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Everything posted by gramps50

  1. Think I might need a different thread, I broke it a couple of times pulling on it. I have the stacker that came with my tool kit, have a Brassiere packer. Used 1/2 a double edged razor blade for final trim. I bent it in an arch shape to help me with the roundness.
  2. This my first attempt at stacking deer hair. Pretty happy about the way it turned out. Was suppose to have a weed guard but I got out of sequence and attached it before I trimmed the bottom flat. It's natural deer hair, the camera and lighting washed out the color.
  3. Tied another one today. Rapped it by hand instead of using the rotary, looks better to me. Thanks Wrench, you talking about the ones from the craft store?
  4. Thanks for all the comments. It was listed as a bass fly, it's typed on a #2 hook actually 2 #2 hooks, in it's current state it measures 3" long.
  5. Appears he'll be sitting to pee from now on
  6. Just started fly tying not long ago. Tied some basic tout flies and took a local class. Really wanted to tie some for bass and bluegill so I looked at some warm water patterns. This jointed minnow caught my eye so I went got the materials to tie some. The shop I went to didn't have the recommended Wapsi Palmer Chenille, size medium so I got the Hareline one. I don't think the fibers are as thick as the Wapsi hence the body doesn't look as full as it could. Here's the one I copied Next one I'm going to try wrapping the chenille tighter
  7. He'd give a feller a good workout. Nice fish.
  8. Sweet! You throw that on a fly rod?
  9. As I recall "the other white meat" was deemed politically incorrect too. Not sure what we are to call a pig now. Guess I need to get rid of the pb&j worms I have, they might be offending some of the fish species or are they biting on them because they have been offended and are retaliating against the pb&j worm.
  10. Any in the St. Louis area? Got a friend who needs some boat seats done too. There use to be a guy just outside St James, but don't know if he's still there.
  11. That was truely amazing that the one boy was under water for 13 minutes and lived. Always good when a bad situation turns out good.
  12. Billit, I would love to have some if you have any extra
  13. Don't know what they had originally but when the wife got there at the crack of dawn Monday all they had at the Kirkwood store was matt black frames with either graphite or blue water lenses.
  14. JD maybe something in here will inspire you. http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/fly/flymisc/bst25flies.pdfit's the best 25 flies for Missouri compiled by Ozark Fly Fishers
  15. Great find motoman thanks for sharing. The wife is on her way back home with 2 pair. According to the phone conversation one black/water blue the other black/graphite. 2 pair for less than 1/2 the cost at retail. Never wore expensive sunglasses except for prescription so I'm going to guess that I'm spoiled now and won't want to wear cheap sunglasses again.
  16. Trust me it won't when I really get into this. So far the Ottlite is much easier on the the eyes than the 2 CFL's 150w equiv. Even the photos I have taken have much more detail.
  17. I have the SonarPhone which has a phone app Android/iPhone and a transducer that looks like a big bobber. I have yet to see fish on it but it does show the depth, contour, & temp. I throw it out and reel it back with an old catfish rig with #60 braid so I don't have to go swimming after it. I think it would work better towing it behind an R/C boat. It could also be towed behind a kayak or canoe. Communicates with the phone via wifi. I've had mine since Aug 2014, the only thing I don't like is the big splash when you toss it out, not real stealthy, I think the R/C boat option would be better. Got one on order from Bps but I'm waiting for it to arrive from China.
  18. Wish my fly tying skills were better I would do this. I just started tying a month or so ago. Tied some nymphs, San Juan worms, and a few Wooly Buggers so far.
  19. I need to stay off the internet, was cruising around last night and found an extended arm Ottlite and it was also on sale at JoAnn's so this morning I tripped out and bought one. Many more adjusting options than the Ottlite Task. The only issue now is I will need to rearrange the tying desk, can't get into the drawers very well now. That's okay as it's a work in progress....... The light also comes with a clamp then it will swivel, the desk doesn't have enough lip to use the clamp.
  20. Just picked up a couple of Ottlite 13w Magnifier Task Lamps at JoAnn's Fabrics for $19.99 each. The magnifier doesn't seem of much use for me for tying flies but it flips up out of site so it's not a problem. I had been tying with 2 100w equivalent cfl bulbs and it was better with just the Ottlite on. Even the photos of the flies in the vice look better. I liked the light from the Ottlite so well I ordered a couple of the Ott 25w cfl's from Amazon to try.
  21. Just got back from the 1st class a little while ago. When through the basic tools and how to use them. Tied a couple of San wan worms and ran out of time. The 3 hours went pretty fast. Gavin was right, I think the class is going to be well worth my time and I'm sure I will be learning many things.
  22. Anybody in the St. Louis area sign up for this? I will be attending.
  23. Introduction to Fly Tying Mondays, January 26 and February 2, 9 & 16, 2015 August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area, Classroom 1 (6 p.m. – 9 p.m.) Call 636-441-4554 to register This four-night series will teach you all you need to know to enjoy a lifetime of creating your own flies for trout, pan fish and bass. Each class builds upon previous classes and includes all materials, tools and equipment. Best of all, you can use the flies you tie to catch fish this season! Members of the Ozark Fly Fishers will lead you step-by-step through several fly patterns and types. Information covered will be perfect for the novice or beginning fly tier. Participants should bring a fly box or canister to store flies. For more information contact Malcolm Royse at 636-300-1953 x 4140 or Malcolm.Royse@mdc.mo.gov
  24. Thanks Wrench didn't think about the tanning part. I'm sure the wife would be delighted if I brought some parasites in the house, other than some of my friends. Fly shop it is then....
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