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Everything posted by dembones

  1. Where could it be seen?
  2. For mother's day I took the family and pontoon to dam area. I had to bring fishin stuff.... it's my M.O. Fishing out of a 28ft tritoon in the wind is like pushing a chain!.... frustrating. But did manage 6 spots on a fluke up against the bank. 3 keepers.
  3. Is the item sold or not?
  4. My folks owned the state park marina in 70's and 80's. Then the points where different numbers.... I still can't grasp the new number system..they even have a number way up the rivers ... I guess they are mile markers now. Oh well, I think I'll just stay in the 70s
  5. My first gun was a used 20 wingmaster. I've always wanted a 12 gauge and a 410 to go with it. If you run across more than one could you let me know? Thanks
  6. Could you post more pics or pm me . I would go look at it.
  8. Thanks wrench..... how much for the controls in case I need them?
  10. i purchased 8 motors from a large marine dealer that where old inventory. all motors received a fresh oil and filter change along with a new impeller. three of the motors are new with no hrs, 1 has 5hrs and on has 6 hrs. the 9.9 and the 20hp cannot be checked but was told very low run times and it shows. compression is perfect on all motors and documented. 2010 40elpt new 4 stroke 2013 9.9 4 stroke 2009 20elpt 2007 25el 4 stroke w/5.6hrs 2006 25el 4 stroke w/6.3hrs 2012 90hp optimax low hrs 2011 25hp jet still in the box new give me a call if you have any interest 417-839-5031
  11. Call 417-678-5000.... ask for Leif. He has exactly what you wanting and is ready to sell it. Tell him Dan told you to call
  12. Yep...i have a factory 60/40 merc..... title says 40.....state of mo says its a 40....mercury says 40 but the city of spfld says 60. I actually had the law called on me cause i was putting in anyway....not good
  13. Hey jacob, on the horse power regs. They will look at the serial number of your motor to determine horse power.... yours will show 60 hp... it will be a no go...... i have the same set up and i was furious when they said no..
  14. Rose metal products in springfield lazer cuts them out of plate steel.... i think they are around 50.00
  15. I had a head scratcher.....Reg. cab dually....back the trailer in the water and waited for my son to bring the boat around to load it....probably waited 4-5 minutes....on the way home the truck started shaking above 50mph.....took it to the walmarts on Sunday and found that one of the dually tires had a cut in it and water leaked in. It didn't look flat but it sure made for a vibration.... With the water levels low people are having to back their rear tires further in the water. Might be a possibility.
  16. hey duck....sorry I haven't responded.. soon as I posted this,, one popped up on craigslist and bought it, so I didn't pay attention to this post. appreciate the response. thanks
  17. would you give a little more info please? headed there this weekend with my 75 year old dad who hasn't been out for several years. any extra info would be appreciated. I will post back Monday when I get home. thanks
  18. looking to put a trolling motor on a deep V boat. will need to be a 45 inch shaft or longer..... this is an inexpensive boat so I'm not looking to spend more than 2-300. thanks
  19. hey mopan.   I was reading what you posted about the drowning at TR.....I know Jim Foster and Pat Byrne......my folks owned state Park marina from 74-85....pat kept his boat there (really funny guy) and jim would take me coon huniting back when I was a young teenager...

    any idea what Jim is up to these days?

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    1. MOPanfisher


      Dembones, I haven't seen or heard from Foster in several years.  After he retired from the Water Patrol, he spent a year working for us in Outlet Park while his wife work working for St. Clair County.  Jim was pretty involved when it came to things like fishing and coon hunting.  Don't know if any creature ever lived that he wouldn't try to eat.

    2. dembones


      not sure about the eating part but he loved to run those dogs.  back then the fur was worth it .   

      such a good guy. we always had fun.

      thanks for the reply...tight lines

  20. hey bill.....just read an old post from you about the drowning on Memorial weekend .....you mentioned pat bryne in that post...

    he was our WP at pomme when my folks owned state Park marina. lost track of him over the years.....last I heard they where in reeds spring I think.... I have lots of really good stories about pat.

    any idea what he's up to these days?

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  21. Cooper cove resort on Fridays for all you can eat Catfish and you can even come by boat and they will pick you up at their dock.
  22. i would have guessed wrong.....looks too narrow and thick to be tilapia. I was going to say swai. I've been buying swai a lot. I think it's really good fried or baked. sure would love to have some fresh walleye fillets though...nothing better!
  23. could I have gone to stockton or pomme and caught a limit of crappie? probably...at least in my mind....but I went to K dock instead and fished for 10hrs and caught 7 crappie....but DAM butt....they are huge....they averaged 12.5" with 2 over 14"... you would only catch 1 per log. and along time between bites but I would do it again. here is a couple pics
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