The only correct response to this is sharpen that axe. Few things worse than a dull cutting tool be it axe, machete, loppers, knife, name it. Dull tools are dangerous.
AND I have a flatbed trailer that will haul multi boats.
The James does have some decent fish. These were earlier this year.
Anybody that hasn't floated the James .... You owe it to yourself. Back in the day, it was THE float stream in the Ozarks.
I woke up to two coons in my bedroom last week helping themselves to the cat food. We leave the window open so she can come and go as she pleases. They weren't in any hurry to leave either. Had to go get a mop to chase them out.
This may or may not be germane. But. I recently read some well documented research on how to avoid dementia and the related issues. It's easy. two times a week, as aggressive aerobic exercise as you can handle for 30 minutes. Doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it hard.
My prejudice against the flavor of Channel Catfish has nothing to do with what I've been told. It has everything to do with that fatty fishy ick taste that anything much bigger than a fiddler channel seems to have more often than not.
Blues and flatheads, cleaned correctly are just plain better.
40 years ago they used aerial photos and a planimeter. And yes they were accurate. And I trust the world is indeed round, appearance from a canoe notwithstanding.