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Everything posted by fishinwrench

  1. During spawning time the fishes colors get more brilliant. Bluegill get that bright orange throat, bluish gill plates, and the green on his sides get more brilliant, Black Crappie turn almost completely black, Walleye get well defined greenish gold bars, and Bass lateral lines get more defined, Smallmouth are as bronze as they ever get during that time, ect. It stands to reason that THOSE colors are certainly noticable to other fish.
  2. Didymo was a false flag, Spun by some biologists, and sold to the people who automatically believe everything they say. When they begin to fear that their phoney baloney job is in jeopardy, or they want a fresh handout.....they create things to "study" and apply for funding money. Just like Global Warming, CWD, Zebra Mussels, Eurasian Milfoil, Milkweed, and the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer. The way to eliminate these life-threatening issues is to give biologists lots of money......They do basically NOTHING, but miraculously the problem goes away. Haven't you noticed the pattern? πŸ™„
  3. I probably have one in the bone-pile..... but there might be a spider out there😰 so what ARE you willing to pay ? πŸ€” If you (or anyone else) wants to drop 220.00 I have a COMPLETE Motorguide 24v that is available......but you gotta come get it..... I'm not boxing it up. πŸ˜‰
  4. He's no rookie! Nice gear with the right sized net. Wonder if there's a gaff somewhere on that boat? I'm gonna say "No". I used to service all of his boats until he retired FAT and bought all brand new rigs. He trades with dealers right before the warranties run out now..... because he's smart and can afford to.....so I don't get to see him regularly anymore. He and Charlie are wicked good Crappie and Catfish fishermen. The best I know actually πŸ‘
  5. I love it because I invented it.....and because it's honestly no joke. πŸ˜‰ 4-stroke outboards are heavy, overly huge, low on power output, and designed to only outlast their warranty.......But they ARE quiet and they are smooth running machines for awhile...... can't deny that.
  6. You can't make a living, or even support your habit on WINNINGS. One blown transmission, or a totalled truck and the fun is all over. πŸ₯΄ There's a local youngster that I know well, and he's running all over the country fishing the MLF circuit. Decent fisherman, and he has a few decent sponsors trying to help him.....thanks to his girlfriends daddy....but he acts and talks like a robot when in front of a camera. Zero personality. It's blatently obvious that he ain't got what it takes. It's painful to watch his dreams get broken because he's a really good kid. 🫣
  7. Spend a few evenings watching Mike Baker catfishing videos. He'll show ya how it's done!
  8. Just curious.....What is it that you love so much? Is it because it's quieter? That's the only thing I can fathom. If you think it's quiet now, just wait.... cuz it's gonna get even quieter. Nothing is quieter than a motor that won't run and can't be fixed. πŸ˜…
  9. The big dumb kid from Maine that only fishes a jig......Yeah he needs to get a job.πŸ™„ The rest of those kids actually seem to really have their stuff together. Way better than I did at that age, that's for sure ! πŸ˜”
  10. Yeah the demise of the 2-stroke is 100% on the hands of those who operated and worked on them. Nearly everyone over-oils, and over-oiling causes them to smoke excessively, increases the build up of carbon, and causes them to run too hot. The more oil you add to the fuel the hotter the engine runs.... because oil slows the burn, increasing the amount of time that FIRE is inside the powerhead. A poorly maintained 4-stroke is no friendlier to the environment than a poorly maintained 2-stroke. Plus it's far less reliable. The whole movement to 4-stroke outboards is right up there with the stupidest things ever done. πŸ™„
  11. But wait. A biologist said....... πŸ™„
  12. You're mistaken. I can't speak for ATV's but Johnson/Evinrude had 1 that only became a problem child after fuel refiners started adding alcohol to the fuel. After updating the diaphragm to one that was alcohol resistant (VRO2) it was fine, in spite of the bad name it got after those standard diaphragms failed. There was actually a Service Bulletin early on.....but it got ignored πŸ˜” Mercury has had 4 different systems. Auto-Blend, Black Max O/I (for carbureted engines), Magnum O/I (for EFI), and Optimax direct inject (for DFI). Only 2 of those can be deleted the way you are thinking. Yamaha and Suzuki have never been "blenders". Fuel atomization, ignition timing, and heat range control....all come into consideration when you change the way an engine lubricates. Ignoring all of that just ensures that the engine isn't going to run as designed, and definitely isn't going to last as long.
  13. They are definitely harder on ME than I am on THEM, aren't they? It's ok, helps me to understand the last election πŸ˜‰ To some folks it isn't about what you do..... it's about what you say, or how you say it. πŸ™„ Can't help it, I'm a "grab 'em by the coochie" kinda guy πŸ˜…
  14. That motor is a sweetheart, but seeing the oil reservoir laying on the floor is kinda disturbing.πŸ€” Deleting the oil injection on a Yamaha is not like deleting the oil injection on a Mercury or a Johnson/Evinrude. I'd suspect that some shade-tree Merc or Johnson wrench has exercised his stupidity there. πŸ˜‰ Yamaha's do not MIX oil into the fuel before the fuel goes into the carbs.....they inject oil into the intake behind the carbs..... therefore some fuel jet, spark plug, and reed-valve alterations would have to be made in order for it to run pre-mix fuel and live a good life. And nobody, that I know of, has a clue as to the PROPER way to do that. Yamaha's oil injection system is very good, extremely reliable, so I would recommend restoring it....NOT deleting it. πŸ‘
  15. What are they basing this hatch prediction on? If it's just "time" then they're just being stupid. Cicada's hatch every year, to a degree. I feel like trying to accurately predict a massive substantial hatch is like playing roulette. We'll see..... πŸ€” Horsefly's, grasshoppers, and junebugs were notably scarce around here last year......and nobody bothered to predict THAT !
  16. In that Lowe I would limit my distance from take-off to 10 miles. Any more than that is just asking for trouble.
  17. As an exercise just forget catching a fish. Go into open water and concentrate on keeping your bait on the screen. Within a day you'll have a handle on it. Then go practice on some crappie, White bass, or something that's aggressive and plentiful. I have played with it just enough to know that I could get good at it IF I WANTED TO..... but after some serious thought I simply decided that I do NOT want that in my life. And I'd be willing to bet that there isn't one guy that is doing it today....that will still be as excited to go fishing 10 years from now. It's going to ruin them all.
  18. This kid makes some very valid points My favorite: is that you used to spend thousands on motel rooms and fuel in order to break down a lake...... EVERY SINGLE EVENT. Now you spend thousands on electronics ONCE so you don't have to spend it on those things PLUS you don't have to spend all that TIME.
  19. This is true, and a really good point. πŸ€” I'd say that the older guys just assumed that the experience that they had acquired over the years actually MEANT SOMETHING.....so they didn't take it seriously. One thing is for sure..... Nothing has ever upset the fishing world as much as FFS has, and there's gonna be a war.....So pick a side!
  20. There were 2 things about that Lake Fork tournament that made my eyes roll back in my head. #1. B.A.S.S. didn't even have enough "Century Belts", so they all had to share the same one so they could have their pictures taken with it. πŸ™„ #2. A kid broke off a 5lber, followed it around for 20 minutes, then caught it AGAIN and got his jerkbait back. 😳 Today's ROOKIE is your next Classic winner. Wanna bet?
  21. Part# was no help πŸ™„ Are you certain that's accurate?
  22. I don't recognize it, the ProXS is not one of my children. No part number on it anywhere? What color are the wires connected to it, and where do they go ?
  23. You get to see how the fish react to the bait. So Yeah, it actually does.
  24. You sure can't prove that by ME, and I know a bunch of them. I only know of 3 guys that are truly decent bass fishermen, that do not participate in tournaments, or have FFS rigged on their boats. And I'm one of them. Not counting the River Rats of course. They are a different breed. πŸ‘
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