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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Kids could walk to the corner or ride their bike to the pool all by themselves without somebody freaking out and calling the cops on their parents.
  2. Protected you from the Taliban and ISIS and built you a few roads.
  3. Terrierman


    Great trip. Thanks for posting.
  4. I'm of two minds about this. LEO have a job that most of us would never be able to put up with. Think about it, they deal with problems and problem people day in and day out. I would be fruit loops in less than a week. And the job is at least occasionally honest to pete dangerous. Maybe not as dangerous as managing a few guys like I do, or rebuilding boat motors like some other people do, but now and again a cop gets shot in the line of duty. I get that there are a lot of other deserving folks that don't get the publicity that LEO gets or a fireman or veteran who gets shot saving his platoon does or a lot of other stories that make good news. And that's too bad. But the fact that not everyone gets big press doesn't take away from what the person who does get the press did. Usually involves putting others first, even to the point of risking and occasionally losing your life over it. That's nothing to scoff at or belittle.
  5. did you miss the list of things that irritate wrench? It was lengthy, yet not comprehensive.
  6. This is a problem without a solution.
  7. Excellent. Congratulations. Alaska will be my second big trip after retirement.
  8. Just curious if you used to own a 15' boat and got rid of it because it was a mediocre double duty vessel or just offering an off the cuff opinion. Or tried one out and just didn't like it or what. As I indicated, I've got one and really like it a lot. Wouldn't want anything smaller for certain, but I'm in an area where I have a lot of skinny water and really like the super shallow draft.
  9. That spot should be fished out by now.
  10. You're nominated for being an immortal.
  11. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Just whatever you do, for crying tears in a bucket, do not drink any beer at this soiree'. (another word for Joe D to fret about).
  12. Whatever happened to the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me"? Never mind, it's doing fine....
  13. Aristotle's kids generation.
  14. It will be a good multi purpose boat. I have a similar Mad River, Legend 15. Perfect for what I want. Most use is solo fishing day trips. Second most is for solo overnighters - loaded to the max. Least use - tandem day trips. It works for all three. You won't be sorry about buying a Royalex boat either, it's lighter than the poly boats that are taking it's place in the canoe manufacturing world, every bit as durable if not more, and much more easily repaired if it ever comes to that. Skid plates on the bow and stern also stick without any need for special preparation (i.e. partially melting the boat to get the glue to stick). GO for it.
  15. Great to hear. We are coming to Stockton this weekend with the same set up and intentions! Going to camp at Mutton Creek. If I can get the grandkids on something like that I will become one step closer to being one of the immortals.
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Follow up to the smoked pickled eggs subject. Those pickled onions (the artisanal ones) are really something special on a burger from the grill. Just FYI.
  17. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    That's really weird but it takes all kinds.
  18. The Meyer Center is on South National in Springfield. 417 269 3282.
  19. The Meyer Center (Cox Health) is having a beginner Kayak class in their pool if that's the kind of thing you are interested in.
  20. Young people have been taking the world to hell on a bobsled since the days of Aristotle.
  21. you are not the average guy. kudos de maximus
  22. I am hurt that nobody was worried about me wacky rigging Jason. Or through the lips.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    PM me. The onion was incredible. Tasted like really good French Onion Soup.
  24. Good advice. RIP Richard, stay after them.
  25. Me: "I went fishing with my buddy Jason last week, caught a nice one with him." Bill: "Wacky rigged or just through the lips?"
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