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Everything posted by ALLSTAR1

  1. mdc report says all species poor... sounds like Stockton might be a better option. I talked to a buddy that just got back from there. He said it was so poor they anchored and fished for carp with their sandwich bread!
  2. I would not recommend the B and B where we stayed in Montana!
  3. fished next to my son in law last week. He was on maybe 3rd trout trip.. gave him a black 1/64 oz jig and float. He had 6#(!) florocarbon and absolutely hammered them! Under the bridge, below the dam, down by the hatchery outlet.... didn't matter... I threw JD and glo balls and hoppers (fun!) and caught a few.. but just never know...
  4. Fished yesterday afternoon. Plenty HOTTTT! Water is slightly up and milky looking. Fishing is OK but not anything special. Fish seem a bit small. This morning was good on black maribou jigs and also some on glowballs. Stocked a lot for a monday I thought. 1450.
  5. we fished the Flathead with Jonsrud Outfitters; i.e. Dirk Jonsrud. It was outstanding day for native cutthroat trout. Landed about 25 and lost several more and had surface action on hoppers all day. Lost one about 18 in. and wife got one close to 15. Several 13-14 inches. All natives all on top! Great shore lunch and great guide service from a drift boat.
  6. Formula for natural Smallmouth mortality; ax100=b ( Live Otters(a)x100= Dead Smallmouth ()
  7. good, good, and, oh yes, good!
  8. Is there a "must fish'' lake or stream.. maybe a couple of "must have" patterns?? Thanks!
  9. Would a drift rigged rapala work? Or, would the current/drag/snagging be intolerable or just unproductive? I never imagined using an egg pattern or scud until starting reading about it. I assumed they would spit it out before you even knew they bit but apparently not.
  10. Thanks! We are driving out last week of Jun and have booked through Jul 5;;;
  11. Friends fishing today reported heavy water flow but very good fishing in upper Lake Taneycomo.
  13. Dr's have a -0- % survival rate... some just get to it faster than others.
  14. well, we wussed out and decided not to go due to the long drive into uncertain weather. .. (not my choice) SO how did it go if anyone went?
  15. You are too late for sunflowers; you need a minimum 3 acres ideally under some power lines. Get a 20 gal. boomless sprayer. Mount on atv or even riding lawn mower. Spray with roundup. Wait 1 week. burn off. Rent a 20-30hp tractor with a roto tiller for one day. Roto till. Spread 50 lbs of proso millet mixed with 12-12-12 fertilizer about 75lbs. Drag on old bed spring with a couple concrete blocks on it over it like a harrow. It should be mature by a week before dove season. Burn half. Shoot doves. Burn other half. Shoot more doves. Or spray round up on 3 acres under power lines August one. Burn on or about August 20 and over seed 200 lbs wheat and drag over with bedspring. You may have to shoot doves from eating the wheat crop.. Repeat as needed to get a stand. Next year you will have wheat to burn for doves on the site.
  16. Last time I was at BSSP a guy was flyfishing at the hatchery outlet and throwing a big white fly(?) that looked like a wad of trout guts. Is that called a kapok fly or what? Thanks. PS He had a lot of bites but was having a hard time hooking them.
  17. I think those are northern short-nose gar.. often mistaken for walleye.
  18. thanks! I think we will make it by mid morning as planned.. grandson is 7 and doing good on fishing.. I think he will enjoy the exhibits more. Hope the weather cooperates!
  19. Topps bubble gum shaped into a minnow!
  20. will be taking my grandson next Sat. this will be a first for us. We are thinking of getting there about 10 am. Is that too late? Do they have a restaurant/concession area or do we need to bring lunch? Any other advice appreciated!
  21. Unable to fish a lot due to shoulder injury but would rate the fishing fair for me. As usual, some were doing great. I saw several fly fishers stripping wooly buggers and soft hackles doing well. Pastel glo balls were good as were JD jigs. Afternoons were bad for the amount of algae/moss in the water. Had to constantly clean it off. Size was good. Not many dinks and several 12-13 in fish with a scattering of larger. A friend I was with said zone 3 was tough but he considers anything less than 15 fish/day slow. He had 2 fish close to 2 lb. caught 12 in all on Monday and 10 on tuesday (all released). Zone 1 was good (less moss) on Black and Yellow micro jigs for me. Saw a guy catch about 6-7 in a few minutes on JD jig at the disabled hole. I have to correct an earlier post where I said I never saw a bait fisherman in Zone 2. Had a guy walk up and load up a hook with salmon eggs and let er fly! I advised the area was for artificial only and he headed back below the bridge. He did not say thanks! Fished briefly this morning at whistle and caught 4 on white rooster tail and headed home.
  22. Too late for the above but the MDC website has all the info on Kids fishing days. I think it ranfrom the Hatchery outlet to a ways below the whistle bridge and was on saturday from 9 am to 2pm. We were down there on Sunday till today. Comments were that it was kind of a zoo. 4500 fish and someone said 1800 (!) kids...
  23. I have to say, my observations have been the opposite. In 3-4 trips each of the last 3 years, I honestly cannot say I have seen one case of bait in zone 1 or 2. I don't go out of my way to look but it would seem pretty obvious.
  24. If I had it and was still fishing creeks.. I would use a black gnat with an Uncle Josh Pork Rind on my dads bamboo fly rod..It would catch anything that was swimming around back when...
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