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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Count me in as a strong probably. It will be a month after my second TKR and if it goes as well as the first one is I'll be faunching at the bit to get out for a while. If I come I will bring my boat.
  2. Spot on.
  3. 100% correct on all counts, especially the boogieman part.
  4. Oysters are my fave too, even ahead of the vaunted morel.
  5. Terrierman


    Just don't shoot him, that only makes him mad.
  6. Those are a whole lot cleaner than the USMC terminology.
  7. Here is a guaranteed recipe to catch trout in Taneycomo from shore or dock. 1. Use quality 2 lb test mono on a light or ultra light spinning rig. 2. Use a quality # 10 salmon hook. Gamakatsu = best 3. Use a 1/8 oz bell sinker with a small split shot about 18" above the hook. The bell sinker goes above the split shot. This will let the bait float up a bit from the bottom. 4. Use some multi color Berkeley power bait paste and make a ball of it that just completely covers the hook. Or use a power egg, pink, or white or one of each. Again, just hide the hook 5. Cast 3/4 downstream. Close the bail but don't reel in line. 6. When the rig is on the bottom, tighten the line up just enough to be able to detect a bite. 7. When the rod tip starts jiggling, reel in your fish. 8. The trout will probably have it swallowed clear down to his guzzler. Bite/ cut the line and retie. 9. Repeat until you are sick of catching fish.
  8. Have you considered a guided trip? Not a smart butt remark either. It can be a good way to figure out what works and what doesn't by spending a little more money and a lot less time, which is also money.
  9. Love my solo trips. My words of wisdom are don't wait any longer, just get out there.
  10. The James does have some nice fish. Good job sir.
  11. Nice one. Incredible for one's first smallie. God job all around.
  12. I'm not into killing anything that doesn't actually need killing either. Good job.
  13. I used to wear my jungle boots until they finally gave up the ghost. Now I use flats wading booties with a pair of socks. No more gravel ever. I actually have the ones from Academy that are linked to above. Perfectly happy with them.
  14. That's the right way to live. Good to hear that most people are still good people.
  15. I like the way 4 lb. fishes way better than the heavier lines, especially in current. But I do tend to go lighter on the weight of jigs.
  16. Good question. Should be 4 or 6 lb good quality mono. 4 better IMHO.
  17. That's one reason I like the kastmaster, you can throw them a mile. Lets you stay well off the school and still get to them. And when I say burn it, I crank as fast as I can.
  18. Burn a kastmaster through them. Or a jig with a white curly tail.
  19. Nothing better than a good knockdown dragout with the wife over some minor detail of the remodel. Unless it's two of them. Seriously, good luck, it really is in a heck of a spot.
  20. LED is a good move. Vault looks like a fancy bearing buddy. I keep mine full of grease and have never had a bearing problem on a boat trailer since I started using them.
  21. Some people won't ever be good fishermen. You might be one of them.
  22. It took me a long time to learn, but anymore, whenever I am with someone who I am paying for advice, I take it. Doctor, Lawyer, Guide, you name it. I wish I had started out that way, it would have saved a lot of money, frustration and heartache over the years. Sounds like it was a good day nonetheless.
  23. Nice day. Great report.
  24. I've only floated the Osage Fork once and loved it for that exact same reason. Didn't do very well fishing though, which was probably me. Also seems like there was a lot of paddling.
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