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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I agree fully.
  2. I am looking forward to making a run for stripers and hybrids this evening. might be thecend of it for awhile. I just want another of those big ones.
  3. I have had thatvprovlem woth the scope slopping on My RSW. and ot does reciol prtty good for a air. About as nich as my 410 with the lighter loads.
  4. M&M. I got a whole storage cabinet fullvof stuff. Mist be over 50 bags of plastics in there. I even have a 25 worm bag of the orginal Flp tail wor,s proce on ot ws $5.99.,
  5. Thing is I am in favor of capitalism administered in a fair fashion. These days theymake their stuff in china becaise it is so cheap and push the amercan worker out of a job. Then sell ot back to then with high price pressure sales . That is not fairness. That is greed. I have said on here before I do not trust big bussiness types in any way to do the right thing. My father went down in the coal mines at the age of 5 so did his brothers. I can assure you the old song 16 tons is accurate to the letter. My mother worked as a dress factory sweat shop. In those days labor relation were conducted by thugs and at the point of a gun that was used more than a few times. Some people would just love to see a return to that type thing. Oh buy the way I do have a couple of the newer reels. Like I said.Though I see them in a repair shop. And say where is 99% of this stuff made? Not in this country thats for sure. They are not as sturdy and they are complicated to repair. Also parts are very high. Sorry but that the side of the tracks I cone from My wife comes from the same stock the common littlle people who never had it easy, I am not the scoin of some weathy familly.
  6. I donot know the specifics of my 177 RWS but it is not much lighter than a deer rifle. With a scope mounted on it I can pretty well pick off chipmunks amd squirrls at 25 to 30 ft. That Thing shoots wherecit is pointed better than any other I had. think a lot of what get out of a air rifle is what your sooting out of it. For small virmin I Really like those pellets with a BB inbedded in the end. They hit real real hard.
  7. All I know is HybiuRirs are ALL suppose to be steril. his leads yo believecif there is anything going on it wiuld have to b between white bass and stripers. I have seen plenty of Hybrid that are more syndical. what the resin is I do no know.. maybe they hust had been off their feed the past few days or got the sh--t.
  8. Well I been at this fishing stuff for 72 years and yes Ibcan blame companies it is called good old american greed.
  9. You and me both Ham.
  10. Vernon myself I do not do tounaments. I got disgusted with that very very early. I do bot kep dish more than minutes except a few a year to eat. My thing about tournaments is what all the hype has done to what was a simple sport. It is not bassball,footbsll or golf that are real sports. Fishing was pleasant low cost past time that most people could enjoy. Now days it cost you a arm and a leg to buy things that are so overpriced. It just astounds me how much people wil pay for rods, reals , boats and motors you name it because somebody has been husseling them. My neigbor across the road just paid $81,000 for a bass boat. People pay $100 easy for rods and reels. $15 for a lure is nothing. Do you really think there is that much quality in those product to make them worth it. I think it is more like keeping up appearances for most fishermen. I have been using ugly sticks since they came on the market and have never ever had one break. I had to stop because problems with my shoulders and switched to Berkly Cherrywood for lightness. I do like the smoothness of the new reels. But I also know they are to complicated and subject to a lot more failure (this I have seen first hand at a repair shop) than the old round reels To me all this is Just more abuse of the enviorment to get into your money.
  11. I think the thing with that is the shad are whatever forage they are focused on is running deeper I often catch Hybrids bouncing spoons off the bottom a foot or so. Both tHe bigger ones we caught this year were deeper and I caught 3stipers one evening about 18" that must have ben at ten ft by jerking a spoon through the water. It seems to me Hybrid fishing is compared exactly like White bass fishing. Tell you the truth they do not seem as fast to jump on anything younthrow out there that is shiny.. They can also suface with little distrubance. Nor do they move in Large groups Seem to be more spead out and groups under a dozen. at least when theyget larger Will be home to late to get at them this evening. Tomorrow I may be hauling a Plublicity photographer around the lake. I hope not during the evening..
  12. Champ 96 the ones in the picture are Hybrds. Its that numerous broken line pattern that goves them away. We have been having a good year in my neighborhood. Many betwen 14" up to 18" Plus two 27"" and 24 " But with Hybrids and strippers I have learned not to expect consistency. .One day you will get a buncn next day a couple and sometimes just one big one. Further they can frustrate people fishing for them when they bust the surface. Unlike white bass they may very well turn up their nose to anything you thow to them doing that.
  13. Wiper is another nanw for Hybrids. I am with you champ. Guesswere just to old to wrap our brain around this stuff.
  14. That is also. It is also trrue that those bussiness do not reslly care about the evviorment are fair business practices. It something like they are all fishers of fishermen. seems to me there are awful easy to catch.
  15. i belive it I seen something on that order in LOZ about a week or so when my nieghbor boated one 27" long. I brlieve it is nothing other than a Hybrid. All Hybrids are sterile. They are made by fertaliIng white bass eggs with stripper sperm. will not happen naturally. Must be the way individual fish igrow.
  16. Some f the top pros have ALWAYS gotten info through their sponsors. boat dealers and such contact. I remamber clearly on LOZ one time (and i will not mention names) that this Texas pro took off from PB2 and went straight to a tiny point back in North Buck Creek that was not mapped.spent a couple hours there in practice. Personally I would like to see only one change and that Is elimiations of Tournaments period.
  17. Sorry You giys got me on that. Hmmmmm at one time was such a limit here ????? When you get to be my age your mind sometimes picks up facts that are very old and puts it in acpresent tense. Funny my neighbor was the one mentioned to me in passing. Then sgsin he might have said something else and I interpreted it that way.
  18. The hybrids in the above picture could get you pinched. The legal take on LOZ for Hybrids is15" I have caught many. And those in no way anywhere near 15,"
  19. I am going to look it up there was something in the paper thos past spring about cables. they had drawings of what they were planning I think there were lake side cables represented
  20. Well it is not so much the prop. . But you often have your dog with you. He sees me he just might jump out of the boat and jump in mine. That could be fun. You seen what he did to ne the other day for me tying to play with him. Next thing I knew he had his front paws on my chest looking down at me. Like to knocked me off the chair. I can only imagine whst would have happened if I fell on the floor.
  21. BILLETHEAD------ Is that your cat in a tree in your photo. I have one next door that is part coon cat. However she only weights about 12lbs. I have never in my life seen a cat that can go through the trees with such ease. I think at times she must be part squirrel. Matter Of fact I think she can get up a tree faster than a squirrel. I have seen her leap from one tree to the other. Her sure footedness is amazing. She parades around on my 2" wide alumanum rails on my deck.like they are a foot wide and they are slick to boot becaise they are powder coated. Best small varment repellant we ever had around here. I have never seen her take a squirrel but they all scared to death of her
  22. I cannot help but wondervof ot os not connected to these reinforcong repaors going on
  23. My neighbor caught one 3 inches longer Last week. We take a shot at them about every evening
  24. I will not be at the lake on Sunday. We go a funeral to attend in St Charles sunday. were going to go up on Satirday to visit amy daughter and my grandkids are comin out. I will be home late Sunday and will not be on the Hybrids again until Monday evening. The one on the picture was 5.88 just shortvof 6lbs. Mybhybrd fishing budy got one over 7 1/2 week before last. 

    1. 96 CHAMP

      96 CHAMP

      well have a good trip and good luck fishing next time you get out

  25. I think the reason Wrench does not come down the gravois he he is SCARED that he might be attack.
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