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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I've actually been ice fishing and would like to take this opportunity to register my disappointment. All we did was fish.
  2. Statute of limitations ran out a long time ago. Comment stands.😇
  3. If I was to run from the law, I'd rather be in almost anything other than a bread truck. Your judgement in getaway vehicles needs work. Also, just for the record, in case you forgot - pictures, or it didn't happen. And also for the record, I used to live in Frank James' house in Nevada, MO. Course he was dead at the time. So it wasn't really his anymore. But it used to be. Can't help it, it's just part of my outlaw history from back when I was younger. Not the gang, just my age. Frank and Jesse were both real nice guys too. Unless you objected to getting robbed or shot or such.
  4. Tell us about that time you were a boxer but Ali wouldn't fight you because he was afraid of what might happen if you got mad.
  5. You just can't win.
  6. My Mom was in the Navy, but I haven't spent my life on ship.
  7. Sure is an interesting life you lead there oneshot. You've had enough run ins to last twenty people's lifetimes.
  8. We inoculated two logs with shitake spores two years ago. Still nothing.☹️
  9. Anybody that wants a gun already has one. But the next thing you know it'll be Wrench's snapper and that's just not going to flush.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    The Harter House in Springfield on Republic Road had it at the meat counter. They've got a pretty wide selection of deli meats there. Had them slice some head cheese at the same time I got the bologna. It's good but not even close to the Lebanon Bologna. It's nothing like any bologna I've ever had. More of a salami texture with a flavor like a mild summer sausage that's a little smokey. Really good. Definitely not overpowered by my sandwich fixin's. I'd never heard of it 'til reading something Johnsfolly wrote about it. I'll get some more one of these days.
  11. To each his own I guess. We live in the country too. When it's dark out the doors are always locked. Safer for everybody that way.
  12. Did he have a key?
  13. I'm going to do you a favor and not tell Lovey you said that.😵
  14. 1. Probably you're right. As long as that conversation happens outside, we're good. On the other hand, though rare, homes have been broken into with bad results. My whole point is how do you know? Don't think there IS a way to tell the future, as much as we would like to think we know what's going to happen. With anything, not just this subject. 2. Just one dog? Wouldn't seven be better? 3. Anybody that comes in my house uninvited while I am there has kicked in a locked door. That's not a great start to a friendly relationship.
  15. As long as they're satisfied with stuff, I'm 100% there. Not shooting anybody over stuff. The problem is, once someone comes through your door uninvited, how do you know what's to come?
  16. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    A Lebanon Bologna sandwich on whole wheat with sliced vidalia, yellow mustard and mayo. That is some seriously good bologna.
  17. This is from 1986. It's a really good summary that's still accurate in general terms. report.pdf (usgs.gov)
  18. I worked for the City of Nevada at the then new WWTP out on the West edge of town. There was a study going on back then to possibly dam Big Drywood and create a reservoir for surface water supply. Turned out to be a no go due to poor water quality related to old coal mining activity in the drainage. That part of Missouri is just difficult to get a decent water supply. Not like down here where you can punch a hole 500 feet deep and have as much really good well water as you want.
  19. Yeah, RO takes out almost everything. Thing is it's expensive so there is some raw water blended back in.
  20. And that Nevada water was very corrosive too. Not only smelled and tasted bad, now we know it also had well over the maximum allowable level of several radioactive contaminants. It's a miracle we made it this far. I seem to recall MoPub paying every year to have houses painted that were across the street from the old aerators. That water was hard on stuff.
  21. Tungsten is almost twice as dense as lead. Time for tungsten pellets for the air rifles crowd.
  22. You need help with one of the best lines in one of the best movies ever made? I'm talking about Animal House of course. Otter to Flounder: "Hey, you f'd up. You trusted us." You trusted me. You should know better by now.
  23. Remember what the Delta brother Otter maybe? told Flounder when they made his actual brother's Lincoln a little bit of a mess? It might apply here.
  24. Have you ever eaten the tail? Supposedly they are good but I've never tried it.
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