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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I'm not much of a praying man but whatever wanting good outcomes for you is worth, you at least have that.
  2. I can fish two plus myself. Michael is planning on fishing with me Thursday and Friday. After that who knows.
  3. Bends and thrusts from now on. Ready. Begin. Never for me on a flight deck but definitely in the well deck. Not bivvied but living in the bowels of the USS Denver.
  4. Lovey just mentioned a pineapple upside down bundt cake.😎
  5. There is a difference between lost on a piece of land you know and lost on a piece of ocean that no man truly knows. There are so many incredible stories of men lost at sea who still somehow made it. I do not want to learn the difference first hand. When I was USMC on ship in the South China Sea, we told the sailors they all signed up for a hitch in prison, with a chance of drowning.
  6. It's that place we got rained on.
  7. No wind just makes it worse.
  8. Bass Pro Guidewear Bibs and Jacket for me. With appropriate layering I just don't get cold - except for my feet if it's brutal. Gore Tex with tough outer layer is the key.
  9. I was reading on another website and this thought came up. Have you ever been lost in any of your outdoor adventures? It's only happened to me once and it was quite a while ago - back in the 1970's. I used to night hunt with hounds and was out one night with one of my usual hunting partners. Right across the road from his house was a full section with not a house or barn or other structure on it. Mostly wooded with a few open spots scattered around. We hunted it a lot - rabbits with beagles, quail with an English Setter and a Pointer, squirrels with a .22. So we knew that section very well. The night we got lost we were coon hunting there, following dogs, listening to the two of them when they would open and nipping now and then on some blackberry brandy. It started snowing and we were excited as we thought it would only help. It got to snowing harder and then really hard. At least 4 inches on the ground when we decided we might call it a night and go back to the house. Just one problem. We had zero idea where we were on that section or any idea what direction the house was. We walked around a bit to try to get our bearings but we were both still as bewildered as ever. Finally decided we needed to walk a straight line in one direction and eventually get to a road. We did that and got to a road where we could finally tell where we were. We were on the opposite side of the section from where the house was. So we had a good long walk in the snowy dark with plenty of time to talk about how weird it was to get so lost so close to home. I don't remember getting anything that night other than lost and eventually found. Anything similar to this ever happen to any of you?
  10. I've got Les's cowboy caviar recipe so it will be there too. Have any idea where I can find a 50 pound bag of Fritos Scoops?
  11. I'd rather stay in and visit. You always bring good stuff so that's my vote.
  12. Lovey wanted me to do one of those deals so I did. Found out that I have a bunch of distant relatives that I've never heard of. Fascinating I tell you.
  13. I'm going with feral hog.
  14. I have five rods out and ready for action. 6'6" MLF St. Croix Premier had a 2019 Ducky Doty Bait on it. It's still there but tied to fresh line. What a nice bonus find.
  15. Brett and Cody are usually pretty good at that.
  16. Extended forecast is good. Temps in the 40's maybe a little patchy rain on Saturday. At least the boats won't be frozen to the trailers.
  17. Let's try and figure out where rps got sick and go there. Or I'm bringing backstraps for a breakfast which we could easily switch to Thursday dinner.
  18. There was a fire at the National Archives vet records center in St. Louis in 1973 that destroyed a LOT of records there. We recently tried to get my father's WWII records but nope, up in smoke. We know he was in the Army Air Corps and believe he flew on B-24 as navigator/bombardier. But it would have been nice to see when and with what units. My folks were divorced when I was young and there was basically no contact after that. So there is very little to go on. There is a flight jacket still around somewhere but not in my possession. My mother was in the Navy in WWII. All we could get from the archives was a copy of her separation papers.
  19. I lived in what was Frank James house in Nevada. Lovey was talking to someone at an antique store the other day who told her the James boys grandmother lived where we live now. Our house was built in 1900 so if there is any truth to it, had to be a different and older house.
  20. Half the fun of driving around out in the country is wondering where you're going.
  21. Go down proud and crowing like you know how Oneshot. Don't let these guys freak you out.
  22. I think I may have gotten to the root of this problem. Oneshot has totally knuckled under to you know who. I am dismayed. We've got a big bossy hen that now and again tries the rooster. Doesn't go that well for her. Oneshot, take note.
  23. Bribe him. With some of that weed you've been growing.
  24. how to hijack a camera - Search (bing.com)
  25. Get a spare key made at Lowes while you're with a guy going fishing. He'll never squeal, even if she waterboards him.
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