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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. We missed most of the big rains over the weekend. What we did get came nice and gentle. Soaking rains. River came up less than a foot and clarity is still good, very good condition for floating and fishing.
  2. I'm gonna buy two of them just to make you guys mad.
  3. HUGE Goggler there BTW. #jealous.
  4. Sure is fun to catch a bunch of fish. What a great trip.
  5. Do you remember the Andy Griffith show where the kid who was a mechanic was falsely accused of stealing from the garage and he hooked up a coil to the cash register? And they caught the real thieves when they were screaming? Just a hint.
  6. Some people really are moronic. These guys probably weren't technically morons as at least one of them could drive and find the river, but they surely showed moronic behaviors.
  7. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Wonder Bread toast I presume. Man, that looks really good!
  8. Terrierman


    Last night's rain didn't have much effect this afternoon. River at 125 was still rather low and clear. We're supposed to get some more rain over the weekend. So now it seems we are primed for another good rise.
  9. Well you know it has been way too long since I have been on Sugar Creek. Let's keep an eye on the weather and calendar and make it happen.
  10. I'm just not sure why it's such a big deal to a lot of people. There is no debate that it works great and helps a lot of people who otherwise would probably be totally frustrated get some hookups. It's not new, don't know anybody who said it is, other than the elaztech part anyway. We talked about that last year on the Finley. It's weird that it draws haters and supporters out of the woodwork. And while we are at it, when are we going to go fishing again? Lovey is going to be out of the country next week and I can go if the weather and water is right. Weekday preferred.
  11. Dave's heads are better but these will work. Fin and Feather (just South of Bass Pro about 5 or 6 blocks still on Campbell) will have them in bags of 50 for cheap or individual if you want to go that way. You will need to trim the weed guard some. Do get the elaztech worms, they really do work better, PBJ and Canada Craw are the only two colors you need. Technique? When you can't stand the thought of fishing any slower, fish slower.
  12. Heck of a day!
  13. You get a lot of the credit for it. Being all pissy about not liking all the threads about it and all. Starting a few on your own IIRC. Its no thing to me, but apparently you and a few others always have something negative to say about that bait.
  14. Terrierman

    Joined a CSA

    Then what will you do for yours? I got mine already.
  15. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Lovey just about killed our rooster last night for scratching around in her grandkids pumpkin patch.
  16. You've got a good eye Clay.
  17. What I said is true. There has been a LOT of research done on Table Rock Lake water quality. It's easily googled. You can learn a lot and while I've been doing this for a living for the last 40 plus years, the main thing I've learned is there are rarely simple answers to what often look like simple questions. You asked a specific question about Big Cedar Lodge wastewater treatment. And you got a factual answer.
  18. I caught a gizzard shad last Saturday trolling a #7purple tiger flicker shad right in front of Ruark Bluff. And no it was not foul hooked. I really regret not taking a picture of that one.
  19. But do get the super glue gel. And do use a jig head with a guard.
  20. Plowed ground.
  21. Those two rivers haunt my memory banks. They are incredibly beautiful, both of them.
  22. Another tomato that I've had good success with here in SWMO is Super Fantastic. Glad to see all the love for the Cherokee Purple, those ugly tomatoes are about my favorite too. A similar heirloom type is Black Prince so if you see any of those go ahead. I think it's always a good idea to have some variety. This year I went back to an old standby and planted some Better Boys, and two types that are new to me, Celebrity and Fourth of July. And of course Cherokee Purple.
  23. Big Cedar Lodge has a state of the art Sequencing Batch Reactor wastewater treatment plant. It is operating at about 60% of its rated capacity. Phosphorus is removed via chemical coagulation and post secondary treatment filtration. The effluent is disinfected with high intensity U.V. lamps. In the entire history of the operation of that facility there has not been even one instance where the treated effluent failed to meet all permitted limits.
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