I'm of two minds about this. LEO have a job that most of us would never be able to put up with. Think about it, they deal with problems and problem people day in and day out. I would be fruit loops in less than a week. And the job is at least occasionally honest to pete dangerous. Maybe not as dangerous as managing a few guys like I do, or rebuilding boat motors like some other people do, but now and again a cop gets shot in the line of duty. I get that there are a lot of other deserving folks that don't get the publicity that LEO gets or a fireman or veteran who gets shot saving his platoon does or a lot of other stories that make good news. And that's too bad. But the fact that not everyone gets big press doesn't take away from what the person who does get the press did. Usually involves putting others first, even to the point of risking and occasionally losing your life over it. That's nothing to scoff at or belittle.