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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Somebody please tell me the pivot to focus on drug trade and some mysterious threat in Iraq being now the Presidential Priority is what we need right now. GMAFB.
  2. What did you say anyway? I liked it even in the dark.
  3. It's on board USN ships too.
  4. I don't think we are all going to get it. Large numbers of the country, yes. Hermits like me and you, hopefully not. You would be hard pressed to convince me that with the measures we are taking and will continue to take, lovey or I are likely to become infected. I knew (hoped) one bright shining day that degree in Environmental Health would pay off. Lifelong habit of washing hands before touching anything - body part or otherwise has finally come home. New to many, same thing for me.
  5. You would never have survived USMC boot camp.
  6. One thing we have going for us over a lot of other places is how easy it really is for us to watch it. We're not stacked on each other in piles and piles. If we all work together this can be handled where we live.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Very nice work sir!
  8. Wishing everyone the best.
  9. I just had a terrible chill. Big strikes at Amazon and Whole Foods over worker safety. Our stores here are almost back to normal with a few exceptions, i.e. paper goods, wipes and hand soap. I'm now wondering how long that will last. Chill part II. MCRD Parris Island is suspending new recruits - and appears to also be in real trouble.
  10. Hard to imagine having to deal with that. Sorry.
  11. Need I say more?
  12. First post. Sometimes I wonder. Other times I know. This time I know.
  13. They're off work. Why not get outdoors?
  14. Clowns. No pictures for good reason.
  15. 2 was plenty for moi. At age 25 no less!
  16. This is not the zombie apocalypse. I watched a LOT of "The Walking Dead" I have a Darryl bobble head. Never once, not one time did anyone ever mow the lawn. Yesterday and today, that's pretty much all I saw and even did today. So take heart. This too shall pass.
  17. They have these things now called squads. And even platoons, companies and battalions. Some of them even have mortars. And artillery! And if you're on our side, (or the russians) air support.
  18. Quite so!
  19. I wish I could get a job being a 650 yard target shooter.
  20. Can't say we've found anything yet.
  21. None in my yard spot just yet.
  22. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We're having tuna casserole tonight. With peas of course. And crumbled sour cream/green onion potato chips on top. A true classic if ever there was one.
  23. People are on the river everywhere up here.
  24. That was a long time ago. Just how old are you anyways?
  25. I like it too, find it to be zen like when I'm in actual more or less bike shape. I think being able to do 20 miles comfortably is where I'd like to be at the end of summer. But yeah fishing is better. Just harder to get to happen.
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