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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. It's that rabbit I tell ya'.
  2. What kind of drugs were you when you posted this nonsense?
  3. They pale in comparison to the internet professionals.
  4. Those doves really are exceptionally clean. Enjoy Sir.
  5. Anyone who pays for a job before it's done right and according to contract - not sure Buddy, sounds good, see you next week- deserves what they get.
  6. You might want to fact check that first sentence. When I actually worked for a living, clean-up of old coal gasifier sites was a growth industry. In other words, it works but it is an exceptionally dirty process.
  7. Robin: The batmobile won't start. Batman: Check the battery. Robin: What's a tery?
  8. No TV or internet when it's cloudy. Great plan.
  9. And she's nice too.👍
  10. You make it sound like so much fun.
  11. The technology just keeps changing. People have to adapt, and we do. Thirty years ago smart phones were not a thing. Drones? High speed computing? Scanners that can read cursive writing....Just think about the technology that goes into the spell checkers we all hate. That's why protocols change.
  12. I know for a fact that you do not want to feed hogs a diet of trout guts. It's been tried.
  13. If you get close, give me a holler.
  14. Seems the migration is on with the cool front. Several groups at the house and on the way to town.
  15. There's something to be said for getting around like you two surely do.
  16. Does your office park have any feedlots nearby?
  17. You're the best.. Don't tell Ham I said that.
  18. What was wrong with the air drive boats during flooding? And what is your boss's boss's name? I'm buddies with Mike Kehoe and somebody needs a promotion.
  19. Tell us one thing you learned that will make a difference in @fishinwrench life. When that happens and he agrees, I'll buy you lunch at Dowd's. And your wife's too.
  20. That's not the Ozarks.
  21. There are indeed. After all, it's Branson. KOA is decent and not that far. We've stayed there many times.
  22. Barring the unforeseen, I'll try to make it.
  23. And those bites have staying power. I'm still itching.
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