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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Why do you want to talk about what will never ever happen? As fishinwrench has said in another thread: pass
  2. Be a heck of a good start. Their firearms homicide rate per 100,000 people is a small fraction of what it is here in the U.S.
  3. What dude from Lake Ozark? And I personally have no problem with entrapment of poachers and illegal wildlife traffickers. I stand zero chance of getting caught in that sting.
  4. I only bring up Sandy Hook as evidence of the country's unwillingness to do anything at all to deal with gun violence. Surely if there were ever an outrage that could have tipped the argument, that one was it. And nothing happened. I submit that means nothing ever will. The debate is over.
  5. I don't think you really want to know. It would be what many would call draconian and resemble what Australia did.
  6. And nothing has been done since to deal with that sad situation (guns in a home with mentally ill. What could possibly go wrong?). Which was and remains my point. NOT ONE THING. And nothing ever will be either. We will put up with madness and shake our heads and turn away.
  7. Sandy Hook convinced me there will never be anything done about gun control in the U.S. We will put up with anything before that. Anything.
  8. Good. Love it when poachers and wildlife traffickers get busted.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    That's a heck of a nice looking stove there Sir. It sure puts out the goods too! Wow, that looks like it was outstanding.
  10. That experience does tend to help one get over being fascinated with guns and gunplay and thinking/worrying about needing to shoot another person. It sure got me over any sort of fascination with M-16's and other military style weapons. I still have plenty of guns and used to shoot a lot. Not nearly as much anymore. And I'm hardly ever very far from a gun or two. But all the hassle of carrying one? No thank you. Just do not feel the need at all.
  11. Anecdotes =/= statistics
  12. I have a friend who has a place at Osage Bluff. He says October is best for blues.
  13. I'll pass too.
  14. Nice job Chief. Some quality fish there.
  15. That depends on what you call good vs. bad. Table Rock is very clear which indicates very good water quality. The clear water is a result of low nutrient levels limiting the amount of algae that can grow, and algae is the base of the aquatic food chain, everything on up ultimately depends on algae for food directly or indirectly. Adding nutrients will increase the amount of algae that can grow, which will ultimately increase the amount of fish the lake can produce. Of course, that's up to a point, there is definitely such a thing as water that is too nutrient rich for good fishing and good aesthetics. Table Rock's clear water is what draws a lot of people to the area. A lot of people are working very hard and spending a lot of money to keep the nutrient levels in Table Rock at or lower than where they are now. Phosphorus is the biggie. Flood waters also temporarily cause a major increase in the bacterial content of the lake water. That is definitely not good but that problem is pretty will self limiting as time, temperature, oxygen and sunlight fairly quickly naturally reduce the bacteria content back to normal. Does that help?
  16. Before it started all this rain, Mid June? The last really good trip was a 3 day deal on 11 point in May.
  17. Is brushing your lap dog some kind of dirty talk mechanic code?
  18. Nice job, all of y'all.
  19. Define lately. Also I have seen it in action, right here close. Christian County bought out Riverside Restaurant and adjoining land with FEMA money after it kept getting flooded out. The previous County Commission put up a poor excuse for a fence and a bunch of keep out signs. The property turned into a trash dump and low life party spot. I spoke with a person running for County Commission and suggested that instead of telling people to stay out and only leaving neer' do wells to use the property as they see fit, wouldn't it be smarter to put in a little gravel parking lot brush hog the place once or twice a year and make it a place where decent people would be able to use it and the Sheriff could have a chance at patrolling it. Well roll me in crackers and fry me to a golden brown if that didn't actually happen once a new County Commission got elected. Now it's a decent public access. So it's not always bad stuff that happens. Notice I didn't say meth head even once. But I admit, I was tempted.
  20. Terrierman

    N.E. Kansas

    Good pond fishing is about as fun as it gets. Color me jealous.
  21. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    The egg thingie is a Komado Joe. Another ceramic one. You are starting to see them now that are not ceramic and are much lighter weight. The ceramic is for heat retention and durability - crazy thing has a lifetime guarantee. The other big deal is they are very air tight - have a fiber gasket on the lid and on the bottom to seal out air leakage and they have a very precise damper on the bottom and also on the top. That feature allows you to precisely control temperature and is also great for a long cook. The stand is a gift from a friend. Works construction, picked up scraps from a few jobs and whipped this one up for me. The only purchased material was the 4x4 posts at the corners, four casters and the screws used to put it together. He did a great job. I've seen them priced from $500 and up at the fancy dancy BBQ specialty stores. It really is nice to have table side to the cooker. You can't see it in the pic above but there is also a bottom shelf. This photo shows the cart a little better even if it is out of focus.
  22. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    It's not green.
  23. Wrong fish kill breath.
  24. That's one effect. The other effect that we should also be seeing is more patrolling by LEO to help keep the abuse down.
  25. Finley River is back to manageable level. Wow was it ever big on Friday though! Be careful if you get on it, no telling what this water did in the way of bringing down trees.
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