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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We also had a Honey Baked Ham on Saturday. Ham and bean soup tonight. That big hambone, a generous handful of scraps, about a cup of the gelled liquid that was in the roaster after warming and a pound of great northerns are decorating the smell of the house right now. About 90 minutes before dinner will add coarse chopped onion, carrot chips, celery and a can of diced tomatoes. The corn bread will be done the right way, in preheated cast iron frying pan.
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Family gathering here for early Christmas this weekend. I have meatballs cooking in the oven right now. two lbs ground beef, two eggs, three slices of bread broken into pieces, a medium onion finely chopped, two cloves of garlic pressed, three tablespoons of Lea and Perrins, one tablespoon of Dijon mustard, one teaspoon of Louisiana hot sauce, one tablespoon of Head Country seasoning, salt and fresh ground pepper. Mix well by hand and roll into one inch balls. Bake at 350 until browned. They will be put into the crockpot Saturday morning with a very simple and tasty sauce. Two bottles of Heinz chili sauce and 1/2 cup or so of good red wine. Saturday will be an old vine zinfandel. I'll figure something out for what to do with the rest of that bottle of wine.
  3. You worked at NASA too? Cool.
  4. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Appropos of nothing, we have a Great Pyrenees named Barry White.
  5. Is that THE red phone we've all heard so much about?
  6. No sunburn but do have a nice set of coon eyes again.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Scotch Rose'. Sounds interesting. A new twist on Bloody Mary ala Vernon County?
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    If you know what's good for you, you will stop being difficult.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Stop covering up the labels on the wine. Seriously.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Can hardly wait for what's to come.... Wondering if the scotch is still drinkable?????
  11. Phil, my regrets. Family will be here this weekend for an early Christmas. Best wishes to everyone for lots of fish to be caught and good food and fellowship enjoyed by all.
  12. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Why on God's green earth anyone would have a problem with and feel the need to insult the participants in what is in effect an interactive on-line cookbook is beyond me.
  13. Yessir, we had a pretty good time. Caught a metric ton of fish (that's a lot but I can't count very good) and really enjoyed the company. For me the best part of this thing is how good people come together for such an all around good time. Fishing, fellowship, lots of really good stories from people that are well traveled true outdoorsmen, and of course good food. Everybody puts out the effort for this deal, and it pays off. Really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Wounded One, Johnsfolly and Micropterus. I'd previously met zigjigman but only for a short while and it was good to get to know him better. Every single person who comes to this brings another perspective and another flavor to the pot. You are all a great bunch of guys, I truly enjoy spending time and talking with you all. Looking forward to the next one.
  14. If you feel like you have to, I will try my best to eat three or four pounds just to make you feel better.
  15. Is there any interest in trying to set up some mix and match of who is in what boat sometime mid days? I want to fish with as many different guys as the real world of a big river will allow. So all will know: My cell is 417 521 8287 and it does work on the river.
  16. Well then. May God bless and keep your Uncle Bo until you meet again. No hurry. I'm sure Bo will understand.
  17. I'm going to be there regardless and fishing regardless. I'm way more interested in meeting and fishing with good people than I am $10.00 worth of gas. Looking forward to this for seeing friends already made and for making new friends. Phil's site has a way of bringing that around.
  18. There will be a seat for sure. No worries.
  19. How can we have beans without cornbread?
  20. 6 to 8 ft leader on nanofil. Crazy Alberto is the knot to use between nano and mono. cannot speak to braid to nano knot. guessing nail to nail would work but alberto probably better. Though how often does one test a knot 100 yards into the spool?
  21. You need to try harder with the nanofil. Not joking. Two trips is not a fair trial. But you are right about the knot for nanofil to 4 lb P line flouroclear. The casting distance, sensitivity and hookset is what makes it worthwhile if you ask a very reluctant convert (mostly) like me. I still fish maxima on a few reels. And always keep a mono spooled reel handy in case Iose all my leaders and there's good bite happening.
  22. Last week it looked and smelled bad. Glad it's done with that program.
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I just made breakfast for supper. Link sausage, some hashbrowns and the best scrambled eggs I've had lately. Four fresh eggs from the backyard, a good bit of cilantro, two red/green onions from the market, a young bulb of bok choi, and about a tbsp. of sweet pickled jalopeno all coarse chopped and tossed into hot skillet for about 30 seconds then the eggs with some shredded jack cheese mixed in. Ready now for Turkey day tomorrow.
  24. That's going to be hard to work out ahead of time. We have a lot of seats available though. Wounded one has indicated he would fish with me but who knows when.
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