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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Maybe. No. Just because something tastes bad doesn't mean someone who tastes it should be able to identify it. Right?
  2. Could you please give the politics a break? We all know how you feel but this is not the right place. Plus you're violating Phil's language filter. Show some class.
  3. Five years ago the pasture/wood lot out back was a regular thunder field. This year I'm only hearing one and he's a good distance.
  4. He's said worse. Wait. That was wrench.
  5. Plus I'm older than oneshot.
  6. Good call. Just got in for lunch after a nice bike ride. They tell me it's mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.
  7. I've got two fake knees, two fake hips, two back repairs, one shoulder repair. Getting close to Steve Austin. Then good news is all those fixes seem to be working just fine. So you can do fine too.
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I've long been a fan of split pea and ham soup. And when I get done with a long hard bike ride, few things taste better to me than some cockeyed peas.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Quite so old chap.
  10. Anybody else ever see somebody launch a boat still tied to trailer? As in transom and bow? That was a sight. Sorry Mitch but it was a chinaman.
  11. does it make any difference?
  12. Tonight was disco night. Bee Gees and Abba. Forgive me Mr. Prine. I knew you well back in my days.
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Wings, baked potato and steamed broccoli. Done as a gentleman should.
  14. My soul can take all the soothing it can get these days.
  15. Terrierman


    Man I was wishing today for the time that the big topic of the day was what kind of sunglasses to buy. From a guy who wears Costa Blokes. šŸ˜Ž
  16. OK maybe later. Right now we're listening to Alexa play some music.
  17. Tell me how to silence Joe Rogan and then fine. šŸ˜Ž I mean just look at his facial expression and then try to get me to listen
  18. I don't listen to Joe Rogan even in normal times.
  19. It's really not cool. It's dangerous for people around him and especially so for health care providers.
  20. I watched a guy sink his truck many years ago in Truman Lake. Lived in St. Charles at the time. One day on the way to work in St.Louis I saw that same truck with a window sticker that read: "I survived Truman Lake". Remember it like yesterday. Guy was standing on top of his sunk truck hollering "Get somebody! Get somebody!"
  21. We're not smarter than evolution for certain. We do know how to manipulate it though, right??? Edit: Evolution is not smart. But it is patient and persistent.
  22. You could hardly be more wrong. Take every step you can to reduce risks is the only smart move.
  23. Hopefully it's something else.
  24. Good advice.
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