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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Those both look and sound really good amigo!
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Boudin is on the egg right now. Beans and rice will accompany. I do not care for kidney beans so these will be pintos. I'm a bit of a heathen and like canned diced tomatoes with roasted garlic and onions. So a can of them will be in with the rice and beans.
  3. TB players get to sleep in their own beds and do not have to travel. That's an advantage no matter who is in the stands.
  4. Tampa Bay defense held off Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay Packers even after three consecutive interceptions. Their defense won that game if you ask me. I do not expect KC to go for a walk in the park next Sunday. Think they will win in a close game. Does not help KC to be playing Tampa Bay in Tampa Bay either. Fingers firmly crossed.
  5. He's not that old.
  6. Wow, what a deal to be able to hunt with a dog like Shadow. Every one here needs to click the link and see/read about that dog. Color me envious.
  7. Good question. I guess we got lucky.
  8. RIP Molly. And all those who have and will follow you.
  9. 50-50 is how I see it too. Rooting for the not hedge funds though just because I'm that way about an underdog.
  10. The street is in an uproar right now. How this will turn out right now seems like nobody knows. Guessing not even Ness.
  11. The big boy hedge fund managers are having a time holding off a real surge of small investors banding together. Watching this one with a LOT of interest. I'm not smart enough to make a prediction for how it will ultimately turn out, but for sure it's a real deal.
  12. This is Dexter. He was the best Labrador Retriever I ever had the honor to hunt with - and he was mine. An English bloodline male that I bought from one of the Doctors in Nevada. I trained him myself. He would take hand signs but seldom needed them as he was an excellent marker. Total persistence on birds in the water and anything wounded that made it into cover. No telling how many otherwise probably lost ducks he brought back. He was an upland natural too. Not a bird buster by any means, he would point and hold but not forever - he was after all a Lab. But he was good at it - real good. Always welcomed on hunts with the true pointing dogs. A real master at finding and retrieving upland as well as on the water. Twice, he brought me quail to hand when a shot had not been fired. He had two faults. Loved to fight and if there was anyway he could get to an intact male, it was on. And he hated loose feathered doves. He would wander around acting like he was looking for a bird but somehow never find one after the first two or three of his life. He's buried in one of the levees at Marais Temps Claire. Gone but never to be forgotten. The photo is from the early '80's taken on Long Branch Lake during a memorable duck hunt - one of those clear windy flight days that every man who duck hunts or ever has never forgets. RIP Dexter a true friend and a great dog.
  13. I looked at his site. Nice looking performance dogs.
  14. There's an old saying with the real English Terriermen that bitc hes are cleverer than dogs. There might be some truth to it too, though I've had good males dogs over the years.
  15. I was going to mention Drathaars too but as usual Ness is on it. I've hunted behind truly excellent pointers, setters, Brittany Spaniels, GSP, draathars and Labrador Retrievers. It's more the quality breeding and training than any particular breed if you ask me. And of course the individual dog. They're definitely not all created equal. And for what it's worth, could not disagree more with Wrench about making your hunting dog your friend. Makes for a very special relationship of trust between man and dog both in the field and at home. If I could have one wish regarding hunting, it would be for the quail hunting to be like it was when I was a teenager through my early thirties. In those days 20 and 30 bird coveys were not uncommon where I hunted and multi coveys were the norm. But alas, I don't think that's in the cards for anytime soon..
  16. Why are you so mean to me?
  17. I found my first grey pubic hair the other day. Normally, something like that wouldn't bother me all that much. But this one was in a Big Mac.
  18. Should have said "I know, thanks it was my new Nikon set at F whatever and more photographer juju talk." That or "Aw pshaw, that's nothing."
  19. I got round one today. Super easy. Thanks Mercy SGF!
  20. If I thought I was going to a gunfight....I'd go someplace else.
  21. You a funny guy.
  22. You take good pictures!
  23. Some people like to carry a gun even if it doesn't make much sense. That's their right in Missouri. Me? I do not carry a gun. They're a huge PIA to keep secure and I just do not feel that need.
  24. What's wrong with a pocket holster? CC vest for another option.
  25. Good luck. Only one piece of advice. Return every phone call.
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