Could you please give the politics a break? We all know how you feel but this is not the right place. Plus you're violating Phil's language filter. Show some class.
I've got two fake knees, two fake hips, two back repairs, one shoulder repair. Getting close to Steve Austin. Then good news is all those fixes seem to be working just fine. So you can do fine too.
I watched a guy sink his truck many years ago in Truman Lake. Lived in St. Charles at the time. One day on the way to work in St.Louis I saw that same truck with a window sticker that read: "I survived Truman Lake". Remember it like yesterday. Guy was standing on top of his sunk truck hollering "Get somebody! Get somebody!"
We're not smarter than evolution for certain. We do know how to manipulate it though, right???
Edit: Evolution is not smart. But it is patient and persistent.