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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. One thing that changed is there are a lot more people now taking fish out. Another thing that changed is what cover in the form of standing timber that was left when the lake was flooded is now for the most part, gone. Taken together, the impact is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention.
  2. You'll have to send in your resume' and an appropriate bribe donation.
  3. This thread has given me flashback nightmares to that winter I was so desperate for money to feed my young family I refereed men's rec league basketball. I have never before or since felt such fear for my safety.
  4. Green with envy here.
  5. Correct. I am, respectfully, Minister of Campaign Finance for life, Terrierman.
  6. Sorry, but you didn't read the contract did you. I can't be fired, I have to get tired of having all that money to dispense as I and I alone see fit, and resign. Or get investigated by the FBI, put in some ancient prison in New York, befriend a female prison employee, escape, not get caught and make my way to Mexico and live the life of Riley on my ill gotten gains. Either way, you can't fire me. Minister of Campaign Finance for life, Terrierman.
  7. Yes, send money to Terrierman. That is all you need to know. PM me for address.
  8. Phil, I think your rules are fine and this forum is as good as it is because of your influence.
  9. I still say heads need to roll sooner rather than later to show the organization doesn't condone the actions and won't put up with those kind of shenanigans. Or maybe the organization really does condone what was going on and nobody will lose their job and maybe get a stern talking to about getting caught and next time be more careful. I really see it as one way or the other for the Cardinals organization.
  10. No no no. I am your Minister of Campaign Finance and I will be taking all contributions for your election and dispensing them as I and I alone see fit. How could you have possibly forgotten that already?
  11. Ness for POTUS. PM me for address to send contributions.
  12. Lew's speed spin is a good reel for the money. So is Pflueger President. Pflueger Patriach is lightest and smoothest freshwater reel I have ever had in my hands. Never had a Steeze or any of the really expensive reels. Do have a Daiwa Ballistic that's at the same price point as the Patriarch and while they are both really nice really smooth reels with good drags, the Patriach is litghter. Okuma Trio is a little heavier, than either the Ballistic or Patriarch with great drag and less expensive than Patriarch or Ballistic.
  13. I know Dave well enough to be certain that selling a few hundred dollars worth of heads for Ned rig is not keeping his family or his boat afloat.
  14. Whoopise my bad. Still thinking flooding on the lower river is a major concern.
  15. It's a big deal regardless of who was involved and what was done (or not done) with any information that was gained illegally or even unethically.
  16. I think it has more to do with the Arkansas River than anything else.
  17. Water clarity is an indicator of the relative fertility of a lake. Fertility directly relates to phytoplankton productivity, which in turn relates to everything on up the food chain. So that's correct, TR won't be as productive in terms of numbers or total pounds of fish than other more fertile lakes. And for what it's worth, there are MAJOR efforts being made to protect TRL from heading further up the trophic ladder. Right now it's closer to oligotrophic than mesotrophic and a long way from eutrophic. That water clarity / trophic status is a large part of why the lake is such a popular destination.
  18. Seriously hoping that the Cardinals don't wind up in the mud over this. Class organization and if there is anything to it let heads roll and put it in the history books sooner rather than later.
  19. There are a lot of people on OAF that I am 100% certain that would be better as POTUS than anyone who actually stands a chance of being elected to that position. Ness for sure. Too many others to mention them all by name and why they would be better. But no kidding there are some good - really good - people here on OAF.
  20. 48 across the bottom
  21. Not yet. Too much water and too little time so far. They are on the the playlist though, trust me on that one.
  22. You might think so but really it just makes other fishermen mad.
  23. So how did they taste?
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