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Everything posted by moodyfour

  1. My dad has a 17/52 with a 60/40 and he would prefer and 18’. Just a recommendation.
  2. moodyfour


    Thanks. Wouldn’t mind getting into a good mess of bluegill.
  3. moodyfour


    Headed down next week for a few days with my family. Primarily headed down just to relax and let kids play in the lake. Going to throw my gear in just in case I decide to spend a morning or two fishing. Didn’t know if I am wasting my time or if it will be worth a shot. We are staying near Fouts Boat Dock. Any info is appreciated. Thanks
  4. Above Bay creek is where we floated. I always have a scale and never have a tape so I always have the weight and have to guess length. Lol.
  5. Took my yearly trip on the Jack’s Fork with my dad. Took my 13 year old on his first excursion on Jacks! Was a beautiful day and the river was perfect! Numbers were not as high as normal, but size of fish caught was fantastic. I caught a 2 lb smallie and on my sons next cast he caught a solid 1.5 lb smallie. Caught several between a pond to pound and a half throughout the day. My son lost at least a 2 pounder at the boat and I lost what would have been my personal best smallmouth that I know was 3+. Very disappointing to see her jump and spit my plastic worm at me. Overall it was a great day and my son is ready to go again. Having my father with us just makes it even more special. We have floated the river since I was old enough to go and he still won’t let me run the canoe, even if it means he doesn’t get to fish as much as I do! As I look at the river levels today after the big rain we sure are glad we went yesterday.
  6. Took my yearly trip on the Jack’s Fork with my dad. Took my 13 year old on his first excursion on Jacks! Was a beautiful day and the river was perfect! Numbers were not as high as normal, but size of fish caught was fantastic. I caught a 2 lb smallie and on my sons next cast he caught a solid 1.5 lb smallie. Caught several between a pond to pound and a half throughout the day. My son lost at least a 2 pounder at the boat and I lost what would have been my personal best smallmouth that I know was 3+. Very disappointing to see her jump and spit my plastic worm at me. Overall it was a great day and my son is ready to go again. Having my father with us just makes it even more special. We have floated the river since I was old enough to go and he still won’t let me run the canoe, even if it means he doesn’t get to fish as much as I do! As I look at the river levels today after the big rain we sure are glad we went yesterday. This post has been promoted to an article
  7. My understanding is they are starting on May 15th and tags are required starting on the 16th.
  8. Good job Alex!! Nice boat also!
  9. Honestly my favorite is just plain ole cornmeal. Dry the fillets out and shake them in cornmeal. Add some salt when they are done and that’s it. I occasionally throw in some spiced meal but the majority is just plain.
  10. moodyfour

    Youth Season

    Anyone make it out or plan on going on Sunday? We played lazy with the damp cold morning. Went out about 3 and saw a gobbler and 2 hens in the middle of a field. No way to attack and they were to far to be interested in my calling. Hope to get after them in the morning. Good luck and stay safe!
  11. Great video. Never been, but now I want to go. Lol.
  12. Free fishing, but fish will become limited in the parks. Makes sense to me, NOT!!!
  13. This is what I read on dept of conservation website. Not the full article but last paragraph of this section talks about stocking.
  14. My understanding from what I read today, is you can still fish but they won’t be stocking either on or after Friday..
  15. Congratulations!! We have 4 different teal bands. One was 10 years old. Pretty impressive to make that many flights.
  16. School cancelled for today, so decided last night to head to the blind this morning. 9 degrees when I got to there this morning. Had 5 Mallards come in at 6:35 and killed 2. 7 more at 6:55 and killed 2! Limits are few and far between where we hunt, so feel very fortunate to have a morning like today!
  17. Reduced to $75!!!
  18. Another teal season has come and gone! Thought today might be good due to the front coming through later today, but all for not. So hot almost the whole season for the second year in a row. The only highlights of the season was my 12 year old killing his first teal last Saturday and getting to hunt another season in with my father! Wouldn’t trade it for anything. Here’s to hoping for a better regular duck season!
  19. Youth Size 4, Lacrosse Chest Waders. Worn less than 15 times in 2.5 years. No rips, tears, or holes! In excellent shape. New ones from Mack’s Prairie Wings run around $179. Selling for $85. Can meet within an hour of Salem, MO. Text 573-247-1811 or comment on thread!
  20. I would have to dig to find a photo, but one day we had a dog stop in the middle of a cut field, and every dog would back her which made the front dog back the others. It was one giant circle of 5 dogs backing each other.
  21. Walked about 3 miles Friday morning and could not find a turkey. Got home about 10 and decided to check the field behind the house. Low and behold there was 4 strutting with 3 hens. Didn’t think I stood a prayer, but snuck down the tree line and setup to see what would happen. One gobbler had stayed separated from the other 3 and he eventually decided to walk my way. Could not believe it happened the way it did. 24.5 lbs, 11 inch and 8 inch beards, 7/8th inch spurs. Both spurs would have been over an inch but both were broke off. Saturday took my son and it was a dream hunt. The only problem was he missed! We will be after them again in the morning!
  22. Saw two hens with what looked like at least 10 little ones a week and a half ago in our yard. Same size so they were hard to see in the grass. Haven’t seen them since, but had some work done around the house. Hopefully they have made it through some of the torrential rains we have had.
  23. Have had the worst waterfowl season that I can remember! Early teal season was terrible, which is when we usually have our best luck! Regular season has produced 1 drake... I hope everyone else is having a better time than we have! Ok, rant over! I want to wish everyone here and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  24. Also, heard today that from Alley to Eminence is unfloatable due to the flood. Haven't been down to see it but it was a pretty reliable source.
  25. Honestly I would start at 17 Bridge if you are only going 2 1/2 days. It will still be a push to get all the way to Eminence in my opinion. As a kid we would go 17 to Alley in 2 1/2 days. Especially if u want to fish much.
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