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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. That or find a HIPO who fishes and will help a brother out. It worked out OK for me one time like that. Or pay an attorney. There is always a way. Sometimes but not always it means $$$.
  2. Ask your attorney.
  3. That's a sword that cuts both ways.
  4. Pretty bad.
  5. Not the same kind of scenery, but predictably good water and fishing. NFS campsites accessible only by river are very handy indeed.
  6. I just really enjoyed this. Hope a few of you do too.
  7. 26 forecast for Monday morning. How do you like me now?
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I do not eat tilapia.
  9. Believe it or not, lake water quality is a complicated issue. The science is expensive, never complete and as always in our world, there are competing interests. Plus it's really easy to hate on regulators and regulations that cost money with results that may not be easily quantifiable. There are a lot of people working very hard to protect our SWMO waters. Water quality protection has been my life's work. Two things worry me the most. Ever increasing population and the inevitable pressures people put on water. And politicians who are more interested in getting elected the next time up than doing the right thing. IMHO, the higher up the ladder you go, the bigger the latter problem becomes.
  10. Table Rock Lake is on the 303 (d) impaired waters list due to nutrients causing plant growth and eutrophication. Chlorophyll a, Nitrogen and eutrophication indicators are all listed. The effect is to make it practically impossible to get a new or larger capacity NPDES permit on TRL. No additional loading is allowed. https://dnr.mo.gov/env/wpp/waterquality/303d/docs/2018-303d-list-cwc-approved-1-4-2018.pdf
  11. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Green beans and new potatoes seasoned with bacon and onion. Peanut butter and apricot jam sandwich on whole wheat toast. Glass of cold milk and Cardinals mashing the Reds. Not that bad for a medium stormy April evening.
  12. I hear it all the time. It's not a perfect solution so why bother. Perfect should never be the enemy of good. Or especially better.
  13. I don't think bass are so instantly adaptable as a population as to change their feeding habits due to a recent pressure. No species is. Fishermen on the other hand probably are capable of learning to chase and catch fish now where previously they had no idea a significant population lived, fed, and could be caught. This from a guy who remembers when electronics had a dial, flashing red lights to show bottom and structure fishing was revolutionary.
  14. I like real martinis too. 10-4 on shaken. That's how they get really cold. The martini glass has to be chilled too. The cocktail that a dash of bitters really improves is an honest to pete margarita. All honest to pete margaritas are made with either Cointreau or Grand Marnier. Not triple sec.
  15. You can. Just put the return address of who you want to get the mail and drop it in the box no stamp required. They might have to pay but that's beside the point. It works too. One year I sent brother in law one of those sample Christmas cards they send to advertise personalized cards. The note inside mentioned that it had been a little tight lately and I hoped he understood that we needed to cut back wherever we could.
  16. Golly! That right there was a real fishing trip!
  17. $2.05 here and $2.05 there and pretty soon you are talking about real money.
  18. I think I'll just call Sara tomorrow and cut out all of the middlemen.
  19. OMG this has turned into a deal. She is taking the t-shirt in the envelope it came in to the post office tomorrow. To see what postage should have been. You do not want to mess with Lovey.
  20. I have trouble with pictures. On the front it has a pic of a spoonie and text that says I caught a Missouri paddlefish. On the back it has MDC logo and says Discover Nature. It's heather gray and really is a good quality t-shirt.
  21. Uh. Oh. She is on the e-mail machine.
  22. I have never had an issue with any St. Croix rod. They remain my favorite. Got grandsons two Temple Fork spinning rods. They like them a lot, and they are both good fishermen. I have two Lightnin' Rods that still get used now and again. One is a darn good crappie jig rod.
  23. Post office told her it was a frequent thing. Seems to be a late effort to control paddlefish budget issues,
  24. Ok. So I caught a spoonbill that had a tag in the jaw. Me being a good citizen and all, I called it in. They told me I could have a free T-shirt and they would send me a letter with the details about the fish. Size, where tagged and released, when, all that cool stuff. Gave them the address and T-shirt size and pretty much forgot about it. Yesterday there was an envelope in the mailbox that said we got something with $2.05 postage due. Neither Lovey or I had a clue. So she went to the post office today. Got a T-shirt from MDC mailed with $2.05 postage due. So. Should she send them a bill for mileage and the $2.05? I mean free should mean free, right? Come on man....
  25. It's been COLD. Probably late in May this year. Potatoes have been in the ground nearly a month and they're not up. Peas same same. Everything else is doing OK. Still no asparagus showing but it will.
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