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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Some day I would like something like this but for now mine will do. Now I just got to find the fish!
  2. Most of the time i have 2 boys with me.
  3. Finally bought a pair. Found a pair of magellan boot waders at Academy for $30. Don't know how long they will last. Hopefully long enough to know if I need another pair.
  4. At least i'm not alone
  5. That the place
  6. found them. I guess i just had to look a little harder.
  7. Where can I download the map for the brush piles to a card to put in my depth finder? I had them but due to a update they are all gone. Thanks
  8. We trolled a little Sunday afternoon at Ruark west. Caught some white bass on chartreuse rooster tail, some perch drifting and some Crappie from the bridge pier. Still cannot find any Walleyes.
  9. We trolled threw there Sunday night and caught 1 bass
  10. Thanks. I hear people talk about it but never know where they are talking about. I have 2 boys I would like find some Walleye.
  11. I have a map. I guess just don't know what they mean by flats
  12. Where are the flats you talk about?
  13. Thanks
  14. NW of Springfield, MO. I'm looking at buying a boat but the seats will need to be recovered.
  15. I didn't even know where to start looking. Thanks Sorry I posted this question twice.
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