No decorations but I did go to a fair amount of trouble to rehab the hen house that was a wedding present when Lovey and I got hitched. Also built a new larger 12'x24' predator resistant pen that will be easy to maintain. I've had more than my share of predator troubles with the birds but I do believe I have that taken care of now.
The big dark bird is the bossy hen that has tried the rooster a couple of times - she tries to crow too but she's not very good at that either. The hen in the corner is a very pretty Speckled Sussex. The rooster is a fine-looking example of a Rhode Island red. There are also 4 RIR hens. All the birds are very friendly and have it figured out where food comes from. They follow us around the yard whenever we're out. Our dogs are good with them too.
Still getting eggs every day, usually three, sometimes two, sometimes four.