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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Katy Perry bra snap.
  2. No survey here. I've aged out of needing fishing permit even though I bought a lifetime hunting and fishing license about ten years or so ago. So I guess I've aged out of the survey population too. They would not like what I would have to say anyway so no big loss.
  3. My house was built in 1900. Oak framed. When I bought it the original shake shingles were there on the roof and three layers of asphalt shingles too. Roofline was and is straight as a string. No way would that be so with a pine framed set of rafters. Oak is a PITA to deal with in a lot of ways. But for strength, there's an old saying about being as strong as an oak. It's true.
  4. When you go that way again, Mesa Verde should be on your do not miss list. You can see a long way from up on the higher places there. What amazes me is how the environment and population changed there. The greatest vanishing act in prehistoric America | Nature
  5. My Goodness. Mr. Ness, you covered in one thread many of my favorite spots in the USA. What a great read and wonderful photos that are the stuff of good dreams. We are particularly fond of Northern New Mexico and the surrounding areas. Arizona is quite something too. How on earth did you miss Petrified Forest and The Painted Desert on your trip? Colorado is so spectacular too. But Kansas. So many think it is boring country. Not me. I think and wonder of how it was when it was the frontier. So vast. Great thread sir. Great.
  6. Is this your Earl Scheib paintjob? OK, $30.00.
  7. Restored, that thing is worth 3 to 5 K$. As is, I am upping my offer to $25.00 and I will come get it.
  8. I know for a fact gunwale repairs are available. Check the youtube. One rib is not a big thing either. Might be best to just strip the canvas and replace. I'm betting some Old Town collector would give wrench's left nut for that boat just as it is. Maybe some parts from wrench's uncle oneshot too. I'll give you $20 for it right now.
  9. When's the last time you went to an eye doctor?
  10. I wondered about that flex seal comment too. What's wrong with it that needs restoring? Ribs and gunwales look good in the photo. Thwarts are an easy fix.
  11. Springfield has several very good sushi places. My favorites are Sakura and Niji.
  12. I thank him for making public health a political test.
  13. It's not as hard as fixing boat motors or growing blackberries.😇
  14. CRISPR technology to cure sickle cell disease -- ScienceDaily A Massive New Gene Editing Project Is Out to Crush Alzheimer’s (singularityhub.com) It's an amazing time. If you're interested there's a very good book that goes back and covers the basic research that's led us to what's happening now. It's about Jennifer Doudna and her associates and their discoveries. "The Code Breaker", it's highly recommended by me and a lot of others who are much smarter than me. The things they were able to do are nothing short of astounding.
  15. What's her theory on raising blackberries?🤓
  16. You'd have to be a molecular biology research scientist for that to happen and we all know what the chances of that are.
  17. If you really want to get your mind twisted about what modern medicine is up to, read about Crispr and treatments for things like sickle cell. Alzheimer's is probably next up (or at least not that far off) for a no joke cure. They've figured out how to make and inject billions of nano particles carrying a gene cutting mRNA sequence that actually seeks out and disables the faulty DNA in cells that cause these diseases. Sounds like science fiction but it's not. They started out modifying cells and injecting them but there are parts of the body that are very difficult to extract cells from. Thus the nano particle effort. And it freaking works!
  18. Wrong. FAQs About Insurance Claims Amid Coronavirus Pandemic (aarp.org)
  19. And from what I heard down at the bar, pretty right too.
  20. These freaks want a vaccine that's 100% effective or it's worthless. As for me, I want a boat mechanic that's 100% effective, and some old goat that's right all the time too.
  21. Man you can always be counted on to be full of BS with no backup other than it's what I heard.
  22. Links?
  23. Gotmuddy makes great ceviche at jigfest with what he's caught. Saltwater fish I believe. I've made walleye ceviche and it was good too.
  24. My drum eating experience was not positive. Rubbery texture. And I'm funny, one bad experience and I'm done from here on out with whatever it was. Don't ask me about eating Fuddrucker's hamburger. A really ugly story.
  25. I like them all but they're more a special treat than what's for dinner (most of the time).
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