If you look up most knot strength ratings the Davy falls really low on the list.
a simple six turn clinch wetted and tighten down does better for me than the davy has.
No way. I don't love soccer but seriously enjoy the world cup even if it isn't us playing. There is something to be said abour how much the entire world cares about this one tournament.
Well there shouldn't be any in TR.
I also wouldn't say beaver is a worse fishery than Tr. Its just different and tougher for some people to fish.
I was being sarcastic to make a point but the reason no one wants stripers in TR is because of the bass fishing.
I think we should just go ahead and take out all of the crappie, catfish, whites, walleye, and everything else that could eat bass forage.
Its all about the bass right?
Your basic streamers should work if they are running water.
Double Deceivers, circus peanuts, Sex dungeons or any sculpin pattern.
For nymphs fish a lot of scuds, eggs and worms. With the rain we have been getting odds are those will all pick up fish, same with any small midges.
Phil, hope you don't mind, I had a long report typed out for the same day but I guess I didn't save it. I'll summarize here.
Saturday was good. Fish were fat. Ate scuds. Upper end is really stupid mossy and could use a flush of water. Got lowholed on more than one occasion. Left.
Wrapped up May with a few fish. Started off slow but picked up as soon as the fog burned off. It was crazy busy and we and a buddy got low holed a couple times by the name guy, and we eventually just called it a day. Like Phil mentioned all the fish are fat and colored you well, and Really full of fight.
Blech, I hate those nasty ticks. It had been a bad year for them so far and even wwith flea and tick medicine we have had to pick 8 or 9 off our dog.
During Turkey season I had one bury in right on the tip of my you know what.
Gray and olive scuds have been working when I've been down during low water, small each eggs as well.
Good to know the night fishing has been pop kicking up.
I was asked to put together a step by step of my winter trout swap fly. I wanted a stonefly that was easy to tie, and caught fish.
This is what I came up with and I know at least BBT had some success on it too.
4 ingredients other than thread and lead. This is on a size 8. Dubbing, biots, swiss straw and hackle.
I don't have glitter boat envy. But It's the people Who fished Big boats Who couldn't follow the rules that made it this way in the first place.
Don't blame the people Who only have access to small craft that the rules are the way they are.
Some of the guys Who share our dock Down by old 86 troll for them by the dam.
I know they run downriggers for them and troll with flat fish. Right around the dam area.
They have brought some Big ones back, even in the middle of summer.