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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. Serves him right ? Where'd you get your first sip of alcohol from ? It blows me away that the same type of people that support that kind of justice are the same ones that will call family services on someone for delivering a well deserved swat to their kids behind, or forcing them to do extra chores as a punishment. Where's the balance of compassion there ? Or is it just about sticking your nose in someone elses business... because you can ?
  2. As is Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and Lilley's Landing ? Really ? You wanna talk about "condoning" and "looking the other way" ? Let's talk about Law enforcement and the judicial syatem.... Do you personally know a LE officer ? If so ask him if he ever knew of another cop that did anything against their oath. I'll bet you a dollar he says "yes". Then ask him/her where that "bad cop" is now. If he doesn't say "in jail" or "diggin' ditches somewhere" then your LEO friend must have denounced their oath as well. Think about that.
  3. That's the problem right there.... too many people incapable of independant thinking. You only THINK that because rampant reefer growing has been repeatedly implied, and visions of newspaper articles and video clips showing cops uprooting bundles of weed are stuck in your head. If you knew anything, and could think independantly you'd be aware that most marijuana intended for sale isn't even grown outside. Dog Help us
  4. Who or what determines whether or not it was "allowed" ? When a kid sneaks a shot of Crown Royal from his ol'mans liquor cabinet...should the house be seized and the ol'man jailed ? Be a lot of homeless mo-fo's out there.
  5. Wooops ! you just incriminated your friend, Mitch. Don't you hate that... See the smoke ? That is how it works, Sir
  6. All bases are "legally" covered, but that is just SO wrong. You bought it...but you don't own it? Ya reckon anyone fully understood that when they signed the invoice ? And do ya thing Monsanto went to any effort at all to make sure they understood it ? Hell no. Again, trap set...Score ! If I sell someone a bird dog can I put in the paperwork (in really fine print buried under a watermark) that I get paid for any resultant offspring ?
  7. Sorry to disrespect you, Honorable Mitch f. Please forgive me for talking to you as I would a friend, I'll never make that mistake again. You are so right, I'm sure. Who needs due process right ? No evidence + no charges = that's ok seize it anyway ? Was anyone even busted for sales or possession at Camp Zoe ? And so what if they were. The next alleged illegal act (smoke seen) that goes down in a McDonalds or Wal-Mart parking lot I hope results in a seizure of all their assets. Good Score for your home team !
  8. Mitch, the people have not been charged with anything.... they are just going to milk them for every dime they have in a legal fight in an attempt to sieze their property. If they can keep them tied up in a court battle long enough for the Camp Zoe people to go broke, they win. You support that kinda justice, dude ? What if instead of it being a "concert" it was a fishing conclave, a trapshoot, or a turkey calling tournament ?
  9. I hear ya, Justin. It seems that every angle is rapidly being covered to eliminate independant business and/or independant life in any way possible. My business is being stepped on more and more as time goes by, they have already made it to where I can't get access to tech info (ignition output specs, special tools, ect.) for troubleshooting both Honda and Suzuki outboards. I have to sign on with them specifically and attend their specific training courses in order to effectively work on them (which costs out the nose, and I only get a small handfull of Honda/Suzuki's each year... so it's not even worth it) It blows my mind that any corporation would want to produce and market an engine... and then eliminate the number of techs capable of servicing it properly. If you buy a Honda or Suzuki, and your local dealer goes tits-up, good luck getting parts and quality service for it later on. I have a 2008 130 Honda here right now that has been "out of service" for almost 2 months because of a tilt/trim relay and harness. How rediculis is that ? If it was a Merc., Yammie, or J/E he would have been back on the water in 20 minutes. I guarantee it will be the last Honda that person ever buys, but for some reason Honda doesn't seem to care. I just don't get it.
  10. I saw that the other day, it's rediculis but is a prime example of the way things (freedom) are changing. Concerts have been going on for ever before this, people entered without being screened... you paid a cover charge and got stamped on the hand, no showing of SSN or any type of ID. What did they expect the people from Camp Zoe to do... take photo ID's and follow each and every person that attended the concert ? Or monitor the crowd with surveillance cameras and submit the video files to LE at the end of every nite ? I'm sure lawyers just LOVE the new America. But it makes me wanna puke.
  11. Yeah we saw you guys, it's all on disc. Nice fish, FFM ! Nothing wrong with letting them grow up in the stream, right ? Almost seems like real fishing that way.
  12. If it takes off and you come to MO. I'll fish the events in my area. How's that ? Missouri is loaded with lakes under 200 acres in size
  13. I'm afraid you have it backwards Dennis, "propaganda" is Monsanto saying they are doing wonderful things, and insisting that their signs be placed on fields NEXT TO THE HIGHWAY . The "agenda" is all theirs. Take a look at who is covering their butt... 'nuff said ? Who benefits if it's the other way around ?
  14. I'm not sure how the laws are in Illinois, but here in MO. you have to be bonded, have a regatta permit, insurance waivers, and all that bull to put on any event with a payback. Keep it "friendly", don't advertise via flyers, newspapers, or on places like this here, score on paper, and by all means leave the money out of it.... and big brother just might keep his snotty encrusted nose out of it. But of course THEN you will have little or no participation.
  15. "We've met"
  16. McKee bridge ? I don't think that is a county road, but if you stop in the office and introduce yourself I bet Myron would allow it.
  17. I think I found it Terry, is it an Altoid tin full of Glo-balls and John Deere's ? No seriously, I know how bad that sucks. I lost All of my boxes in a tornado back in '06 and I'm just now getting them back to where they were.
  18. Very addicting site, Ness. LMAO The more you click the more rotten and nastier they get. I've been at it for over an hour now.... I can't stop !
  19. Now Terry, Someone afraid to speak their mind for fear of being wrong.... remains wrong.
  20. Not many here are the type to hold their tongue (or fingers, such as it is) when they strongly oppose someones statements. You appear to be in a minority on this particular thread, Ness. Not that that is an insult or anything, it's just the way it goes sometimes. Be a man and accept it. I have been there several times, and it's not that big of a deal. Assuming that because they haven't "fed off" that they must agree with YOU...is pretty pompous.
  21. darn if I would make a monthly mortgage payment all year long, just to have a place to kill a couple of whitetails in the Fall. For what you are paying you could hunt muleys or elk at one of those killer lodges in Colorado while your ol'lady soaks in the jucuzzi. Would you be interested in selling 4 of your 20acres ? Is it in Laclede or Dallas co ?
  22. How about a shot from the other angle..... the side the fish see.
  23. It isn't the tailwater TROUT that I dislike, it is the suprise generation and the lack of a water flow pattern. Nothing bums me out worse than driving all the way to Taney, or Norfork, and getting flooded out. It's always a crapshoot. That and the trout park atmosphere of our tailwaters. As far as the Taney trout being bigger and wilder..... That is only because it is managed (stocked) better than the rivers. If they stocked the Niangua like they do Taney, and stocked Taney like they do the Niangua, it would be a whole different story.
  24. Gotta respect that.
  25. So what TF's brother DIDN'T see was the massive herd of elk that crossed the road right before the cat did ? Ok, now THAT'S worth calling MDC about
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