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    Fishing, Duck Hunting

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Carp (13/89)



  1. Dkman

    Round 2

    For some reason I do not have much luck at Capps. I need more practice
  2. Nice
  3. What a day! Especially the trout!
  4. i have not been myself but a friend of mine has still been catching a few up Turnback.
  5. Great Fish!!
  6. Sounds good. I was surprised as well. Everyone had the same idea I did taking the Friday off. Too bad also as the creek looked in great shape.
  7. Definitely eye protection. It gets crazy. I have never fished opening day but been there to just watch and have fun. know several people who have been snagged.
  8. Went down this past Friday in hopes of missing the crowds. Got down too late. Every section I tried to go already had someone on it. Everywhere I fished had already been hit by someone else that morning. Only managed one small one on a prince nymph. Beautiful day though and I wasn't at work!
  9. Very nice smalley! Thanks for the report
  10. Thanks
  11. trythis, walking down the tracks to the bridge from the ball fields, I thought downstream from there was private land? is it okay to fish. Thanks
  12. Can I ask, when stripping buggers there, what size tippet do you use?
  13. Wow, great trip. Nice fish!
  14. Good luck! I have been wanting to head down myself but cannot get all of the family commitments out of the way
  15. Nice! I have got to get back down there and try form the bank!
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