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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by blue79

  1. I never heard of it before.I just looked it up and saw the price.WOW.Then i saw a review that showed the edge with some little chuncks missing.At first look it looks nice,but then i saw the prices.I think for 50-60 bucks i would buy a electric knife,a couple fillet knifes and a couple more lures.I still havent twisted my arm hard enough to even buy a electric knife.Everytime i go to buy one i end up buying 4 or 5 more lures instead.I keep a long flimsy and a short stiff fillet knifes in my locker at the marina and a couple more at home.
  2. i would try the 12volt first then try the 24volt and see what works best.Its gonna depend on what kind of boat you have.I had a 15ft fiberglass bass boat that had a 56lb 12/24 volt trolling motor that had 5speeds.When it was in the 5th speed in 24volt it would really jerk the boat.When it was in 5th speed in 12volt it was about equal to when it was in 2nd or third speed in24volt.I would say since there is 14 lbs difference that they would be about equal.If i had to choose i would use the 12volt t-motor with the two batteries that you would have used for the 24volt t-motor and use them together for longer running time.But i would try them both first cause its gonna depend on how big your boat is....I could be wrong but that is what i think.
  3. blue79

    Big Sac

    wont be long and my belly will be full of fried fillets and mushrooms.
  4. blue79

    Big Bass

  5. ive caught bass walleye and catfish on the river below the dam.In town i just drove through the parks and campgrounds and looked for the walking trails that i didnt have to walk very far.Thats what i did when i first moved here and before i got a boat.
  6. I went to Everhearts in Clinton thursday.I hadnt been on 13 since the week before christmas and it looked bad then.Thousands of stumps and alot of mud.I was able to see the river from the path of water that didnt have any trees in it.When i went through thursday it looks like it has had a bunch of rain/snow runoff cause there wasnt many stumps visible.I bet there is quite a few boats sunk on that side of the lake.Would love to run some limblines along that channel.Ive always wanted to fish that area.Almost wreck everytime i drive across those bridges from Clinton to Osceola cause i cant keep my eye on the road.
  7. What area are you closest?Are you in town or east side of the lake or south?
  8. blue79

    2013 Garden

    Thanks ness i got to looking and most of the seeds were from 2004-2005.i think we will plant all the dill and throw/give away all the vegetable seeds and use new.I see your in Shawnee.Ive poured alot of concrete in your neck of the woods.I grew up in the Belton,Raymore,Grandview area.I live in Stockton and still work out of Raymore.Poured alot of big driveways in OP,Lenexa,Shawnee.We dont get over that way anymore unless its a big job.Alot of competition these days.
  9. I dont know but #5 has eyes growing out of his #ss
  10. blue79

    2013 Garden

    I started my seeds last year on valentines day under a 4ft shoplight on a timer and it worked great.When it was warm enough to plant them,they were huge.I need to get mine started this week.Our cherry tomatos were a little bit smaller than golf balls.The vines were about 15-20ft long and grew under all of the other plants and made a tangled mess.Girlfriend found it was easier to can the cherry tomatos,When the skins cracked after dipping them in ice water ,just squeeze them out.No cutting.Were gonna do 2-3 big slicing maters and a bunch of cherry tomatos for canning this year.2 cantelope 2honeydew,pickles on the fence,cucumbers,squash/zuccs and a bunch of huge stuffed/grilled/wrapped jalepenos.Everything else we will get from the farmers market and grocerystore.Weve never canned greenbeans so were trying to figure how big of an area we will need to get enough beans for 2 adults and 3 kids.Does anybody know how long seeds will last?Has anybody planted old seeds?I found a big box of different seeds.I might find a different area and plant them and see if they grow.If they dont i will just mow them over.We have some 5gallon bucket containers with regular cherry tomatos that we grow on the patio that do pretty good if we keep them out of the hot sun.They usually keep growing long after the garden is done. I hope all this snow melts.I cant wait.
  11. Ive been reading about all of these cuts and it makes me wonder what is more important Kids/Teachers or illegal immigrants. The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March. White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday said the government had released "a few hundred" of the roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants held in federal detention pending deportation proceedings. Carney said the immigrants released were"low-risk,noncriminal detainees," and the decision was made by career ICE officials. I guess being here illegally is not a crime. As of last week, the agency held an average daily population of 30,733 in its jails. The internal budget documents reviewed by the AP show the Obama administration had intended to reduce those figures to 25,748 by March 31 The immigrants who were released still eventually face deportation and are required to appear for upcoming court hearings. But they are no longer confined in immigration jails, where advocacy experts say they cost about $164 per day per person. Immigrants who are granted supervised release — with conditions that can include mandatory check-ins, home visits and GPS devices — cost the government from 30 cents to $14 a day, according to the National Immigration Forum, a group that advocates on behalf of immigrants. Thats it,put a bracelet around their ankle like banded geese.They are here illegally!!!WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE AT WE DONT NEED TO TRACK-EM. 30,733 immigrants @ $164 a day =$5,040,212 a day.30 days = $151,206,360 Some 70,000 students enrolled in pre-kindergarten Head Start would be cut from the program and 14,000 teachers would lose their jobs. For students with special needs, the cuts would eliminate some 7,200 teachers and aides. The Education Department is also warning that the cuts will impact up to 29 million student loan borrowers and that some lenders may have to lay off staff or even close. Some of the 15 million college students who receive grants or work-study assignments at some 6,000 colleges would also see changes. You give me $150,000,000 and i will get them all back over the border or on a Sevylor raft headed back to where they came from.Then next month 14,000 teachers would still have a job and the kids would stay in school. The fact is,once that bracelet goes on their ankle and they are released they are here legally and 14,000 teachers will still be out of jobs and guess who will be teaching your kids. I think some cuts would not be necessary if they would eliminate one problem and shuffle all that money to a cause that is more important.
  12. I have a terrible connection and all the little video ads on some sites i browse will play first and it takes forever for the whole page to load,so i had to turn all flash off.
  13. If your using Firefox get the ad-on Flashblock 1.5 and it stops all ads.If you want to see them just click the F
  14. They should ban fish finders then!I know guys that dont have a boat or fish finders or a choice to pick between a couple hundred lures,and they will catch more and bigger fish than anyone else that day(on the bank).So would they be considered a good fisherman?If they want to see who is really good,then you should only be able to have a boat,motor,fishing poles,and tackle.Then at the weigh-in you would see who is a (good fishermen/woman).I guess the term "good fisherman" depends on how much money you have to spend on electronics that will almost tell you the fish's blood pressure.But for now lets ban a $10-$25 lure that fish might or might not bite.Its just another lure!!!
  15. Went out and cleaned the girlfriends car off at 5:30am and shoveled from the car to the road and got the car out.The main roads were clear but they didnt plow our road.Got the car back on the road for her to leave and the tire caught the edge of the road and pulled me into the ditch #*/##@*%*#.Got the car pulled out and she is off to Springfield.It is 9:45 now with 5-6 inches of snow and it is still coming down pretty heavy.
  16. Then they should ban trotlines.And while they are at it ban buckshot in hunting..Its just a lure!And if its a tournament.dont the fish get released anyway?
  17. Just got mine in the mail(Thanks) Dont even need fishing poles cause the fish are gonna jump right in the boat.
  18. 3/4 Inch sleet/ice in Stockton.Rained about 530am and nothing but sleet/ice since.Cleaned the cars twice so we can leave if we have to.Nothing has stuck to the trees so we probably wont lose power.
  19. I know what you mean.When the ice storm hit about 5 years ago,we lived in Lamar and we had a fireplace. no power for about a week,but we was able to stay warm.We live in Stockton now and we dont have a fireplace,so yeah,were screwed.
  20. i meant from shore cause from where i took that pic i was walking and there was all kinds of trees and brush everywhere.Tie a pile together and pitch it in from the bank.and later this spring when im in my boat ill know where its at...I hiked all of that area last winter but ive never been in that area of the lake when it was full of water from the spring rains.(maybe this year)
  21. This pic is from west of the bridge this time last year.If it is dry,,now would be a good time to anchor some big brush piles.
  22. blue79


    That was good
  23. You could make it members only where you have to sign in to view the posts,but you would lose page views for ads.Honestly i have flash disabled so i dont see the ads at the top anyway.
  24. Welcome Gary.Im gonna be fishing out of a pontoon this year on Stockton lake.Ive been wanting to get some stickers and i just ordered some from the link motoman posted.$5 for 4 of-em.Gonna put them on when i get my panels painted.
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