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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Nobody has permission to take another picture of me again ever.
  2. I'll be your milk drinking buddy with some of that cake.
  3. I'm bringing cast iron for morning backstrap and a second one for hashbrowns.
  4. I hope you guys are hungry for chili. Les's recipe makes a big Dutch oven full. Think it might be OK by Friday after a day or two to meld.
  5. They're easily rotated .
  6. Which house is Cedar Gables? Closest to Miles house?
  7. Thanks for the reminder on the license. I always do the annual and just hit the auto renew button to help with the old and getting older memory bank.
  8. I'm fine with wherever. $150 seems pretty reasonable to me. People do need to remember that Miles doesn't do credit cards, cash or check is good, or at least that's the way it used to be.
  9. We've got chicks coming in February. Three Splash Ameracaunas, one Buff Orpington, one Light Brahma and one Barred Rock. I like some variety in my yard birds. I'm getting them from the place where oneshot got the ones that died on him. So who knows how many will actually make it. They'll be started here indoors in a wading pool with pine shavings for bedding and a heat lamp. They'll have as good a chance as I know how to give them.
  10. No decorations but I did go to a fair amount of trouble to rehab the hen house that was a wedding present when Lovey and I got hitched. Also built a new larger 12'x24' predator resistant pen that will be easy to maintain. I've had more than my share of predator troubles with the birds but I do believe I have that taken care of now. The big dark bird is the bossy hen that has tried the rooster a couple of times - she tries to crow too but she's not very good at that either. The hen in the corner is a very pretty Speckled Sussex. The rooster is a fine-looking example of a Rhode Island red. There are also 4 RIR hens. All the birds are very friendly and have it figured out where food comes from. They follow us around the yard whenever we're out. Our dogs are good with them too. Still getting eggs every day, usually three, sometimes two, sometimes four.
  11. I keep chickens for eggs and fun. They're a PITA to butcher, I'll just buy my chicken to eat in the store.
  12. Eric and Christine are supposed to be there sometime, not sure when.
  13. You can fish most of that river with a boat like that as long as you pay attention and keep your head screwed on straight. Not run through shoals but there's a lot of river to fish.
  14. Everything he says is subject to change depending on the day. Still, he's fun to have around, keeps the forum imagination vivid.
  15. Duane is a great hunter, fisherman, guide and lure maker. But there are other parts of his life that tell the rest of the story about what kind of a man he really is. Proud to know him even just a little bit.
  16. That's one of the dumbest moves a person can make. Especially if there really is someone/something going on outside.
  17. I just looked at the weather forecast again. Still reasonable temperatures but some showers in store now.
  18. That's too cheap IMHO. A strip of kevlar fabric and some more good epoxy would have that boat as good as or better than new.
  19. Honesty compels me to admit the time that Jack Daniels and Peppermint Schnapps got me lost in my own bathroom. We won't be talking about anybody peeing in the hamper then either. In my defense, it happened a long time ago.
  20. I want to grill fish that Cody brings any night.
  21. What'll you take for a few of those vintage jigs?
  22. We're staying at Riley's Station just like every proper - no, wait - every Jig fest ever. Looking forward to seeing you and the other usual suspects.
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