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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. That's the plan. The question is who has the most staying power. I'm not counting out the U.S. just yet.
  2. Cheap compared to fishing.
  3. I get that. But you do know that there really are people, governments, businesses and other groups that work in somewhat larger circles.
  4. Terrierman

    Cast iron

    Dang. A cast iron snowflake.
  5. Terrierman

    Cast iron

    Dang. A cast iron snowflake. Wait. Quoted wrong post.
  6. Terrierman

    Cast iron

    BH will probably tell us why steel wool is a bad idea but I can say I've used it on cast iron to good effect. 000 or 0000 not for certain which but it's pretty darn fine.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    They did give us fat free Ott's salad dressing.😡
  8. Terrierman

    Cast iron

    No but I'll look for it now. That guy is a hell of a cook.
  9. We They know how to keep a secret.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I haven't been in our grocery store since the Ides of March. Totally cool. I have a tuck with camper shell and side windows that open up. Shelf over half the bed. Pull in the parking lot, open the driver side window, go to the pick up door, give the name and they load everything in the back and close the window. Then I go back home.
  11. I'm sorry to be the one that has to bring up how the Freemasons are at the controls. Forgive me if someone already has. Bunch of goat riders anyway.
  12. Nature or nurture though?
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I use bacon to add fat for venison sausage. 80/20.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Back when I was a kid one of my favorite suppers was hot biscuits, buttered and then drizzled with sorghum molasses. Add a glass of cold milk and then you are set. Looks like all you needed is the molasses. Beautiful biscuits Marty.
  15. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Ball park was all I had. Submerged in the seasoned beans - which BTW I was able to add some green chile's to the program, they were actually pretty good. Hebrew > Nathan's if you ask me. But both beat Ball Park.
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Beanie Weenie Deluxe tonight. Deluxe means there's onion, BBQ sauce, honey mustard and a dash of Worcestershire in the beans. Sadly, the weenies are Ball Park, not Hebrew National.
  17. We called him uncle twoshot.
  18. Well my uncle said he screwed a thousand women before dinner.
  19. Remember all the 911 conspiracy theories? How about Sandy Hook? And on and on. There will be/is so much noise around this it will be hard to detect the correct signal.
  20. Until you've met him, seen what he does and has done... well, then you'll know. Proud to call him my friend.
  21. probably one of those new fangled micro eye dealie bobs
  22. Yore fishin pole is upside down.
  23. I haven't carried a sidearm since 1972 when I was USMC armorer and went about armed when I had the keys on me. Lately, at times, I do. P.S. I have two tattoos. So watch it buster.
  24. It's not even close to where regular people start trying to take other people's stuff. This is as close of a scenario for that to start happening in a few weeks as I have ever imagined.
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