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Everything posted by dtrs5kprs

  1. You'd think. But I'm not sure of the outcry part. Look at LOZ. Almost business as usual.
  2. Uh oh. There goes your super secret location.
  3. Mine are all Duo. Didn't bother trying others.
  4. They look great. Concept makes sense. Just not a winner in use.
  5. Indeed. Saving mine in case of an up north trip.
  6. Glad you survived the fleet exercises.
  7. Think the big difference is that most lakes where it works have grass. Up north and in Japan. Just a different dynamic.
  8. Wish I could say yes, but I can't. Seems like a no brainer, but it just isn't.
  9. It was like being told one of the mountains had fallen.
  10. Hahahahaha!
  11. Someone has his Jayhawk hat on too tightly.
  12. Folks renting their houses for $9-10k in town and more north of town. Atchison is letting kids out for the day. Hiawatha is supposed to be swarmed under. You're just too far south of the real path. Us "pathies" are hip to it.
  13. And it's just crazy up here in the path. Stuff you wouldn't believe.
  14. Pro tip: It gets dark at least once a day. Every day.
  15. There was a thread at the time. Sure you can find it searching "one tree island".
  16. Really good looking paint.
  17. It was horrific though. Remember it all too well.
  18. Thee are a couple of common color variations, and wide variance within those. Toss the little rig around in April and you'll catch more of them.
  19. No question. Have the feeling he is taking a page from PRADCO, buying up companies for the production facilities, not necessarily the product.
  20. Stupid aliens, messing up our buck bushes.
  21. Even a Stuart would pretty much rock. Would love to go through a drive thru in one.
  22. If you throw the little guy in an area where good fish are available, they'll eat it too.
  23. Or Iowa. Which used to always be covered up with Nebraska boats.
  24. Figured you meant typing fish reports 🙄.
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