No you. I'll split the America's funniest videos winnings with you. I'll be taking the video from inside the truck, just so you know.
Fleetwood pest control will be here later this afternoon. I will actually video that project. If it's any good, I'll share.
Don't most of the missionary groups provide things like food, basic medical care and the like? I can get behind that. But if it's just talk talk not so much.
If it was bass fishing on Beaver he'd be all over it. He's starting to remind me of wrench with I just can't it's too far and honest, I just can't it's too hard.
Which translates to: No way, there's only two or three people I kind of like and they're all bass fishing. Nope.😎😈
Horse Creek to Galena is a decent float. Plenty of fishable water and an easy fun day. Good accesses and as short of a shuttle on all paved roads as there is.
Once upon a time there was a big tree hung up in it. Wiped everything above the gunwales into the bottom of the boat, including the sonar unit. And made me drink whiskey.