetizers, and helped my wife with the green bean casserole and deviled eggs. I made a pair of crostinis- Made crisps with a french baguette and had two variations 1. Parsnip and shallot puree base, a couple slices of med rare seared duck breast, blackberry preserves, and topped with some rosemary. 2. Honey whipped goat cheese, shaved radish and arugula, seared duck breast and topped with pickled mustard seeds Both turned out fantastic and a bunch of people who claimed they didn't like duck were going back for extras. Wife did the standard deviled eggs, and green bean casserole from scratch with mushrooms instead of the standard kind with cream of mushroom soup. Will definitely be doing those apps again!
  6. A few years back I got drawn for Pass on Thanksgiving, and Montrose on the day of one of my biggest meetings of the year.. Safe to say I didn't get to use either. This year I'll be in Austin for my step sister's wedding... selfish of her, I know. Half the time I hunt with guys who aren't the most experienced or don't have a ton of stuff. To make ease of setting up, and make sure I get help carrying everything I switched all of my decoys over to Texas rigs instead of wrapped up with strap weights.. Well still using the strap weights but they are now texas rigged and I can tell someone to just grab that group and toss where I tell you to toss. However making and crimping 4.5 dozen worth of dekes hasn't been fun.
  7. Had a big flock of specks above me on Monday, couple of V's, all said and done was probably close to 200 of them flying over the KC area. Never even seen them out hunting but dang do I want to kill a few.
  8. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    I've been fighting a bad headcold lately and took a few days off work. Had some time to myself at home and thought I'd make something warm and a touch spicy to help clear everything out. served over some steamed rice and naan and with a carrot and zuchini mix in some tomato sauce to bring it all together. Made some butter chicken that was a mix of 3 or 4 recipes I found online, how I usually do my stuff I look up as I like to take what seems to be common and what I like best from each individually. Turned out great, even if I had to go to 3 stores looking for garam masala and never found any fenugreek. 3 days of eating on the stuff has proved its definitely worth making again. I love Indian food and the wife is indifferent. Since she liked this I'll get to sort that itch a little more often now. I was even told that may take the place of a few night's meals this winter that would have been pot roast or chili.
  9. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    I finally got the ground turkey legs and thighs out of the freezer from this Spring. Decided I wanted to make some sausage from Rinella's cookbook. 2.5 pounds turkey, 14-16 oz. bacon ground in with it, an onion, two honeycrisp apples, (I added some garlic), S&P, cinnamon, brown sugar, thyme, lemon zest and I didn't have nutmeg, so I used some all spice. Mix all the ground meat, spices, and cooked and cooled onions, garlic, and apples together. Form patties, and vac seal to save. Tried some and they are a PHENOMENAL alternative to normal breakfast sausage, the spices sweeten it up a bit, enough fat keeps them together and not dry like a straight turkey sausage. My dad is in the dakota's right now pheasant hunting and half the guys there don't love pheasant meat so I may be getting a few dozen pheasants coming my way to experiment with here before too long.
  10. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    No pictures as I got called in to work.. Last night did a seared and braised pork loin with fennel, yellow onion, and apples. Seared pork (coated with a thin layer of dijon, salt and pepper, thyme, and rosemary), removed and sauteed vegetables and fruit. Added a cup of white wine, splash of Worcestershire, balsamic vinegar, and garlic for the braise and topped to 3/4 up the loin with stock. Served slices of the pork over top of a bed of mashed garlic cauliflower and topped with braising vegetables and reduced sauce. Something that cooked long, but came together easy was super great and worth 20 minutes of prep time for a dinner. Will absolutely do again.
  11. I'm late to the party.. I run a couple of streamer rods, lines are somewhat interchangeable based on what I am doing. TFO 8 BVK, and a Redington 7Wt Torrent. I fish 200, and 250 Grain streamer express lines. for smaller stuff I fish a handful of cheap sinking leaders that are only 5 foot long that I bought a few years back, good for a 5 or 6 wt. swinging leeches or something and I prefer it to stacking shot and working about breaking a rod because of it. The 7 wt. and 200 grain line can fire into the backing with a 8 inch double deceiver on 2 or three false casts if you are double hauling your keester off.
  12. I wish I was mechanically inclined to know what that meant? What would be the "hub." Told ya I was dumb.
  13. Got a motor question for @fishinwrench or anyone who is able to answer. Boat is a 15' 3" '88 Skeeter pushed by a 70 HP two stroke Tohatsu. About a week ago I was coming out of a creek and bumped something obviously with just the skeg of the motor or just the prop. Felt a small bump but didn't hit hard enough to kill the engine or anything. really seemed pretty minor as I was just idling. With lower water I probably would have seen what was out in the middle of the creek bed. Ran around the small local lake for a few laps at full power, as I pulled back to the ramp i had to go in and out of gear and reverse several times to avoid some dingledicks that were swimming IN the boat ramp from a jetski as I was approaching directly into the sun. At one point when I went to put into gear (forward or reverse) I get power to the engine, but no push in either direction or prop spin. I have checked the choke and the throttle cables, both appear to be in working condition. When I removed the prop on the inside of it there is some rubber looking teeth that bite around a toothed shaft coming out from the lower unit. Both the teeth on the inside of the prop and the shaft are intact with now issues. Was told that it could be a shear pin. Removed the shaft to find a couple of gears, and a pin that came out of the center of a cylindrical piece of metal with gears that would translate power to the prop. When I pulled that shaft a substantial amount of oil/grease came out as well along with what looks like a pin of some sort (6-10 mm in diameter(rough guestimate), it was flat on one end and slightly rounded on the other. I believe it came out from inside the cylinder that is hollowed out? ) and a single ball bearing. Is the grease in this location indicative of an issue or is it supposed to be there and need to be replaced when the gear shaft is inserted back (I don't know if this is the name of it). Just trying to figure out where my problem lies in getting power to the motor, gas flowing, but unable to generate any power to the prop. I'll be taking it to a kid who works for me tomorrow that can take anything apart and fix it (does all of our city truck repair, has rebuilt a few ATV engines and does all our mower engine maintenance as well. He has done some small time stuff and I'd like to start with him before i end up paying money at a marine shop if it is a simple fix, and I am just not mechanically inclined, as I would like to be able to fix this same issue in the future should it arise again.. Because let's be honest.. this boat and motor are older than I am. Thanks in advance for any possible insight. If pictures are required just let me know and I can try to get the grease wiped off everything to try and get a picture.
  14. Go to a fly shop and buy the some cheap serrated tying scissors. Cut real tight and have cut loose braid for me with no trouble. Serration helped i thought. I had a few pairs of MFC scissors and 1 got put into the bass gear kit.
  15. Hey now... 194. That car has driven to vegas, texas a couple times, colorado a few times and everywhere in between. Left the lot with 72 miles. I will have this bad boy for a while. Got a great deal on an 18 TRD pro with 5300 miles that they could make work with our monthly budget, and we definitely arent rich. Last year i started duck hunting and killed just over 3 dozen. This year i killed 9. I would like to shoot more as well. This baby will at least let me pull my boat, and haul my canoe a crap ton easier too.
  16. Well... After 11 years and 194,700 miles my Mitsubishi lancer has maybe died on me and i havent been able to source the issue over the last two weeks.... stepping up to a 2018 tundra I guess it was time for a new grocery getter and decoy hauler Itll be a heck of a lot easier to haul around everything i need, and twice as expensive as well. From small to huge.
  17. I havent tied a fly and near a year. The last time 2 times i fished fly rods... i broke a rod. Dang. This summer has got to change a bit. Send @fishinwrench a couple of those small stoney lookin shits for his spring NFOW trip he has been planning.
  18. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    Just boiled/steamed jasmine rice after washing it once. Added a little bit of coconut oil and milk to the water to give it a light flavor.
  19. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    Did some coconut curry fish. Quarter cup curry paste (mix of mostly green with a little red) Quarter cup coconut milk Quarter cup olive oil. Mix that into a paste and cover a foil pack. Spring some basil, cilantro and stalks of lemongrass. Lay on teo fillets of swai. Do the same on top of the fish. Fold and seal pack. Cook five minutes per side on med. High heat. Serve over coconut jasmine rice. Pretty sweet. Nice curry taste. May add some chilis next time or a spicier paste. Only get to make this when i eat alone which isnt too bad since the whole thing came together in under 20 minutes.
  20. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    Before Christmas if there was a kitchen gadget that I would have said we don't have a use for, it would have been an instant pot. Then we got one and I had to feign excitement. Then we used it. Now I am a believer in it. It's not that it makes incredible food, though it does make some really good rice. It is great though that instead of going out to eat because we forgot to thaw something out we can actually toss some stuff in there, head to the gym or clean around the house, and have a pretty good, cooked from frozen dinner. It also made some of the easiest I have ever done "hardboiled" eggs. Babies peeled just perfectly, every. single. one. of. them. I made the chili recipe listed in Rinella's "Meateater" cook book. went a little heavier on the chipotles in adobo, and two poblano's and an anaheim instead of three poblanos. next time definitely going to go even a little more chipotle's, all poblano's to up the spice level a little bit, but may add some carrots or something to add a little sweetness to some of your bites. Used venison that was cut with about 25% pork since I mostly feed it to people who don't love ground deer. Was very meat heavy (delicious), did enjoy the lack of beans compared to my wife's normal bean and vegetable heavy chili. Going to try the coconut curry fish packs sometime soon as well when I eat alone since the wife doesn't love coconut, or curry. Academy has some beer but chicken racks that hold your can and allow you to just lift a chicken off without it getting stuck to the grill grates. Definitely glad I grabbed a couple of them. Going to whip up some grilled chicken salad this evening for lunches this week. Another note - How can I post pictures on here from my phone? Do I have to upload them to something like I used to do with the IMG codes or can I just insert them from my camera gallery? That's all my current and recent cooking exploits from the last week or so.
  21. I figure I'll simplify this year. Frankly everything last year had me to stretched out and everything suffered. Got a spot on the side of my house I may be able to do some stuff with a little soil amending and digging out the old stuff. Going to focus on herbs a lot more this year. we use a ton of them, grow some and always have to end up buying some any way. May do some more flower growing this year. My house faces south and no shade for the afternoon sun that has burned up pretty much all of our landscaping and grass for a couple years now. Anyone know of something that absolutely LOVES sun and doesn't make me sick every time I get my water bill? Going to probably be heavy on tomatoes again. May do some different peppers, maybe some hot exotic stuff. I've enough jerk marinade made from last years scotch bonnets that I won't need those again. Probably some jalapenos, fish peppers, thai chilis, Need to start my bakers creek order.
  22. A few years back when I went on a hog hunt in Texas one of the guys asked if they had a taxidermist or if he should take it home to mount it. Guide "Take it behind the shed for all I care.. I just don't wanna see your pecker."
  23. I finished that "venison roast" 127 was dang near perfect for it. about a 2.25 pound roast went for about 20 hours. Holy balls was that good on a french dip. little provolone, crusty bread, bit of horse radish and jus from the drippings? Served with roasted potatoes and some kettle cooked chips. bomb dot com. Dang it was good. Had our 6 year old Goddaughter over for dinner which we hadn't planned on, told her it was Roast Beef like from arby's, just made at home. She went back for seconds. If a picky 6 year old is down with it, I always will be.
  24. I have a Sam's membership, and go relatively frequent for work. I just didn't have time to make another stop the other day. I do my searing on a nice thick cast iron, Don't like waiting for the grill to be hot enough for all of a minute of total cook time.
  25. It's a draw system. The elk are mainly in Riley County, near or on the army base, however a few spill out onto some private ground as well. I believe it is a resident only draw.
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