Vernon myself I do not do tounaments. I got disgusted with that very very early. I do bot kep dish more than minutes except a few a year to eat.
My thing about tournaments is what all the hype has done to what was a simple sport. It is not bassball,footbsll or golf that are real sports. Fishing was pleasant low cost past time that most people could enjoy. Now days it cost you a arm and a leg to buy things that are so overpriced. It just astounds me how much people wil pay for rods, reals , boats and motors you name it because somebody has been husseling them. My neigbor across the road just paid $81,000 for a bass boat. People pay $100 easy for rods and reels. $15 for a lure is nothing. Do you really think there is that much quality in those product to make them worth it. I think it is more like keeping up appearances for most fishermen. I have been using ugly sticks since they came on the market and have never ever had one break. I had to stop because problems with my shoulders and switched to Berkly Cherrywood for lightness. I do like the smoothness of the new reels. But I also know they are to complicated and subject to a lot more failure (this I have seen first hand at a repair shop) than the old round reels To me all this is Just more abuse of the enviorment to get into your money.