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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Fiddling while Rome burns comes to mind. Packing the courts with partisan judges comes to mind. Normalizing the absurd comes to mind. Embarrassing me for living in a country that elected him comes to mind. Normalizing racism and divisiveness at the highest levels comes to mind. Trampling the constitution comes to mind. And that fish face. It makes me want to throw up every time I see it.
  2. Benelli is not gas operated and recoil is the same as a fixed breech shotgun. I have an M1 Super 90 in 12 gauge. Recoil is about like my 870 shotguns. I'd be looking for a used 1100. I was gifted one for my 21 birthday and just recently had it cut down for lovey. She likes it a lot. Mine is the older 20 gauge 1100 built on the same receiver as the 12. Used 20 gauge 1100 should not be hard to find either. And they are hard to wear out!
  3. They all fit well inside my guideline of live beneath your means. Paying cash for what you buy and being debt free changes your life.
  4. All good advice.
  5. Your 12 ga. 1187 with mild 2 3/4" loads will have a lot less felt recoil than a 20 ga.870 shooting equivalent loads. Due to weight and the recoil mitigation of the 1187 action. My recommendation is keep the 1187 and invest in a good recoil pad. Limbsaver has a very good reputation. A padded shooting jacket is another thought. If you're sold on a 20 ga. then get another semi-auto.
  6. I don't know what that means.
  7. I cannot imagine how any fund manager wants to buy anything right now. I'm manager of a small fund (my IRA) and I am 99% on the sidelines husbanding cash and cash equivalents. There will probably be opportunities later. Whoever comes up with a vaccine, treatment, PPE manufacturing, sustainable food production, sustainable transportation seem to be likely candidates. If they are even publicly traded. Don't be fooled by any of the indexes up or down. Volume /number of shares bought and sold is totally in the tank. Hide and watch is more or less the deal these days.
  8. I'm of a mind that the real economic meltdown is yet to come. I hope I'm wrong. Printing more money is no long term solution.
  9. I carry a bar of Lava soap and some Dawn detergent in my boats. And hand towels. A wet hand towel really helps with handling fish.
  10. Forrest is for the dog yards that I can't get the Dixon through the gates. 52" ZTR. I'd pay money to ride it. It's called "The Wild Mouse" in honor of the old roller coaster down by Lee Mace's Ozark Opry. I day drink while I'm mowing. Good times.
  11. Like Old Forrest here? 14.5 HP OHV Briggs with cast iron cylinder sleeve. It's electric start with manual backup. Runs like a top. Sorry, ole Forrest just ain't for sale. I don't think I can wear it out. But I'll just keep trying .
  12. https://www.marketplace.org/2018/11/13/what-did-america-buy-auto-bailout-and-was-it-worth-it/
  13. Peanuts compared to what's going on now. And it's nowhere close to the end or I'll eat my hat. Bailouts, properly structured (i.e. loans not giveaways) are needed to keep the wheels turning.
  14. Have you considered loaning her one of your shotguns?
  15. Even worse 4:00 on Friday.
  16. You know already what I think of your abilities. And you darn well know you have my support in everything you do. How many people will you be responsible for? Because that's what it will boil down to. All of their problems will be your problem too. All of their successes will be your successes. What you do personally will shrink in importance to what your group does. Two things I learned over my lifetime of running people. Make your expectations as clear as you possibly can and stick with them. The other is one bad apple really can spoil the whole barrel. If you have a bad feeling about someone, the rest of your team probably does too. Don't hesitate to act when that comes up - and it will. Finally some real words to live by, especially as a manager. Davy Crockett's not mine "Be sure you're right. Then go ahead." You'll do well pilgrim. My very best to you.
  17. How about from now on. I never said I want them to work you like a government mule. Just enough so you guys all get another nice profit sharing check.
  18. I'm just trying to change the subject from guns to something that really matters. I want you to work. I want everybody who needs to work to be able to work. I want the stock market to take off like dear leader says it will. I care man. I care.
  19. I think Donald Trump wants to kill us all. Why else would he ignore all the warnings in his intelligence briefings books and lie to us over and over.? He can read, correct?
  20. Between a 1654 Tracker and a 1648 Shawnee for your wants I would go with the Tracker.
  21. There was a pitch fit.
  22. So who's looking forward to going back to work?
  23. 😎 True. Most guns in the hands of civilians these days are just toys.
  24. That was uncle twoshot. That's how he became uncle onehand.
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