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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by blue79

  1. I couldnt find any here in stockton so i went over into Barton county thursday morning and hit my old spots and found about 30.The biggest was about 3 1/2 inches tall.Went out yesterday here in Stockton and found 10.I havent found a dryed up one yet.I think with this weather they might be up for a while.Last year it was so dry and hot they all burned up quick.
  2. WOW!! 800 largemouth bass weighing 10 pounds or more.That man was busy.
  3. I agree with walcrabass.I use white vinegar.
  4. went to my patch in stockton this morning between rains.i didnt find any either.
  5. I have never caught a walleye at Longview but i grew up in the Belton Grandview area and i agree with you about the dumbass"s.Very dangerous lake!They are always pulling body"s out of the woods.Drivebye shootings,rapes.Your not safe at that lake unless your in a boat.
  6. Im ready.Havent found any for about a year...LoL
  7. Not up here.Are they up down there?
  8. Ok Thanks ill do some checking.I know the fourth digit of the model is crankshaft orientation.
  9. Does anyone know how to read a TYPE on a Briggs and Stratton motor?I know what the MODEL and CODE numbers mean,but i dont know how to read the TYPE.I know that it has something to do with paint,decals,governed speed,and manufacturer.I found a flywheel that is the same model and year but the TYPE is different.Im concerned about the governed speed.The MODEL and CODE are explained in detail but i cant find anything on how to read the TYPE.thanks
  10. They better get it installed before the meth-freaks find out how much copper is in it.
  11. I dove head first into those boxes yesterday.got 4 white weeR's and a bunch of the spinnerbaits.I might go back tomorrow if i can find a good enough reason to drive 25miles to walmart for more than just lures.
  12. Thanks Daryk.I came across that site last night.I couldnt find a used one.
  13. 215700 online the part# is 698281.about all i can do is get the model#s of different engines and look up the flywheel for that motor and see if the part#s are the same.My flywheel has big magnets so if i got a different flywheel i could always unplug the battery and lights after i started it.Or i could spend $135 on a new one.I just dont want to buy a new one and find out the motor is shot.Thanks
  14. Yep
  15. I dont know but it is shattered where the key goes.The key looked like it tried to shear but it broke the flywheel instead.I think the key i got was to tight and the wrong density.I think if i would have set the valves and then replaced the right key it would probably be running now....Let the ribbing begin. Before and after pic
  16. Does anyone know of a lawnmower junkyard in Springfield,Nevada or possibly Joplin?My neighbor gave me a craftsman rider that is a year and a half old.It was barely running but it wouldnt idle up or down so i thought it was the flywheel key..Took the top off and the flywheel was turned a little but the key wasnt sheared completly...All i could find was an aluminum key at the hardware store..Thought i would try it just to see if i could get it to start but It barely ran for a minute..Went to adjust the valves and when i got the cover off the valves were completely loose and one of the little spacers under one of the rockers was laying in the valve cover..I adjusted the valves and didnt get the intake push rod in right and it bent when i tried to start it...Put the new push rod in today and adjusted the valves and it still wouldnt start.Thought it might have sheared the key i got from the hardware store so i took the cover off to look at the flywheel,and long story short...If i would have put a $2.50 briggs and stratton flywheel key in the first time,i wouldnt be looking for a flywheel now...I could have had a almost new riding mower for the price of a flywheel key and adjusted the valves....Anyway...the motor is a 21hp briggs and stratton model# 331877 type 0869 G5...I can find one new all over the internet but i dont want to buy new and find out something else is wrong internally..I live in Stockton and will drive to Nevada,Bolivar,Springfield and i will drive to Joplin if i have to....I know a couple of people that have a yard full of mowers but they are all old..Just wanting to find out where to go next..Thanks
  17. Nice looking pup.Ive allways had big dogs and after i lost my black lab 13 years ago i said i was never gonna get another dog.One of the kids brought this little guy home 3 years ago and i ended up keeping him.I bought him a rubber bone from dollar general that has a cutout of a bone in the center and you put a bone(cookie)in it.The boxes of bones are a $1 a box.I taught him to shake and sit and fetch with that little rubber bone.Once he understood GOOD BOY and he got a cookie training was easy.Your dog is gonna get big and will tear that little rubber bone to pieces but it would be worth it to buy a couple of em while he is still a pup.Give him lots of good boys and a cookie and you can teach your dog anything.If we ever move out of town i would like to get another lab. This is Sammy
  18. If it was me i would use a frog across the top of the lilypads or a noisey buzz bait real slow along the edge of the lilypads.Some of the biggest bass i ever caught came from a pond with lilypads with a buzzbait.The biggest perch and bluegill i ever caught came from the same pond.
  19. I bet that was fun.Thats all i use is the tv bait shrimp.always seemed to work better than livers.
  20. Thats what happens when everyone swims in the lake.The fish get crabs
  21. I fillet bass just like crappie and i cut out anything that aint white.I look at my fillets and if i see red or yellow or a grey color i cut it out.Catfish chunks i soak in white vinegar and water for 5-10 minutes and rinse them real good before i cook them and they taste as clean as crappie or walleye.They dont have the sweet taste as crappie but they are clean and have no foul taste.When i fillet a white bass i end up filleting the top of the fillet cause they always had the red markings in the meat.I seen a guy showing how to clean fish at walmart once and he said to hold the fish with one hand and the knife with another,and to never touch the fillet with the hand that held the fish.He said that the smell of the fish gets on the fillet.Kinda made sense to me.Ive heard alot of people say they dont like bass but i do.Nice clean flakey fish.We have 5-gallon filtered water bottles and i soak my fillets in that water instead of tap water.I use Harold Ensley Fish Batter.I think all fish tastes good if its cleaned and prepared right.
  22. not cleaning them right.
  23. blue79

    Big News!

    Congrats...I tried to quit last week and lasted five hours before i went and bought a couple of packs..Would give anything to quit smoking.Ive been smoking now for 29 years and i know its killing me.
  24. This was killing -em for a couple days last july.Large and Smalls were hitting it.When the largemouth hit it i got it to the boat and there was two bass the same size on it but one got off.That lure never ran right after that.I tried tuning it but it just dont work right anymore.Never did find out the name of it.Would like to buy a couple more.
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