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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. Good stuff, I have found a couple of barges in the Meramec down by STL. Amazing how much history of the rivers are reveled when the water is excpetionally low.
  2. It's because of them and the ones before them that allows us to do what we do, Live in a Free country
  3. Congrats, grandkids are a blast, congrats to mom & dad too.
  4. Love that song..... She looks pretty proud in the picture to me, nice catch
  5. +1 just not a place I want to be or hand out
  6. Thanks for the heads up
  7. I too am learning to cast a baitcaster, one of the tips I found when doing some research was after setting the reel like mentioned above you would cast out to basicly get a max cast length, then reel off a few more yards of line. Then using splicing tape rape a layer of tape around the spool, now wind the line up as normal. Now when you have a "professional overrun" it won't dig as far down into the line. I also bought a little pick at BP that will help dig out a really bad PO. I spent a lot of time out in the yard using a practice plug before I ever took it out to fish. Good luck
  8. Thanks Gavin any color suggestions to get started with?
  9. At least needs a few more feet of water so I can get to some other place on the Meramec other than GWP lake. Good pictures guys, sounds like you all had a great time.
  10. Great reviews, wish there were pictures of the lures in review.
  11. A sign shop here just wrapped a 66 Chevelle and made it look like it was in primer. From the pictures you can't tell the difference. I know he wrapped his tin boat in cameo. His shop is in Fenton, MO off I44 a long ways from your location. I can get his contact information if you would want to talk to him about it.
  12. I was wondering about the solunar tables printed in magazines and online, plus the multiple Android apps that attempt to perdict when the fish will be biting. So I came here to see what other had to say. You guys pretty much said what I thought, they are page filler or an attempt to scam you out of a few bucks in some cases. My observaton from looking at several of them, they are not the same. I get one in the magazine by Barnet, I think and it says for instance today is a Good day, with good being the best, another one that I got online yesterday says it's average and the prime times are not the same. I would have to agree that weather conditions and water condition have more to do with the fish bite than anything else. My moto "Fish Every Chance You Get"
  13. I have 2 lakes about 10 minutes from my house that are connected my the river, these are old sand pits and not darn lakes. I don't go near them on the weekend because both the lakes and the sourunding river is full of jet skies and pleasure boaters. I have the luxery of being able to fish during the week. The pleasure boaters and jet skiers don't show up til 1 or 2 pm. If I want to fih on the weekend I go to a electric only lake that is also close. Seems that for the most part the above mentioned are not as considerate of others as the fisherman I have met on the lake. On 2 occasions I have seen them put their trailer in the water unload they boat/ski and take off leaving their tow vehicle and trailer sitting on the ramp. I have also see a guy working on his jet ski right at the waters edge on the ramp. Looked to me like he was changing the impeller. We all have the same right to use the water but we all need to respect the rights of the others to use the same. I try and stay away from them and expect them to do the same. A little common sense goes a long way. Some of the jet skiers think the No Wake bouys are there to see how close they can some to them, on the outside of the No Wake Zone of course. Probably if we went to a poser boater forum they would be complaining about us being in their way too.
  14. I fish that lake all the time and have never caught anything close to that. He's on the back ramp I wonder if he was fishing from there or was out in a boat and caught it somewhere else. Any idea when this was caught?
  15. I think it's called Fabick Game Preserve and both lakes are stocked by MDC. Both lakes are on the old Fabick estate which is now owned by Fenton. I have fished both lakes (large ponds) the only one I have caught anything on is Presler which is the bigger one and easier to get to. I have caught a couple of small bass on lures but have had the best luck using Shinners also from Denny Dennis. I have heard about people catching fish out of Fabick lake but I have never had luck there. There are 2 more stocked lakes in Fenton, one is in the park behind the fire house on Hwy 141, I went there last fall and there was no water in it, I think they were working on the darn. The other one is in a park off Bowles, can't remeber the name off hand. Have seen fish there but never caught anything out of it. I fished Unger once and didn't even get a bite and wan't really impressed with it. Doesn't look like it is kept up very well any more. I can remember 20 years ago going there and running my RC boat and it was much nicer.
  16. Gotta go with the Missouri guys
  17. How cool is that, hope she does well.
  18. Some of the minicipatiles around here have canceled fireworks because of the dryness. I can't even remember the last time it rained here. I have heard that fireworks sales are down this year, which is a good thing as far as fires goes. There's still gonna be some da that will set them off. I'm like others I like to watch fireworks but I don't want to see someone's house go up in flames nor to I want to see any of our forest or wooded area go up in smoke either. One forest fire in the state is enough.
  19. I would call the Mo Water Patrol and ask the question. They are the ones who would me inforcing it.
  20. Wind chill in June who would have thought? :-)
  21. Not much rain here either. The record is now 108 and it was set on June 28, 20112 the only thing that is saving us is that the humidity is 13% so the 108 felt like 104 Cools off at night, right now it's 81
  22. "Can't Fix Stupid"
  23. Nice catch
  24. I fished there once last fall with the same results
  25. Now that was funny, don't know how many they actually got but they sure had fun trying. :-)
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