I haven't fished Table Rock in a number of years. I first fished it in the mid seventies. Tournament fishing had just really started to become popular. I was privileged to fish with a lot of the early Table Rock legends. Charlie Campbell, Terry Thomas, Bobby Sullivan and Lefty Evans to name a few. I was never faintly in their league, but out of luck had some decent days. The weights were consistently better than todays weights especially considering the electronics and gear. Occasionally in the 700 boat Oly tournament a couple of 10 pound fish would come in. Then the tournament scene proliferated and the big big fish quit appearing. When I bring up the Missouri State Regatta tournament page nowadays it's appalling. April will probably be in the 80-90 range. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that keeper fish caught hauled released, caught hauled, released, caught hauled released are put under a lot of stress. It's not good for the health of the fish and consequently the quality deteriorates. I'm sure there's wads of off shore fish for the Scopers, but even more of those fish are being assaulted.