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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I bet I know how a loon would taste.
  2. Somebody had to do it. Jesters HK is bringing cheesecake Eric is bringing pulled pork I can bring deer loin I can make chili Did I mention cheesecake?
  3. As far as I'm concerned, no need for that. I'll be outdoors only and staying separately. The rest of the guys can weigh in on their own. And have you heard you can be infected and still test negative in the early stages? Looking forward to seeing you Cody and everyone else that comes too!
  4. Agree. My solo is a Mad River Legend 15. Great boat. Floats in less water than either of my kayaks, keeps things dry, and room for anything on a day or overnight trip.
  5. You're a better cook than I am and more dedicated to cooking stuff that's not easy. I'm sure - 100% - you could change my mind. So, I guess I'm Karen of Redneckistan.
  6. Loons are so cool. Thanks Jeff.
  7. I've cooked a lot of things that had I been starving would have been really good. Not starving though, so I don't want any coons, opossums, groundhogs, old fox squirrels, bear, sheep (not the same as lamb), goat that's older than a year or wild hog bigger than 150 lbs. live weight. Or deer or anything else that hasn't been handled as if intended for human consumption. Never ate a coot. Don't plan to start at this late date.
  8. Nope. Not today.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'm going to have a naked venison burger, maybe some pickled beets and maybe chip and dip. But for sure GB & SF for some fun football watching when I don't care who wins.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    You doin' okay Mitch? That's a cutting board BTW.
  11. Beautiful. What more needs to be said? Well, there is Go Redbirds!
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Chicken pot pie. Simple and so good.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I'll have to ask lovey. She made it. I was surprised when it was more like a cheese ball than a melty thing. But it was way good.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Fish fry, cheesy hashbrown casserole, ambrosia salad. Beer cheese dip and pretzels for appetizer.
  15. Patience is a virtue. It took a lot of research and years of policy development to do something so seemingly straightforward as controlling nutrients in wastewater discharges to Table Rock Lake. Magnify the COVID thing by about a billion levels of complexity and degrees of outcomes. It's hard. People aren't perfect and neither is science. But science remains as our only real hope.
  16. We don't have absolute control. But our personal decisions and behaviors do affect our own lives. That is also science. From a person who graduated a long time ago with a degree in Environmental Health, spent a lifetime working in that field and is thus, a true believer in real science.
  17. The vote. And I for one agree.
  18. That's the worst part. Everything is reported as factual even when it's nothing more or less than bloviation to gear up whoever your followers may be. True for both sides of the political spectrum.
  19. Guess what I'm getting ready to do..... Order Ava Trappist Monk fruit cakes. Ever been there?
  20. Take a deep breath, take a nice shot, watch MNF and relax. Have a brat or two with some kraut and spicy mustard and have a beer with it. At least that's my plan. And then go fishing. With friends and so on...
  21. Is too.
  22. I watched the original Indiana Jones a few days ago. There was a little monkey in it and if ever one needed shot it was that one. Sneaky little traitor he was. I do not like them at all either. Big, little, trained, wild, whatever. No thanks to be around me.
  23. That's me who can't handle clowns.
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