Soak them an hour or so in yellow mustard before cooking. No rinse, just cornmeal mix on the mustard and then in the hot oil. That's how Harold Ensley would cook them.
I've done it too and it helps.
I have no pics or measurement of the fish or even the year I caught it. But it was on the Niangua somewhere above Bennett. Butch (God Rest His Soul) and I put in for a three day two night float. First night there was a big rain and the river came up about four feet. We had to move up the bank in the middle of the night. Headed on down the next morning on a big muddy river. I fished a metal lip cray crankbait when I could. Caught the biggest SMB I've ever had on. Remember the date, it was the day before black bass opened on the rivers. Released the by far and away the largest SMB I had ever caught then or since. Backing up on the calendar, the year was probably 1979 or maybe 1980. We went home a day early. Good memory. Thanks for the thread.
Yes, there are rivers and creeks you are missing. That is unless you have fished every river and creek in Missouri that is south of Interstate 44. Basically what Gavin said.
They are really big and really scary looking. I collected one for my H.S. Biology insect collection (what a memory!). They can have all the cicadas they want if you ask me.
I drove a motorboat over Highway 71 a few miles north of Nevada during that flood. Trees were full of ants and mice and anything that didn't have gills. So were the exposed parts - if any - of barns, houses and anything above water. Had a souvenier pecan for a lot of years until the boy knocked it off the mantle and vacuumed it up. Lived in Holts Summit at the time and officed in Jefferson City. That washout of Highway 54 on the Callaway side of the river was a major pain.
My kitchen has smelled like a pickle factory - multi types of course-, a salsa factory, a tomato cannery, and a spaghetti sauce factory multi times over the last six weeks or so. Right now it smells like a tomato relish factory. What fun.