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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Hey wait just a dadburn minute there. Are you sure those were Pool Cues and not Pot Passers?
  2. Sheepshead. 👍 Did I miss something or is redfish missing from all the lists?
  3. Did you duct tape washers to the cue for line guides?
  4. Your first three are all sunfish unless I've made a mistake. AND I note the complete absence of any saltwater fish. Whatsamatter you hey?
  5. No one that I can remember has mentioned Pollock. It's a lot like Cod. Very good for the table.
  6. Well, back before there was a Truman Lake and way before anybody could afford a boat, my best friend Butch, his dad and another buddy and I went to Warsaw a few times to snag spoonbill from the bank. It was a lot of fun for a bunch of redneck high school kids and a dad. His rod had a bathroom plunger for a cushion on the butt of the rod. I didn't know from BOO! about what made good or not so good fish fry back then. We were young and always hungry.
  7. The fish and chips places I went to in SW England let you order what kind of fish you wanted. I just always got cod. And it was for sure good.
  8. No it's snagging. You can see the fish and give a weighted hook a yank. If you're good at it you can get a nice mess of fish.
  9. I just respooled a Daiwa 1500 Exceller / 6'6" ML Falcon original with 8 lb. Suffix. Not fancy but serves me well enough. Pretty much my idea of what a medium set up should more or less be. I've also got a 6'6" ML St. Croix Premier with a President on it, also 8 lb. I'm boring. Predictably so.
  10. Nixa still has Sucker Days but they don't cook all that many suckers anymore. Grabbing is still kind of a deal down here. Finley, James, Bull Creek, Swan Creek and Beaver all have a lot of suckers and I've seen people grabbing.
  11. I always wanted one.
  12. Those were BIG drum.
  13. Thing is, I like buffalo wings. But not shark, swordfish, tilapia and most swai.
  14. Now that's ^^ a fishing trip! I want to catch a goggle eye so big nobody will believe me until I get it DNA tested. And then nine more for supper.
  15. It's not that hard to make the most of a trip to Rim, weather notwithstanding. Lovey and I are both comfortable there and so are the dogs. We were the only people there so especially easy to deal with the dogs. There have been tougher times for sure.😉 I know you are not a drinker but if you have not eaten at Rapp's, you should give it a try. It's outstanding.
  16. Nice Phil. Welcome to a great fishing site and just plain friends visiting here on the internet machine. Enjoy it, a lot of us do.
  17. I use palomar most often because it's strong and easier for me to tie than a clinch or improved clinch. But any good knot tied right and pulled up tight with a little spit to lube it is fine. No more free advice either buster. Fifty cents a question, dollar if I think you already know the answer.
  18. 1. Yes. 20 pound test line is hard to break. I have to wrap it around reel handle and pull straight back to break it. Lot of the time the hook straightens out before the line breaks. 2. Medium rods are not for panfish. 10 pound line on a decent reel is perfect for carp if I get a vote. I've seen 15 pound carp caught on 4 lb. on Taneycomo. 10 pound is plenty. Remember, you still have the MH rods spooled with 25 lb. 20 if you listen to me. 3. Your UL rods with the 4 pound line are the panfish rods. But you already know that. 4. Drag is not to be feared grasshopper. Embrace the drag. Become the drag. BE the drag Danny. 5. Bring a big net with a long handle.
  19. I'd replace the 25 pound line with 20 and the 6 with 10.
  20. Yes we did. I remember seeing that rig as we were turning on to the Buford cutoff, right before we cut off that pesky Buford.
  21. I'd forgotten Unagi. Shame on me. And you're right about a flounder. Fresh done well it's as good as good gets. Swordfish? you can have all of mine.
  22. It's hard for me to imagine anyone who fishes, catches, cleans and eats fish has never had crappie!!!!!!!
  23. Crosby was the nuts. Had his trouble with johnny law but came out more or less good. Saw him only once maybe 20 years ago. He could still sing like a Byrd at the time.
  24. Shark and swordfish are right under spoonbill. Just ahead of swai and tilapia raised in a sewer pond in SE Asia.🤢
  25. My personal all time favorites: 1. Sheepshead. Fried, grilled whatever. 2. Bluegill - fileted or gutted and scaled fried whole. 3. Walleye filet - deep fried or grilled. 4. Grilled scaled and gutted Red Snapper. 5. Fresh grilled salmon cooked medium rare. 6. A big catfish - blue or flathead - cleaned right, cut into fish fingers and flash fried. 7. Crappie filets, pan fried whole. 8. A small deep pan fried whole catfish, bullhead or channel or whatever. Has to fit in a deep frying pan. 9. Fish sticks from Dollar General.
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