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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I dislocated my left hip three times between December and May. Just saw a consolidated bill for the last two and the re-replacement. Just a shade over $96,000 including two ambulance rides. Medicare and a supplement got me an out of pocket of $287. I do pay a monthly premium on the supplement of $233.07. Pretty good deal if you ask me. BUT I DID PAY A LOT OF $$$ INTO MEDICARE WHILE I WAS WORKING. System works people. It works.
  2. I wonder if ness got cut or something with his now dangerously sharp knives. Sometimes a long silence on such an interesting topic carries hidden meaning. ??????
  3. Buffalo Ribs are something. There was a place outside Jeff City that had them for a Friday special. Better get there early as they would always run out.
  4. I've been in a few places on big rivers that served fried carp. Sized to be fried whole. It's good.
  5. AND I've been in the redfish spots at the right time and said Drum? For Real? For money? Nope, not me. Let's catch something good to eat.
  6. Good looking beans old man.
  7. Nebraska and Iowa in big stocked and heavy fed oxbows was a real deal. SECRET recipes for doughballs. Been there as a kid and had a good and exciting time.
  8. Jeff is your friend. Not ME after that.
  9. Getting sadder as we go.....
  10. That is the saddest thing you have ever posted.
  11. To me it's too soon for this weather. The sensor is hanging in the shade up at the shop.
  12. Terrierman


    Anything coming up yet?
  13. Daryk, sorry for the sidetrack on your thread. That canoe is dead nuts beautiful. Can't wait to see it on the water and hear about how it handles.
  14. If you recall Horace was Nash Buckingham's man servant. And that was me on the Conservation Cafe. Mostly in the waterfowling bits. Horace could have a smart mouth given the opportunity.
  15. You wouldn't remember Horace would you?
  16. Aww come on. Give it up.
  17. Welcome aboard.
  18. Brand new not even one cast 6'6" LF St. Croix premier with Pflueger President in the above mentioned event. I actually waded around looking for it. For about two minutes.
  19. I got instantly dumped from my super good Mad River a few years back on NFOW. Windy day in April, one too many casts in a riffle that took me sideways into a big wind. I could have used tertiary stability then.... because me.
  20. ^^ Way to go Griz, I'm proud of you.
  21. Pending sale @ full price after less than 24 hours on FB Marketplace. Thank you all for looking.
  22. Never figured Bill Babler for having a thin skin. But whatever. Have fun at pickleball and remember: "Illegitimi Non Carborundum"
  23. Served warm
  24. Ness - Gioias won a James Beard award if that means anything to you. When they say "salami" it's house made and unlike any other salami I've ever had. It's not particularly spicy - but the texture, flavor and the way they put together a sandwich is pretty special.
  25. Italian food is really all I miss about living in St. Charles and working downtown STL. And I DO miss it.
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